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Topic: Place in Hell
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Sun 10/05/08 09:26 PM

Sounds pretty sexist to me. You support who is right in a situation regardless of their sex.

There is nothing more dangerous to a fundementalist than another fundementalist but until they feel the knife in the back they never believe it.

So how did George Bush get TWO terms?huh

2 words: Voter Fraud.

can it happen again...
I say yes

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 10:32 PM

The accurate quote is, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

fits the marginal minority expressed by NOW, doesn't it?

sure sounds like it to me.

And where is the advocate for women that are not extreme liberal haters of men?

Palin stepped up, and I haven't seen another woman step up to the plate as an advocate for women.

Not this close to the White House.

It must be because Palin is a conservative that she is unqalified to be a woman advocating women not advocated for by NOW.

That is a ridiculous reason to cap on her, ladies.

Have some sugar free diet KOOL AID.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

an advocate for women


she is gonna set women back a couple of hundred years with her out of date thinking

she doesn't give a darn about women's rights
why the heck anyone would vote for her (McCain that is) is beyond me
frustrated slaphead

I was so going to say that. She will set us back in time with her way of thinking. She doesn't gave a damn about women's rights.

She approved of rape victims paying for their own rape tests. That is unforgiveable!!!

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Sun 10/05/08 10:54 PM

The accurate quote is, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

fits the marginal minority expressed by NOW, doesn't it?

sure sounds like it to me.

And where is the advocate for women that are not extreme liberal haters of men?

Palin stepped up, and I haven't seen another woman step up to the plate as an advocate for women.

Not this close to the White House.

It must be because Palin is a conservative that she is unqalified to be a woman advocating women not advocated for by NOW.

That is a ridiculous reason to cap on her, ladies.

Have some sugar free diet KOOL AID.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

an advocate for women


she is gonna set women back a couple of hundred years with her out of date thinking

she doesn't give a darn about women's rights
why the heck anyone would vote for her (McCain that is) is beyond me
frustrated slaphead

I was so going to say that. She will set us back in time with her way of thinking. She doesn't gave a damn about women's rights.

She approved of rape victims paying for their own rape tests. That is unforgiveable!!!

thats the kind of decision born out of religious fundamentalism and conservative extremism.

warmachine's photo
Sun 10/05/08 10:57 PM
When it comes to voter fraud, the best place to research it begins here: Blackboxvoting.org

Winx's photo
Sun 10/05/08 10:58 PM

The accurate quote is, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

fits the marginal minority expressed by NOW, doesn't it?

sure sounds like it to me.

And where is the advocate for women that are not extreme liberal haters of men?

Palin stepped up, and I haven't seen another woman step up to the plate as an advocate for women.

Not this close to the White House.

It must be because Palin is a conservative that she is unqalified to be a woman advocating women not advocated for by NOW.

That is a ridiculous reason to cap on her, ladies.

Have some sugar free diet KOOL AID.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

an advocate for women


she is gonna set women back a couple of hundred years with her out of date thinking

she doesn't give a darn about women's rights
why the heck anyone would vote for her (McCain that is) is beyond me
frustrated slaphead

I was so going to say that. She will set us back in time with her way of thinking. She doesn't gave a damn about women's rights.

She approved of rape victims paying for their own rape tests. That is unforgiveable!!!

thats the kind of decision born out of religious fundamentalism and conservative extremism.


Can you even imagine if she would become President and had the opportunity to pick a Supreme Court judge?! She and/or McCain would pick one that would walk all over our constitution. It's scary.

Dredz_Hang_Low's photo
Sun 10/05/08 11:21 PM


Can you even imagine if she would become President and had the opportunity to pick a Supreme Court judge?! She and/or McCain would pick one that would walk all over our constitution. It's scary.

i shutter at the thought

can you imagine all the girls in the mid west and alaska makin pilgrimages to NY or Mexico or Hanger outlet stores to get abortions after McCains judges are done?

wouldee's photo
Sun 10/05/08 11:43 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sun 10/05/08 11:44 PM

The accurate quote is, "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

fits the marginal minority expressed by NOW, doesn't it?

sure sounds like it to me.

And where is the advocate for women that are not extreme liberal haters of men?

Palin stepped up, and I haven't seen another woman step up to the plate as an advocate for women.

Not this close to the White House.

It must be because Palin is a conservative that she is unqalified to be a woman advocating women not advocated for by NOW.

