Topic: Will it Matter | |
Imagine if you had too Clean up a Sports Areana by yourself after a Game:huh and you had too get it done in 4 hours
![]() ![]() ![]() Over Onehundred Thousand people lost their Job last Month ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am tired of the Pressure ![]() The sad part is, that i am about too Crack ![]() ![]() |
It may not be so difficult soon, bc...
Our concerns and responsibilities may be reduced in the near future to just the, clothing and shelter. It certainly will simplify our lives now, won't it? I'm afraid the Monday night football game and which celebrity is carrying who's baby aren't going to matter much for a while. Maybe this is the reality check we all need to stop the madness? What are we? A nation of blockheads? Wonder if this is how my grandparents history. |
No one seems to want to touch this topic? I live at the low end of the income scale and even raised a daughter by myself. The only way I could handle it was to live at subsistance level and give up wanting the other things. Now she is grown but I learned a lesson, that the anxiety and feelings of hopelessness come from WANT. When you no longer WANT you step outside the game. As for being president, no one would vote for someone who suggested doing the things that would actually work because they would have to give up something. No one would face up to the fact that tax money can't fix the attitudes of the kids who don't want to learn, have no work ethic, and scorn those who do. No one wants to give up being able to drive down the street whenever they feel like it in order to get us away from reliance on oil and dealing with the middle-easterner who hate us for making them just like us. No one wants to give up the power they get from telling us how to live, what we can read, watch on tv, smoke, drink, wear, teach our children, (say, didn't we fight the communists because we thought they would do that to us?). So when I see someone who wants to be president I don't see someone who wants to do anything other than play the game.
very good
Thanks...lessons learned the hard way. Reality has a way of smacking you on the forehead and saying "DUH"
its all true ****. example: in the milwaukee, wi school system, the term no child left behind is literal. teachers cannot fail a student if they want a job. guess where the learning curve stands? genius minds put to waste.
I have a lady friend who is a counsellar at the middle school. She can not give advice for fear of a lawsuit. She can listen and hope that calms them down or she can refer them to an "expert" service approved by the government.