Topic: opening credits
s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:02 PM
drama and a sense of heightened
as opening credits
flamboyantly roll
title is irrelevant
i expect
all the important things
are unseen
cannot be seen
cannot be touched
cannot be smelled
cannot be tasted
cannot be heard
i feel this
while the characters
change shape and morph
in my mind
the picture emerges
movie title frames
emerging playfully
from animated
clouds of multicolored
it is a delightful event
of who produces, who directs
and all the cast and crew
it is her art


Jess642's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:04 PM
*** puts down big pointy cone thingo used to yell through, and calls, 'cut!'...***

(even if that had nothing to do with me, I LOVE playing dressups..)


s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:06 PM
laugh flowerforyou

myanimalcracker's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:13 PM
Don’t we
actors play along?
Don’t we dance to songs
on and off the stage? When
the ball is thrown we bark and
fetch. We catch and in turn are caught.
We sneer at strangers near the fence, eagerly
lap at praise for our obedience. Faces are painted.
Bulbs get hot. Yet tonight another show is shot. We
don’t believe in fate. We’re ready but our timing’s off. We
wait. We wait. We wait.

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:14 PM
comes in with a tray of goodies for the waiting actors
they're hungry!

:smile: flowerforyou

so far all we have is credits!


LAMom's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:19 PM
Hope fills our wait
Faith guides the script
Belief fuels the Soul
Spirit leads the pen
So as we take our spots in this casting call
Remember we are so worthy of the part

((( H ))) your brilliant mind just fills meflowers

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:24 PM
(((D))) your sweetness and light permeates this site flowerforyou

d4tc's photo
Thu 09/25/08 02:28 PM
Nice Flow, open and close. happy drinker

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 09/25/08 07:22 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 09/25/08 07:24 PM
Clickity clack
Rickity rack
Don’t mind me
I’m the maintenance man
I play no part in a scripted form
I prop the stage and create a storm
the actors sail with the wind I make
I blow them away with every take

I’m the unseen ghost in a horror flick
I’m the shadows cast on a road of brick
I’m a flickering flame on a candle wick
and for the shaman, I’m a magic trick

I play no part in actor’s role
yet I give the production my heart and soul
without my aid there’d be no troll
and the wolves would howl like they’re out of control

I keep the props from falling down
and create a façade that looks like a town
I glue the pearls in the princess’ crown
and stock the mote where her enemies drown

I’m the unseen herd that thunders the ground
I’m the cannons that fire, round after round
and when the mast breaks, and the sails flutter down
I’m the one who produces the sound

I make all the noise without speaking a line
I’m the unscripted poet speaking only in mime
I’m the trumpets for angles that sound so divine
The credits for illusions are totally mine

s1owhand's photo
Thu 09/25/08 07:39 PM

Clickity clack
Rickity rack
Don’t mind me
I’m the maintenance man
I play no part in a scripted form
I prop the stage and create a storm
the actors sail with the wind I make
I blow them away with every take

I’m the unseen ghost in a horror flick
I’m the shadows cast on a road of brick
I’m a flickering flame on a candle wick
and for the shaman, I’m a magic trick

I play no part in actor’s role
yet I give the production my heart and soul
without my aid there’d be no troll
and the wolves would howl like they’re out of control

I keep the props from falling down
and create a façade that looks like a town
I glue the pearls in the princess’ crown
and stock the mote where her enemies drown

I’m the unseen herd that thunders the ground
I’m the cannons that fire, round after round
and when the mast breaks, and the sails flutter down
I’m the one who produces the sound

I make all the noise without speaking a line
I’m the unscripted poet speaking only in mime
I’m the trumpets for angles that sound so divine
The credits for illusions are totally mine

"i like that" bigsmile :banana:

ArtGurl's photo
Fri 09/26/08 08:27 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Fri 09/26/08 08:40 AM
artgurl enters from stage left ... feeling sleepy and a little annoyed at the workmen outside blasting heavy metal music loud enough to hear over the saws and hammers at 7 am...

she looks around at the empty house ... anticipating a full crowd today ... some she will know ... others just passing through ... but all important to the unfolding of it all ...

s1ow is first to enter ... delivering his lines perfectly ... well of course he does ... it is her story after all...

she is both lead actress and director ... and we are on day 14,877 of the epic...

