no photo
Fri 09/19/08 08:09 PM
Let me the first to say no matter how much $$$ money I may make, I'm willing to pay more taxes for the sack of our country.

Our Country is in dire Danger! We are faced with challenges greater to mankind of many generations as far back as I can remember and you hold the key. Folks we are dealing with boys in sheep's clothing who fight for self gratification but this is no game. Bush said it best, "Saddam is the same man who tried to kill my father" and when the menace to society is ousted we will have cheap to free oil but that never happened. I have agreed with the republican and christian values since my early teens and still do but today things are not as they seem.
This is not about Republican or Democrats, this decision is greater than you and me but only a few will understand and it is YOU who I appeal to for the sake of the Country to stand up and fight for a cause greater than your own.
The United States is faced with eminent threats from across the globe. We must save our country and regain world relations by continuing to realize the Dream of America. McCain and Palin favor war (warhores)where no peace unto man will soon exist. We face War after War after War. Do we want WW III? Today, China awaits the collapse of N. Korea who has the largest military world wide. Russia, Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, Syria etc...ask yourself if it happens, what's next? Talks with Russia on sending additional international monitors to keep tabs on South Ossetia and Abkhazia collapsed Friday, a senior Western diplomat said, warning that Moscow's hard-line stance had thrown into question its pledge to withdraw troops. WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush authorized U.S. special forces to conduct ground assaults inside Pakistan without seeking Islamabad's permission first, a senior American intelligence official said Thursday.
Bush approved Raids, The United States is concerned that Taliban and al Qaeda forces operate with relative impunity in tribal areas along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, and use those areas as a staging ground to attack U.S. forces and their allies inside Afghanistan.Our own military is short on forces even as you read this we don't have enough troops currently to support Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm supporting Obama/Biden because of you, my children, my grand children, your children, and your grand children! Who are you supporting and why? Let's not discuss the economy or $4 gas if we do that's a reflection of $350,000,000 per day in Iraq - the wrong war and has cost the American public close to $3 trillion dollars since day one. Finally when our troops come home we will save billions that we can contribute back to the economy, energy efficiency, drilling for more oil, saving the homeless, families in mortgage crisis, cities in devastation which by the way will only worsen due to global warming and the wrath of God, Health care and education. Obama has an approval rating worldwide of 49% to 18% of McCain on race relations and that speaks volumes of support that other countries will favor America again and put an end to war. Perhaps by appealing to the goodness of mankind is wishful thinking but only time will tell.
Don't be fooled!
Good Luck my friends and peace be onto you!
Support Obama/Biden

Dragoness's photo
Fri 09/19/08 08:14 PM
The truth of the matter is that the tax increases will not effect the lower income people of this country anyway.

I know the smear lies going on but it is not accurate.

The republican right really has no defenses to the Obama podium. So they come up with the old racist ideals of socialism or communism or better yet, the muslim radical. Then after that the republican smear techniques have always stood on the Dem=higher taxes which is not a proven fact but they will ride on it. It goes on and on but it is all lies.

wouldee's photo
Fri 09/19/08 09:20 PM
higher taxes only means more government spending against the balance sheet.

they will never pay down the debt and fire the dead weight in the federal and state government.

they willl shut the faucet to the cities, only and spend spend spend.

the only thing that MIGHT slow them down is lowering taxxes, and even then, the influx of that into the economy generates more tax revenue by the sheer increase in productivity.

we are screwed.


TJN's photo
Fri 09/19/08 09:32 PM
the average American might not be taxed by Obama but you dont think businesses will raise there prices cause they have to pay higher taxes? who in turn pays for that the average American! when they stop giving money to the states you dont think your property taxes will go up? how do you think they will pay for it all? no matter its still mostly coming out of the average Americans pockets.

warmachine's photo
Fri 09/19/08 09:38 PM
Do you really think, for one second that any of the money you're paying to the IRS is actually going to our government?

Maybe you ought to look towards the unconstitutional system we call a central bank.