Topic: How The Elite Control Politics
warmachine's photo
Mon 10/06/08 10:44 PM

Bet the partisans are gonna love this!

It is very important for us all to realise that we are living under a simple but clever system that has been designed to contain revolution whilst projecting the illusion of being a free, fair and open democracy.

The 2-party system provides firm support for the elite to implement their agenda from the top down, whilst the ordinary people at the grassroots level squabble between themselves over which political party is the best. In reality, it doesn’t matter which of the two parties you vote for because the same agenda will unfold regardless. Hence, both parties are controlled at the very top by the same force.

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 10:55 PM
War the vast majority refuse to see this. They are trained to pick a team to be loyal to from early on. Sports teams & mascots, Pep rallies & school colors, all are training for this system. People are brainwashed to relate this to party loyalty & "patriotism".

warmachine's photo
Mon 10/06/08 10:59 PM
You might be right, but I'd just like to see what the McBama supporters have to say. If they don't bother to watch, then they aren't doing their best to make an informed decision, are they?

I'd like to think that people who are being manipulated, would like to be given the chance to break out of it, so I'll just keep posting the things I know expose the false left/right.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:03 PM
Of course patriotism is so subjective these days. "If you are not with us, you are the enemy", quote from Bush. Yet Bush fails to understand that the American system by the design of the forefathers is a system of contradictions. If everyone agrees there will never be improvement.

Change is a hard process. People fight it and sometimes do not even know why they fight it. So for change to happen, ugliness must ensue.

For our political system to change people must stop accepting the status quo and accept radical new ideas.

Can we do it?

wouldee's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:06 PM

Of course patriotism is so subjective these days. "If you are not with us, you are the enemy", quote from Bush. Yet Bush fails to understand that the American system by the design of the forefathers is a system of contradictions. If everyone agrees there will never be improvement.

Change is a hard process. People fight it and sometimes do not even know why they fight it. So for change to happen, ugliness must ensue.

For our political system to change people must stop accepting the status quo and accept radical new ideas.

Can we do it?

That is precisely how we got where we are.

warmachine's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:06 PM

Of course patriotism is so subjective these days. "If you are not with us, you are the enemy", quote from Bush. Yet Bush fails to understand that the American system by the design of the forefathers is a system of contradictions. If everyone agrees there will never be improvement.

Change is a hard process. People fight it and sometimes do not even know why they fight it. So for change to happen, ugliness must ensue.

For our political system to change people must stop accepting the status quo and accept radical new ideas.

Can we do it?

It starts by not putting either of the Duopoly in that Oval Office, it starts by putting everyone who voted for the bailout, out of their offices and out of a job.

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:13 PM

Of course patriotism is so subjective these days. "If you are not with us, you are the enemy", quote from Bush. Yet Bush fails to understand that the American system by the design of the forefathers is a system of contradictions. If everyone agrees there will never be improvement.

Change is a hard process. People fight it and sometimes do not even know why they fight it. So for change to happen, ugliness must ensue.

For our political system to change people must stop accepting the status quo and accept radical new ideas.

Can we do it?

It starts by not putting either of the Duopoly in that Oval Office, it starts by putting everyone who voted for the bailout, out of their offices and out of a job.

I agree with you. I will be voting for Obama this time though for several different reasons. One I know nothing of any of the other candidates accept the two. Two, McCain will completely decimate this country and we cannot stand any more. Three, work needs to be done to correct the current status of government but it takes time and we need an interim time to do the work.

If we allow McCain into the presidency there will be no strength or resources to fight the fight that needs to happen. Obama in office will gives us the time and energy we need to act as the people of this country now that we see.

I am currently working on the national debates not including all parties to debate. It is a start and there will be more work done.

warmachine's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:24 PM

Of course patriotism is so subjective these days. "If you are not with us, you are the enemy", quote from Bush. Yet Bush fails to understand that the American system by the design of the forefathers is a system of contradictions. If everyone agrees there will never be improvement.