The story is full of such richness .... and as all epics go ... is filled with anticipation and turmoil and love and betrayal and hope and adventure and grief and wonder ... such wonder ...

Jess and LaMom and others are off directing their own plays and sometimes the characters overlap ... sitcoms, dramas, thrillers all happening at once... it is a festival with many stages ...and with actors popping in and out of other stories ...

All of the characters are multidimensional, of course, and bring their own flavour and richness to the roles ... at times comedic ... at others tragic ...

Scene 1:

Artgurl sits gazing out her livingroom window. Her once amazing view of the entire river valley has been all but obliterated by a new townhouse construction. Another sign that it is time to move on ....

lurchs_sister's photo
Fri 09/26/08 08:33 AM

LAMom's photo
Fri 09/26/08 08:49 AM
And the script is written, re-written
Edited, re-edited bringing in life
Love and the ever transluscent essence
of family,,, ohhhhhhh this shall be
a magnificant journey upon the silver
screen :heart:

Jess642's photo
Fri 09/26/08 01:51 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Fri 09/26/08 01:51 PM

artgurl enters from stage left ... feeling sleepy and a little annoyed at the workmen outside blasting heavy metal music loud enough to hear over the saws and hammers at 7 am...

she looks around at the empty house ... anticipating a full crowd today ... some she will know ... others just passing through ... but all important to the unfolding of it all ...

s1ow is first to enter ... delivering his lines perfectly ... well of course he does ... it is her story after all...

she is both lead actress and director ... and we are on day 14,877 of the epic...

The story is full of such richness .... and as all epics go ... is filled with anticipation and turmoil and love and betrayal and hope and adventure and grief and wonder ... such wonder ...

Jess and LaMom and others are off directing their own plays and sometimes the characters overlap ... sitcoms, dramas, thrillers all happening at once... it is a festival with many stages ...and with actors popping in and out of other stories ...

All of the characters are multidimensional, of course, and bring their own flavour and richness to the roles ... at times comedic ... at others tragic ...

Scene 1:

Artgurl sits gazing out her livingroom window. Her once amazing view of the entire river valley has been all but obliterated by a new townhouse construction. Another sign that it is time to move on ....

*****Jess stumbles through the red door in the rear wall of the back drop..*****

Creeping up on Artgurl, she drops a pack of Rolos in her lap, tickles the fine hairs on the back of her neck, and whispers...

" In less than a heartbeat, this will all be a memory, and the veiw will be much more enriching"

Jess then goes to the window and yells out to the miming maintenance guy,

" Hey James, if you tinker with that anymore, it will get cantankerous!!!"

She then bows to the mighty director, winks, and skips back out the red door.

bigsmile laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/26/08 02:46 PM
Tinkering and clinkering cantankerously

The play is underway!

Jessie Lee and Artsygurl have awoken for the day

craw! craw! craw!

The sounds of crows emerge

ker-klug, ker-klug, ker-klug

A riverboat's paddles surge


It blows it's steamy foghorn


As screech owl shrills its scream

flap, flap, flap

It takes to flight
as there's no more night
and it must go home to dream

s1owhand's photo
Fri 09/26/08 02:50 PM

the playground scene - it's recess

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 09/26/08 03:24 PM
reet reet reet reet

Kids swinging on the swings!

pitter patter pitter patter

They climb the rungy things

whoosh thud! whoosh thud!

Down the slide they go!

ding ding ding ding!

Recess over! Back to acting in the show,...


no photo
Fri 09/26/08 04:16 PM
As eyes watch and read they feel my need.
Like puppets on their string,
In their ears my words ring.
My presents make the stage.
No more a subject in a cage.
It is this platform I so rage.
To fill your thoughts and mind.
With this actor so devine.

Nice write Slow...drinker :banana:

kc0003's photo
Fri 09/26/08 06:57 PM
nice piece s1ow