Topic: The End of America | |
October 7th, 2008 by Michael Nystrom
After taking the photo above, of a conflict between law enforcement and RNC protesters, Associated Press photographer Matt Rourke was himself tackled and bloodied by police. He was arrested and held for 10 hours, then released without being charged. Leave it to the Boston Phoenix, my hometown's free tabloid rag, to do the reporting that this country's "paper of record" and the rest of the MSM - print or television - won't come near. Yup, they roughed up and arrested that guy in the picture above just for being there. Look at the stormtrooper's knee on that guy's neck. Then they roughed up and arrested the AP photographer just because he took the picture. Do you think people at the RNC weren't scared? Does this look like a peaceful American city to you, where the democratic is free to take its course? Steps 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the 10 steps to fascism, as detailed in Naomi Wolf's excellent book, The End of America were in full effect in St. Paul: 5) Surveil ordinary citizens, 6) Infiltrate citizens' groups, 7) Arbitrarily detain and release citizens, 8) Target key individuals and 9) Restrict the press. It is happening, right here, right now in America, and not just in St. Paul. All 10 steps are now in force in America, including the last: Subvert the rule of law. This is why Ms. Wolf is now attempting to alert us that not much time remains. Unfortunately, it appears that the elite's divide and conquer strategy has mostly worked. Most Americans, as evidenced by users on this site of all places, have bought into the false left/right dichotomy that the elites have created, and now use it to happily and smugly characterize and categorize themselves and demonize the rest. The fact that we're all Americans, first and foremost, is long forgotten. Meanwhile, our republic is slipping away as we sling mud at one another. But I can assure you of this: These guys don't care one lick what color your categorize yourself as (do you like red or blue better?), or which side of the isle you self-importantly think you prefer. They'll slam you down, break your arms, bloody your face and throw you in jail without reading you your rights just the same. Red, blue - it don't matter. In case you only saw the cheerful, fascist pep-rally inside the convention hall on TV, here's what you missed, courtesy of the Boston Phoenix. And let me tell you this from first hand experience: It really sucked being there. It did feel like the end of America. |
maybe this should be reposed here
----------- you want conspiracy theory here ya go try this one on the ok city bombing was supposed to create the panic to weaken the people to give up their rights but the problem was they blamed it on a disgruntled u s citizen well there are a lot of those so it did not give ""them"" the expected outcome in the power structure (although it clinton did sign the anti-terroist act [about as bad as the patriot act but was a door opener to it for sure) we ll when they realized the plan was not going as planned they started on a new plan........ lets have some free trade agreements hhmmm.... they remembered the bailouts of the airlines the railroad and probably others i did not mention...... so they started giving loans to those that did not meet the proper criteria to obtain said loans..... now they need a way to tip the scale a little bit and also pnic the people again (ok city worked a little but what would really do it hhhhmmmmmm) no one cares much for the oil rich countries lets have terrorists from there create a major act (after all you can not have an u s citizen do it cause a lot of the people feel the same way they just do not act on their feelings...... so lets destry something really major hhhhmmm (how about something major in nyc financial district) wa la no more twin towers then they feed bad info to the security agencies which gives it to the president and his people...... (we know what that did don't we) so the country drains its finances by permitting jobs to be exported and fighting an unpopular war thus making the people want a way to be protected (along comes the patriot act).... imagine that well now that the gov has activated so many of the armed forces that were in reserve (and do not pay enough to survive with the normal lifestyle of the times) they state losing their homes to foreclosures (thus beginning a glut in housing which with the export of jobs those not in the service begin losing their jobs and homes as well)..... now with so many failing people the reaction creates failing financial institutions (who and where does their leadership come from [can you say the fed reserve] hhhmmmmm) so know major financial failure is on the brink of the country (no we cant have that it may be to uncomfortable for the people and create a panic in the streets causing a need for martial law)..... so we need to bail them out with 700 billion dollars (does not this nearly bankrupt the country and finance those that are in the middle of taking over the country...... now the country has given the enemy 700 billion to use to continue their covert actions of taking over the most powerful country in the world..... well when this take over is finished the next step is the rest of the world (insert evil laugh here) now that is a conspiracy theory OR IS IT you decide after all it is only a thought and hey what do i know |
laugh away at the "conspiracy nuts" if you will, its not until youve actualy lived the experience (IE Argentina mid 70s, Military dictatorship, 30K disapear)..that you realize just how fragile democracy really is and how little power the people actually have...
I sit here, from the comfort of my "3rd world country", and get goose bumps watching the Titanic sink..... ![]() |
We are Americans.
We may be young and imperfect but we are not going away any time soon. We've had hard times before. Our economy has crashed, brothers fought brothers, disease killed thousands and politics divided us. We are Americans. We aren't going to sink. |
laugh away at the "conspiracy nuts" if you will, its not until youve actualy lived the experience (IE Argentina mid 70s, Military dictatorship, 30K disapear)..that you realize just how fragile democracy really is and how little power the people actually have... I sit here, from the comfort of my "3rd world country", and get goose bumps watching the Titanic sink..... ![]() This made me feel all nice, warm, cuddly... ![]() ![]() |
do you need a hug?...
![]() |
do you need a hug?... ![]() I think so, cause now I feel scared. ![]() |
..insert hugging smiley here... I want you to know, I dont do this for "just" anybody.. ![]() |
if you must know
i am not laughing and i am not so sure argentina is a third world country any more second world at least but keep that third world label as long as you can it makes you seem less of a threat ![]() ![]() ![]() |
(((((goof))))) ..insert hugging smiley here... I want you to know, I dont do this for "just" anybody.. ![]() So I should feel special right? ![]() |
conspiracy.....the fed...and JFK....
who was really behind it... the elitist he started to figure out what was really going on inside the govt... the seeds where there over 40 years ago... elimiate the he goes... many more do all the time...but they arent as noticeable so dont make the news... watch your may be next |
and the hear and see what is dictated by them (the real power in the world) they tell the press what to depict
dont see the blood in the streets, or the injustices that occur..unless they want u too..and then it is to further there agenda |
could you have scotty beam me up as well
this is getting out of hand and it has been in the works since the fed reserve and before as well (someone wanted to get control of the money way back then [after all whos idea was the fed reserve] hhhmmm) |
sorry...i get confused...too many drugs,,
snuck out of waco before the big one...hiding out in a foreign country |
sorry...i get confused...too many drugs,, snuck out of waco before the big one...hiding out in a foreign country yep waco who has forgotten so much for a well regulated militia being permitted once you become well regulated yer a terrorist group with hostages and if you are an individual you must be a well regulated militia to be armed what a catch 22 that is ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
hhhmmmm |
I solemnly swear to defend the Constitution against ALL enemies foriegn and DOMESTIC.
Tell me what cave dwelling mad bomber is more of a threat to the Constitution than the Duopoly full of Globalist scum? |
lolo lots of them, but as long as theyre in their cave si dont care. let the ****in govt try to come try som imminent domain or any other crap. my house can be a fort in no time and i KNOW how their weapons work, itd be a long trip,lol.
honestly though, i really hope americans are closer to being fed up, cause whatever pres we get is gonnna FUK us up even more,lol. dont kid yourself, they both blow chunks. so arm up while you can, get into little groups, and be ready. theres a storm brewing ladies. |