That is a ridiculous reason to cap on her, ladies.

Have some sugar free diet KOOL AID.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

an advocate for women


she is gonna set women back a couple of hundred years with her out of date thinking

she doesn't give a darn about women's rights
why the heck anyone would vote for her (McCain that is) is beyond me
frustrated slaphead

I was so going to say that. She will set us back in time with her way of thinking. She doesn't gave a damn about women's rights.

She approved of rape victims paying for their own rape tests. That is unforgiveable!!!

thats the kind of decision born out of religious fundamentalism and conservative extremism.

rofl rofl rofl rofl

well, some liberal bubbles need only have some facts to burst, so here goes, haters.

hope you can wasjh the bitter taste out of your mouths that spew hearsay and lies as fact with some mmmmm mmmm good KOOL AID.


September 29, 2008
Categories: Obama

Obama sought rape victim for ad

Barack Obama's campaign earlier this month sought to find a rape victim to appear in a campaign commercial, according to an e-mail obtained by Politico.

Kiersten Steward, director of public policy at the Family Violence Prevention Fund, served as a conduit between the campaign and victims and women's advocates.

"Obviously, this is a big ask and I haven’t seen a script but presumably it will be a brief 'this is what happened to me, we need someone who will fight for women like me, these are the guys to do it,'" Steward wrote in a Sept. 15 e-mail. "Again, that’s just my assumption, given how these things
usually go."

Steward, a former top aide to Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.), said the Obama campaign would have a crew in Washington and was hoping to film that week.

She didn't respond to a message.

The Obama campaign wouldn't detail the strategy behind finding an individual to discuss such a sensitive topic but did suggest the ad may be aimed at underscoring their candidate's support for abortion rights and ongoing effort to retain those women who backed Hillary Clinton in the primary.

"Choice is an important issue, and we're going to continue talking about it in battleground states through the election," said spokesman Bill Burton.

Virginia is one of those swing states that Obama is especially focused on, and that's where one rape victim received the request to appear in an ad.

Mikele Shelton-Knight declined to do so, but said in an interview that she was glad the Obama campaign was seeking to highlight the issue.

"The more discussion about this the better," said Shelton-Knight, a full-time victims advocate in the Richmond area.

And though she never was told about the nature of the commercial, Shelton-Knight said she thought that the focus of the ad may be about the practice in Wasilla, Alaska, to charge rape victims to pay for their own exams.

The law was on the books when Sarah Palin became mayor of the small city, and it's unclear whether she supported it or opposed it during her tenure.

But Shelton-Knight said Palin should not be criticized for having governed a city with such a law as they were quite common until recent years.

Alaska didn't pass a bill until 2000 requiring state and local law endorcement to pay for the exams. And Shelton-Knight said it wasn't until lobbying by her and others that Virginia last year put the financial burden on localities. Many states still charge victims for the cost of the exam.
I guess obama people are just liars at heart, huh?

wouldee's photo
Sun 10/05/08 11:46 PM
Jonathan Martin's Blog: Obama sought rape victim for ad - Politico.com
... of the ad may be about the practice in Wasilla, Alaska, to charge rape victims ... She was raped 24 years ago and that rape resulted in a pregnancy. ...
politico.com/blogs/.../0908/Obama_sought_rape_victim_for_ad.html - 299k - Cached


wouldee's photo
Sun 10/05/08 11:54 PM

drinks drinks drinks drinks

selected excerpts from liberal MSM, CNN.

"It was one of those things everyone could agree on except Wasilla," Croft told CNN. "We couldn't convince the chief of police to stop charging them."

During the time Palin was mayor of Wasilla, her city was not the only one in Alaska charging rape victims. Experts testified before the Legislature that in a handful of small cities across Alaska, law enforcement agencies were charging victims or their insurance "more than sporadically."

After it became law, Wasilla's police chief told the local paper, The Frontiersman, that it would cost the city $5,000 to $14,000 a year -- money that he'd have to find.

"In the past, we've charged the cost of the exams to the victim's insurance company when possible," Fannon was quoted as saying. "I just don't want to see any more burden on the taxpayer."

He suggested the criminals should pay as restitution if and when they're convicted. Repeated attempts to reach Fannon for comment were unsuccessful.

Judy Patrick, who was Palin's deputy mayor and friend, blames the state.

