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no photo
Mon 09/29/08 10:55 AM

let's applaud the 'good' part of our government for being sensible enough for such a decision.

Railslave's photo
Mon 09/29/08 10:58 AM
It seems that common sense and reason have come to visit.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 11:56 AM
common sense prevails!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :banana: :banana:

wiley's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:03 PM
It's not over yet. Don't count your chickens...

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:08 PM
it may not be over
but this was just a ploy by Bush to make his party look good

I'm just glad this bill failed.

The average American was going to have to pay for something they had nothing to do with.

The fat cats became pigs and turned into hogs, now they have to suffer along with the poor and nonexistent middle class.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:09 PM
Edited by quiet_2008 on Mon 09/29/08 12:10 PM
they'll still pass something

the fact that the stock market almost crashed as a result tells me that they do need some form of bailout.

(hahahahahah everything comes back to "I hate George Bush")

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:12 PM
I don't hate anyone, least of all Bush
the facts speak for themselves

they need to let them fail, this bailout will not stop people from losing their homes, or jobs for that matter

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:14 PM
but if they do let em fail (and that is my inclination too) are we prepared to live through what will probably be the greatest recession since world war 2?

wiley's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:16 PM
The FED is still going to print more money either way. You watch.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:26 PM
hahahaha even Nancy Pelosi is still stuck on "I hate George Bush"

people are STILL so hung up on fighting the last war that they are losing the new one

talldub's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:29 PM

hahahaha even Nancy Pelosi is still stuck on "I hate George Bush"

people are STILL so hung up on fighting the last war that they are losing the new one

We have a saying in Irish that roughly translated means "People are idiots"

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:39 PM

The FED is still going to print more money either way. You watch.

why not go after the money that was paid to the CEO's and the other high ups that have brought this to the light.
This has been going on for years, and they government had to know it and just turned they heads and looked away...

Why should the American people have to save Wall Street?

Make them give up the money that have taken from people that shouldn't have been in this type of debt in the first place.

talldub's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:41 PM

The FED is still going to print more money either way. You watch.

why not go after the money that was paid to the CEO's and the other high ups that have brought this to the light.
This has been going on for years, and they government had to know it and just turned they heads and looked away...

Why should the American people have to save Wall Street?

Make them give up the money that have taken from people that shouldn't have been in this type of debt in the first place.

Perhaps if the stock exchange had slightly better controls in place they wouldn't have to be saved. I think a huge amount of reform is needed in the American financial market to prevent this from happening again

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:43 PM
I think they will get to that eventually

but first we have to see who can make the most political hay out of it

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:43 PM

The FED is still going to print more money either way. You watch.

why not go after the money that was paid to the CEO's and the other high ups that have brought this to the light.
This has been going on for years, and they government had to know it and just turned they heads and looked away...

Why should the American people have to save Wall Street?

Make them give up the money that have taken from people that shouldn't have been in this type of debt in the first place.

Perhaps if the stock exchange had slightly better controls in place they wouldn't have to be saved. I think a huge amount of reform is needed in the American financial market to prevent this from happening again

What type of reform?
Any ideas?

wiley's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:57 PM
How about putting money back on a standard again? There's an idea. You know, make it actually worth something besides the paper its printed on. (Not even worth that now really...)

Drivinmenutz's photo
Mon 09/29/08 12:59 PM
he irony behind that is that if our money were backed by gold still, gas prices wouldn't have increased. You can pretty much say the same for medications as well...

Lynann's photo
Mon 09/29/08 01:14 PM
Edited by Lynann on Mon 09/29/08 01:25 PM
Sadly I don't think common sense has a damned thing to do with it.

I think it's playing politics that's delayed a decision on the bail-out plan. No one wants, republican and democrat, to be accused of paying off or bailing out their wall street friends. So, they are looking for a way to do this with as little potential political damage as possiable.

I've been home all day and I have seen a huge increase in the number of McCain ads today too. Coincidence? I don't think so.

I absolutely beleive the first place the money should come from is from the pockets of those people who ran these institutions into the ground with speculation and profit taking.

Seize their assets and sell their property to start. Sorry CEO of AIG, mismanagement is not okay. You pay and so on.

Then send accountants in to make sense of the books. What are we buying with the buyout? What are the real assets and liabilities of each company? I don't want to pay forty cents on the dollar for what is worth four cents on the dollar. Do you know that there are some in the government who say we should pay the maximim potential value for this crap because "it would be good for the recovery"? WTH is that?

There will be some government action. Just wait for it.

no photo
Mon 09/29/08 01:17 PM
Things that make ya go hmmmmmmmmm

wiley's photo
Mon 09/29/08 01:17 PM
It's an election cycle. Both parties are going to blame each other and try to look good. Name of the game.

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