Topic: 22 years old bored out of my mind guy
SergueiSS's photo
Sat 09/13/08 11:26 PM
Sup everyone, I havn't really ever went out on dates since my world was turned upside down by moving here when I was 8. Anyways I'm a Marine stationed in Camp Pendleton and bored to death about going out anywhere alone since all my friends on base seem to be married or just feel like smashing their heads on the wall all day or just like to do stupid stuff. Anyways are there any girls around my age that want to go out with me? I live in Camp Pendleton and go to my house in LA on most weekends when I feel like it.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 09/14/08 12:34 AM
Sorry you are so bored and lonesome. Have you tried talking to any of the people at the USO or any of the post chapels, or the Recreation center. I used to counsel young folks in the Army and they have some of the same frusterations you have. Getting involved in some community activities can break down some of the social barriers and widen your base of friends. So can takeing a class at a community college which is a great place to meet young ladies that have some goals for their lives. Some classes are on shortened time frames and don't take a whole semester committment. My son met his now wife riding a recreation bus to the mall. Years ago I met my husband a long standing Army bachelor at a birthday party that he was invited to because he volunteered for Special Olympics. There a lot of siblings that volunteer that would be very dateable. Sounds funny but go fly a kite. then walk over to some cute girl and say hey hold this for just a minute. tie your shoe, or take a drink of water you get the idea. Go sight seeing and ask someone to take your picture. then take theres and hand them a card with your screen name; tell them if they want a copy to email. It sounds silly but it is a numbers game and eventually you will meet friendly people. Good luck.