Topic: Are you a born conservative (or liberal)?
franshade's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:39 PM
Die-hard liberals and conservatives aren't made; they're born. It's literally in their DNA.

That's the implication of a study by a group of researchers who wanted to see if there was a biological basis for people's political attitudes.

They found to their surprise that opinions on such contentious subjects as gun control, pacifism and capital punishment are strongly associated with physiological traits that are probably present at birth.

The key is the differing levels of fear that people naturally feel.

"What is revolutionary about this paper is that it shows the path from genes to physiology to behavior," said James H. Fowler, a political science professor at UC San Diego who was not involved in the research.

(complete article - link,0,514047.story

talk about accepting no responsibility shocked we are not responsible for how we act or react... laugh

franshade's photo
Fri 09/19/08 12:50 PM
None of this, however, suggests that people are slaves to their biology, researchers agree.

The latest study "does not mean that people can't sit down and think about the issues and come to some logical compromise," Smith said. "What it does mean is that it is going to be hard work."

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 09/19/08 05:30 PM
I was born a blue dog DEM & was taught that DEMS were for the WORKING CLASS!

Most of us switched when we realized they lost their "compass."

t22learner's photo
Fri 09/19/08 05:42 PM
Neocon's typically have a head injury in their medical history.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 09/19/08 05:47 PM

Neocon's typically have a head injury in their medical history.


Marine1488's photo
Fri 09/19/08 05:50 PM

Neocon's typically have a head injury in their medical history.
And you are the prime example of a liberal filled with venom. We don't have your beliefs so immediately we are neocons or probably in your mind...non thinkers. Stop embarrassing yourself. Your the sheep.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 09/19/08 05:54 PM
Don't know what i was born, but i'm pretty sure i have evolved. I hate government interference. I hate bureaucracy. I believe in being self sufficient. Freedom comes before safety. I despise gun control as it historically causes more harm than good. I am pro choice (which falls under government interference for me). I also despise any law that is passed "for your own good" like seat belt laws, helmet laws, etc. Hmmm....i think i may be more of a constitutionalist than anything. So where does that put me now?

t22learner's photo
Fri 09/19/08 05:56 PM

Neocon's typically have a head injury in their medical history.
And you are the prime example of a liberal filled with venom. We don't have your beliefs so immediately we are neocons or probably in your mind...non thinkers. Stop embarrassing yourself. Your the sheep.

Oh, you're making me blush. I don't paint all of you as neocons. As for non-thinkers, there's plenty of evidence of that from the right side of these boards.

Marine1488's photo
Fri 09/19/08 06:02 PM

Neocon's typically have a head injury in their medical history.
And you are the prime example of a liberal filled with venom. We don't have your beliefs so immediately we are neocons or probably in your mind...non thinkers. Stop embarrassing yourself. Your the sheep.

Oh, you're making me blush. I don't paint all of you as neocons. As for non-thinkers, there's plenty of evidence of that from the right side of these boards.
I feel like my intelligence has dropped by replying to you. I have better things to do.