Before Palin came to City Hall, the Wasilla Police Department paid for rape kits out of a fund for miscellaneous costs, according to the police chief who preceded Fannon and was fired by Palin. That budget line was cut by more than half during Palin's tenure, but it did not specifically mention rape exams


no photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:35 AM

drinks drinks drinks drinks

selected excerpts from liberal MSM, CNN.

"It was one of those things everyone could agree on except Wasilla," Croft told CNN. "We couldn't convince the chief of police to stop charging them."

During the time Palin was mayor of Wasilla, her city was not the only one in Alaska charging rape victims. Experts testified before the Legislature that in a handful of small cities across Alaska, law enforcement agencies were charging victims or their insurance "more than sporadically."

After it became law, Wasilla's police chief told the local paper, The Frontiersman, that it would cost the city $5,000 to $14,000 a year -- money that he'd have to find.

"In the past, we've charged the cost of the exams to the victim's insurance company when possible," Fannon was quoted as saying. "I just don't want to see any more burden on the taxpayer."

He suggested the criminals should pay as restitution if and when they're convicted. Repeated attempts to reach Fannon for comment were unsuccessful.

Judy Patrick, who was Palin's deputy mayor and friend, blames the state.

Before Palin came to City Hall, the Wasilla Police Department paid for rape kits out of a fund for miscellaneous costs, according to the police chief who preceded Fannon and was fired by Palin. That budget line was cut by more than half during Palin's tenure, but it did not specifically mention rape exams


being male this would affect you in no way, shape or form.

And just so you know, I am not a liberal or conservative
I'm a human being, that cares about people and the world around me.

So throw those labels at someone else.

wouldee's photo
Mon 10/06/08 10:10 AM

how's that again?

you get the facts and see that Palin didn't instigate this crap and all the nonsense surrounding this character assasination and spin it that CNN and the MSM are my labels?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

msm = Main Stream Media

keep drinking that KOOL AID, hater.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

Dragoness's photo
Mon 10/06/08 10:28 AM

Palin, stumping in California said "Place In Hell Reserved For Women Who Don't Support Other Women"

As the audience cheered, she remarked: "Okay, now, thank you so much for receiving that well. I didn't know how that was gonna go over. And now, California, let's see what a comment like I just made, how that is turned into whatever it'll be turned into tomorrow with the newspaper."

We don't have to turn it into anything. Sweet Sarah is telling us women should vote for her just because she is a woman?

Or is she saying not supporting her will earn a woman eternal damnation?

Wonder what all those righty religious types think of that...what they really think that is? A statement like that has to cheese a few of them off.

Some pundits have speculated she was borrowing from Madeline Albright who once said,"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

Considering she is so radically rightwing that all women stand to lose 50 years worth of fight for equality, of course, she was implying hell for those who do not vote for her. McCain signed her on to get those women voters that were for Hillary, of course, she doesn't have a fourth of the appeal that Hillary had, so he failed yet again.

To bad he cannot just win on his own merits huh?noway

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:26 AM

Palin, stumping in California said "Place In Hell Reserved For Women Who Don't Support Other Women"

As the audience cheered, she remarked: "Okay, now, thank you so much for receiving that well. I didn't know how that was gonna go over. And now, California, let's see what a comment like I just made, how that is turned into whatever it'll be turned into tomorrow with the newspaper."

We don't have to turn it into anything. Sweet Sarah is telling us women should vote for her just because she is a woman?

Or is she saying not supporting her will earn a woman eternal damnation?

Wonder what all those righty religious types think of that...what they really think that is? A statement like that has to cheese a few of them off.

Some pundits have speculated she was borrowing from Madeline Albright who once said,"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."

Considering she is so radically rightwing that all women stand to lose 50 years worth of fight for equality, of course, she was implying hell for those who do not vote for her. McCain signed her on to get those women voters that were for Hillary, of course, she doesn't have a fourth of the appeal that Hillary had, so he failed yet again.

To bad he cannot just win on his own merits huh?noway

that is too badnoway

McCain thinks that American women have tunnel vision and will vote for her because of genderhuh what

why some people can't see through this tactic is beyond mefrustrated

no photo
Mon 10/06/08 11:30 AM


how's that again?

you get the facts and see that Palin didn't instigate this crap and all the nonsense surrounding this character assasination and spin it that CNN and the MSM are my labels?

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

msm = Main Stream Media

keep drinking that KOOL AID, hater.

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

again with the labels

you don't know anything about me, so don't assume you do

I see you have that "tunnel vision", so I won't waste any more time on you or your comments

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