Change is a hard process. People fight it and sometimes do not even know why they fight it. So for change to happen, ugliness must ensue.

For our political system to change people must stop accepting the status quo and accept radical new ideas.

Can we do it?

It starts by not putting either of the Duopoly in that Oval Office, it starts by putting everyone who voted for the bailout, out of their offices and out of a job.

I agree with you. I will be voting for Obama this time though for several different reasons. One I know nothing of any of the other candidates accept the two. Two, McCain will completely decimate this country and we cannot stand any more. Three, work needs to be done to correct the current status of government but it takes time and we need an interim time to do the work.

If we allow McCain into the presidency there will be no strength or resources to fight the fight that needs to happen. Obama in office will gives us the time and energy we need to act as the people of this country now that we see.

I am currently working on the national debates not including all parties to debate. It is a start and there will be more work done.

Unfortunately, I don't think we can afford either one of them. They are both surrounded by globalists, Obama's chief foriegn policy advisor is a man named Zbignew Brzezinski. Do some research on that guy, especially his book "the Grand Chessboard".
We are so close to losing our Republic and both sides have let themselves become complacent and complicit in letting it happen.

Obama in office, IMO, does not give us anymore time than McCain would, they both want to invade other nations, they both won't end the war immediately, they both haven't said jack about monetary policy or the Federal reserve... the latter of which seems to be paying the bills for both of them through their member banks. Both of them wants to see amnesty for illegals who have started their time in our nation by breaking federal law.

You don't know anything about the other candidates? Nader, nothing? McKinney was a Dem, until the corruption got to be too much for her to stomach. Barr, the CIA man, I think has used his clout to screw the Libertarians out of a legitimate voice. Baldwin is the only one calling for a return to Constitutional law, putting our soldiers on our OWN border instead of in the green zone or bleeding to continue empire building and firing the central bank, forcing congress to do what it's constitutional duty is, as it pertains to the coining of our currency.

I'd personally suggest that you take a day or so and at least look into the parties who are having their voices silenced by the duopoly and the globalist corporate media. It's the Patriotic thing to do, in my estimation.

wouldee's photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:45 PM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 10/06/08 11:47 PM
you know something, war....

it's always been this way, even before the two party system became entrenched with a balance of power exclusive of all other alliances and caucuses.

It started with the amalgamation of the Magna Carta and the French Constitution being the premise for the US Constitution, if for no other reason than the familiarity of our founding fathers with those codifices of the rule of law.

It was further cemented to be the mindset of this nation by the polar dissimilarities between Madisonian economics and Hamiltonian economics, each deriving a uniquely different ideal of accounting for trade balance, and they were each mutually exclusive in their intent of the other.

This idea of Novus Ordo Seclorum vs. E. Pluris Unum also frames the stalemate of ideas and purposes to forward the advantage and privilege of access to the meat of these philosophical premises.

But there is one more. Annuit Coeptis

Basically, war, this is a cabal of freemasonry.

That all seeing eye has been the image of this nation from its inception.

Annuit Coeptis means "He favors our undertakings"

it is reference, romantically perhaps, of Egypt.

"The gods who exercise their dominion over the earth will be
restored one day and installed in a City at the extreme limit of
Egypt, a City which will be founded towards the setting sun, and
into which hasten, by land and sea, the whole race of mortal men."

Hence, the pyramid.

Losing ya?

Novus ordo seclorem means new secular order, or new world order. Refer to Annuit Coeptis.

losing ya?

E pluribus unum means all are one, or, out of many, one. Refer to Annuit Coeptis.

These three concepts are a triangle, a pyramid, a triune expression of a singular purpose.

This is what America means by its evolution of thought and ideas and the mission and objective and purpose of this nation, according to its foundation, is being built to its intended end, war.

Whether you or i or anyone likes it or not.

