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Topic: New TASER Weapons Produced For Crowd Control
warmachine's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:13 AM

lol. army you hippie! lol i get your point

but no one gets my point, the cops do what they MUSt, you do realize the average american is more a danger ot himself than anyhting outside of him right? jesus car accidents suicides robbery murder,rape,all of it. its all a mess, and you want ot tell them, you cant use tazers? give them a break? and you know what? if they wanna "police" us fine, let them, if were breaking the real laws, stay the **** indoors. if youre just out for a stroll and get your ass ebat by 20 of them, then theres a problem.

and wtf is worng with ICE and the DEA? theyre doing good valuable work for us.

i know prison is a ****hole, that was my point, everyone wants to incacreate, remove the death penalty, and keep slamming every mother F*cker into prison, where they just learn new better ways to kill and commit crimes, lifers should be put ot work in chain gangs or in these jobs only illegals will do.

and what cop has denied you rights? granted there are crooked cops, but wtf have they done to oyu? or anyone you know when it was a valid point they had? we have laws you dolt, laws to keep you and yours safe.

ICE and the DEA are doing good work? Until the economy collapsed, all we had been getting is more and more illegal immigration. The DEA does good work? Is that a joke? Exactly when will there be "victory" in the War on Drugs? Wait, don't answer that, Never is the correct response.

The amount of abuse cases by various levels of Law enforcement has grown so high, that you can find a new case of it everyday.

Prison is a cesspool, but you know what, it doesn't solve anything because its never going to, nor is it designed to. We have the highest percentage of our population in prisons in the world and a good deal of them are there for being nothing more than nonviolent drug addicts. Private prisons I might add, who are allowed to lobby for stiffer penalties to keep more and more people in there slave labor shops for longer and longer.

The Taser has simply replaced old fashioned police work, why talk the crazy guy down off the ledge when you can just taser him on his head and kill him?

Since you feel like calling someone a Dolt(such maturity, in what could be a civil debate), I have had my rights violated by police officers,more than once, there are alot of them that like to hit whatever moves for the hell of it, some of them just get a kick out of it and their buddies in the Nazi getups won't be telling the truth when it comes time to head to court. How about all those mass roundups of people excercising their Constitutional right to free speech? Some straight talk smokin , We've moved directly into a pain compliance police state, complete with the Nazi/Darth Vader getups, but now their are much neater ways to punish those that would break so many Unconstitutional laws.

One look at the New age of weaponry being developed: Microwave cannons, Acoustic devices made to cause people intense vertigo and vomiting, sticking pepper spray type goo... none of this stuff was ever developed for foriegn affairs, this stuff was intentionally created just for us.

The fact that these things have been set up and in the plans for years is a matter of the public domain, you just have to give enough of a crap about your fellow citizens to bother learning about it.

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/09/08 01:41 PM
then do something about it! if it affects you so much do something! im a law abiding citizen and as such i love police, if they cross me then i will change my mind, as long as they keep locking up the thugs and criminals more power to them.

racerjon's photo
Thu 10/09/08 05:10 PM
Tasers need to be used on some politicians.

warmachine's photo
Thu 10/09/08 10:09 PM

then do something about it! if it affects you so much do something! im a law abiding citizen and as such i love police, if they cross me then i will change my mind, as long as they keep locking up the thugs and criminals more power to them.

I am doing something, I'm setting the record straight on an Issue that is being completely snowed over for the concerns of Corporate greed in complete disregard to the citizenry of this nation and others.

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