Topic: My Opinion
d4tc's photo
Tue 10/07/08 05:53 PM
we are our own
in all ways
moving along
our own paths
unmatched by any other
because no matter is the
matter of what is
a matter
is you
and me
making we
our own opinions

excuse me
pardon me

one anothers


our words
crawl stall
tumble rumble
fumble loves
crumble hugs

a numb skull
with feeling

our decisions make us our
own minions
our visions give us our own
our own lives

My opinions

we are good and evil
god given capable
emotions of both sides
rebel and imperial
scratching eachothers back
stabbing eachothers backs

A common
and uncommon

a tendency to erupt like a volcano
and smooth out the matter like the lava
flowing down
at an angle
never really cooling
we glide
in life
knowing that a glider
can only glide so long
until it lands

we make do

We grow up

dramatized by society
and it's way to label bad words bad
are they really that bad
who said they were
I want to meet the guy who created the F word

I can see it now;
Hey dad I made up a word
It's Fu -- I can't say it
Why not son?
I don't think it's a good one

Low self esteem confetti's the insecure

video games
and r-rated movies
have made most
numb to the fact
that one day the
word profanity will
disapear from dictionaries
as an obsolete word
destined for extiction
the radio censor-ship
will sail
it's obelete flag
at halfmass
if they had any morales

we could all be one
without the
clubs clicks squads
crews and gangs
we corral

No one can know everyone alive
No matter how hard you try

You will not make everyone happy
and you cannot make everyone sad

Don't think about what we have

We create a new fleet
to numb

there go the pills
with money that was for the bills

this is a hard life
for some

so is being rich
and being famous
for others

poor and broke
make more sense

but nice houses
always look nicer
without the bars

my grandma would say that
and I now I know why

but people need to be safe when they
are trapped inside their house all day

The block wall blocks
the iron gate needed
to get to the rod iron screen door

And some guy on the other end
is actually trying to get
a good glimpse out of an overprotected

This is only the beginning

People need their security
Even when they work for security
their is no guarantee for security
and social security
for the un-united within

Where is NASA's dealership
I want to test drive one of these
magnificient waste of tax dollars
I will never be able to a ford.

I will never know why i was not so lucky.

Why do I pay for next years new space shuttles?
They will never let me sit in the cockpit.
let alone wear a million dollar suit
I want to walk around with a gun
in a holster
only passay is not my fortay
at thirtay
it is

My opinion

From a distance
A sword could kill a man
but being killed by a dagger
is purely cold blooded

ruthless useless toothless time decayed

How long can we stay?

how can we let the ones that know it so much
to the point we bore that our hearts slither
around our hearts without the swords?

classroom hands raised.

no one knows all the answers
it takes many to agree

an opinion is just an opinion
until a majority agree to make it a fact

I pay taxes
I sleep on your fancy air mattresseses

It seems
so it
being a word of observation
in careful placement
by not grounding
down the actual fact
that the opinion is a question of whether
you are unsure or trying to be safe.

a careful observation in playsssss

disguised we wear our houses like oversized

we are totem poles,
we make all those faces.

I'm Jason so ofcourse everyone is going to think Hockey.
But I'm not a bad guy. Not even dressed up. Not even
on Halloween. Where everyone wants to be safe.

Everyone wants to be safe.
It's the carefree, careless dangerous type who also eat and sleep.

There is no man strong enough to not eat.
And no woman strong enough to not sleep.

Some priorties are priorites but mostly we live for the luxurious.

Everyone wants to work less get paid more.
Make everything lighter and smaller.

No one really wants to work. We want money.
We don't want to carry much weight. So we
compact it to a easier size to lose.
That way we can buy it again when the tic tac falls
our your ear. You know thats not the right size.
but sometimes we don't care, we will try to make things
work, even if they don't seem right. We do this for some
sense because no sense is nonsense and honest is now a luxury
some have and others haven't seemed to grasp not that some is
some, some could mean most and toast could be you if you were
bread and got burned.

People are beautiful
for life itself
just some of us
choose to look
at ourselves
and look at
the compatibiliy
issues of it all

Like matching the right
shoe with the left
or the right shoes
with the right attire

it's all about the matches
and trying to light a fire
without burning someone
but in life
their is always a question of judgement
based on a yes or no
it just depends on
what persuades us

excuse me
pardon me

influences us
to believe one way
over the other

my opinion

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 05:58 PM
flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

no photo
Tue 10/07/08 06:17 PM
i support that

kc0003's photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:16 PM
nice write d4

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:22 PM
Good one and as we go through life we end up learning to roll with the flow.bigsmile

LAMom's photo
Tue 10/07/08 07:25 PM
You are a Phenominal phenomena .. Brilliant flowers

d4tc's photo
Wed 10/08/08 07:50 AM
Thanks everyone! flowerforyou drinker

LA Mom blushing You are too much! :heart:

Noden's photo
Wed 10/08/08 08:28 AM
Anddddddddddd, two and half cups of coffee's later you surely captured my attention ...niceeeeee!!!!!drinks flowers

now pardon me ifin I got to go whiz ....rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Wed 10/08/08 09:01 AM
I think you covered all the bases. I declare it a homerun.flowerforyou flowerforyou