Voting rights originally were afforded those that had a stake in losing everything if they were wrong about their consaensus building.

That is not what voting rights evolved into, war.

Voting rights evolved away from that preposition as control of the economic future of this nation gave waty to autonomous impunity in the world at large.

T Boone Pickens said a number of years ago, " I don't care what religion, what form of government, what form of laws are written to guide, but give me control of the money and I have everything"

He wasn't speaking for himself.

What do you want with a shell of servitude and indenturedness?

That is all that is left.

Remember that these men were stronger than kings when they made kings acceed to their demands while under the sovereigns.

Thesemen knew that they had power over kings and power over kings assumed to be possessing divine right to sovereignty by the masses, were yet subject themselves to passions and ambitions and empire building that required the builders, architects, masons, craftsmen and their armies.

Out of divine right being supplanted by the will of man, the Church was dethroned as sage advice.

As far as nation building and empire building goes, so goes the freemasonry and their power.

They have yet to yield to any.

Name one that knows what they know, and can do as they please to stop them.

food for thought.

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/07/08 12:01 AM
Yeah, I've heard all about the Masons, and I know that they are compartmentalized, with the upper echelons using the lower compartments to whatever their ends are. However, we have a chance to make this country everything those documents said it could be. The eventual and inevitable collapse of our fiat currency will create a vacuum. If we stand up now, we have a chance to reform it in a free and open society. If we take a look at how the evil deeds of some have railroaded history, we might as well count on the One Worlders taking this nation and creating what Image it is that they want.

wouldee's photo
Tue 10/07/08 12:25 AM
like I've said and probably, you are the only one that remembers me saying it, but i don't mind being a citizen of a third world country as long as it is California.


warmachine's photo
Tue 10/07/08 12:31 AM
I guess thats the difference, I do mind. I want to leave something better behind for the generations that will come behind me.

wouldee's photo
Tue 10/07/08 12:35 AM
better in waht way, war?

more buildings?

better roads?

quirkier gismos, gadgets, and whirlygigs?

better how?

quality of life can be excellent in a third world nation, given that such a nation is principled and moral and ethical.

Might not be as fun as Vegas, but it won't be as detrimental to ones financial health either.LOL

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/07/08 12:45 AM
The problem with this country becoming 3rd world, is that you know, as well as I do, that is what the globalist jackasses are waiting for. That's when they are going to ram, and I mean ram, the North American Union down our throats.

When I say better, I mean, leaving behind a legacy of respect of the rights of all, a restoration to the Constitutional rule that has the potential to be a shining beacon of hope and freedom.

All those things you named, they mean jack, without freedom and liberty.

wouldee's photo
Tue 10/07/08 12:54 AM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 10/07/08 12:54 AM
the union is here already.

The Amero coin is minted in Denver.

look at my avatar
or go to my profile to get a better look at it. The image is clearer when enlarged.

you can see the "D" on the lower right hand corner of the back.

done deal?

we're already there, I guess.

it gives me a buzz, and that buzz isn't the Lord, if you know what I mean.

wouldee's photo
Tue 10/07/08 01:16 AM

google him.

start with wiki

go to ancient Rome and see the connection to novus ordo seclorum. it is in a prose of his.

He is a facinating character.

The steeping of these phrases is wrapping the flag around christianity, the roman version.

It is worth understanding about the mindset of our founding fathers.

But the rabbit trail is convoluted and appears gnostic and stoic to me.

It doesn't appear to address the relationship due man with God through the Holy Spirit, but anyway............

I need some sleep, war.

perhaps tomorrow night we can carry on some more.

peace, out.

warmachine's photo
Tue 10/07/08 04:15 PM
I made an interesting phone call to the mint today, low level jerkies said that they knew about the Amero but couldn't provide a conversion rate yet, or couldn't say when the Amero would be put into circulation.

2 low level nobodies both knew about it and gave me confirmation that it's being done.
Where's congress?

Too busy playing with their bailout pork.