Topic: Peter Schiff predicts 2008 economic collapse in 2006 - CNBC | |
By: D. H. Williams @ 4:41 PM - EST
This is a video of Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital on CNBC back in 2006 forecasting the future economic crisis created by a cycle of debt - finance - consumption. Schiff says, “It’s not wealth that has increased in the last few years. We haven’t increased our productive capacity. All that’s increased is the paper values of stocks and real estate. But that’s not real wealth no more than NASDAQ was wealth. When you see the stock market come down and the real estate bubble burst all that phony wealth will evaporate. And all that will be left is all the debt we have accumulated with foreigners.” Arthur Laffer laughs at Schiff’s foresight saying he will be eating his words. Laffer continues to tell the CNBC audience that our economy is driven by good economic and monetary policy. Schiff continues through the video to give sound advice based on real facts while Arthur Laffer makes personal attacks saying, “Peter it’s your honor at stake.” Really can Arthur Laffer be this dumb? I would like to think he could be but it is more likely he is part of the scam used to rip off the American people and their children. Laffer tries to claim American families enjoy an increase in household net worth. When Peter asks why most husbands and wives both have to work to provide an income to support a family. Laffer say “Because they love their job at low tax rates. They can buy more. It’s great!” Then the host and Laffer both attack Schiff for suggesting that women should not be working when he never made that statement. The entire exchange exposes the feminist scam that says having both parents away from their children working to support the family somehow empowers women. When this myth only empowers the banking elite and government elitist who live off our income taxes like vampires live off blood. This video exposes much of the financial, tax and social manipulation in our society. And by the way what’s wrong with an economy that will allow one parent to stay home while the other earns an income? That parent staying home can be the father. Now that’s what I call woman’s liberation. |
The Laffer curve was voodoo economics then and voodoo economics now.
so is "mark to market". so is the MLS. so is stock pricing. brokers hate limit orders, huh? gotta get that bump for the transaction. LOL Which brings me to the FRB. wanna fly kites, anyone? |