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Topic: calling all mormon's, question
Redykeulous's photo
Sun 03/25/07 06:19 PM
Just a couple simple questions, not intending to start a whole
discussion, just want to know.

If you were raised as, or joined, the church of LDS, when was the first
time you were exposed directly to the Christian Bible, Old and New

And one more, when/if you were exposed can you reference that exposure.
For example was it a specific chapter, verse, book?

That's all I wanted to know, curiosity.

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 06:22 PM
don t know squat abpout the mormons.. except... mulptiple wives seems
like a good deal for us guys... assuming one could afford more than

lazyj321's photo
Sun 03/25/07 06:26 PM
gee wiz.. all of my friends are married and they can't handle just one
let alone two or three.. plus i don't think they (moromons) do that any
more.. I know a few and as far as i know they only have one wife..

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 06:30 PM
mormon 101... your alwed several.. as long as you can AFFORD them.

lazyj321's photo
Sun 03/25/07 06:34 PM
really.. i had no idea.. i have no idea about there beliefs..
the ones i know are cool.. and that never comes up.. to be honest i
would rather not know..

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/25/07 06:46 PM
Come on get real, do you still not know why the Original LDS had more
than one wife?

Stop throwing The RE-Organized Church in the same pot as the Original
Church, The Original Mormons did away with Polygamy over a hundred years
Go do some reading and learn something before you put your foot in your
Mouth. Do you wish to have a history lesson on the Original church? I am
tired of the Mis-informed/unlearned slamming something they know nothing
about. Is this your way of spouting False information? Your rhetoric and
falsehoods are exactly why you hold so tightly to your beliefs.

As For when I learned of the Bible? Funny thing about this question I
have been reading it since I was old enough to read, I have also read
more literature on different religions than 99% of the community you
live in. Have you ever opened your eyes to the real world? or do you
live in a fantasy world of your own creationism?




lazyj321's photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:01 PM
see i thought so.. because like i said they were married and had only
one wife..

no photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:12 PM
I would comment, but G has said everything there is to say.

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:23 PM
What? No Comment Ram? Mr Informed at a loss for words? Nothing to back
your claims? Seems that once again you open your mouth with little or no
information on the subject.

Since you ask this question as to when members of the Mormon Faith are
exposed to the Christian Bible it implies that it is not followed in the
Mormon Faith. I can let you in on a widely know and mis-informed belief
of what the Mormons believe. For one the King James Version of the Bible
is recognized as the teachings of Jesus Christ and his deciples. If you
believe that any true follower of this faith believes anything else, you
are mis-informed.

If you ever have the opportunity to learn of more you might try to open
your minds as to what is truly believed in this faith. Stop listening to
those who say they know all about it and make an informed decision based
on information gathered by yourself. Until that time I believe I could
answer a few questions you May have.



Redykeulous's photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:25 PM
I agree with fine - I asked for some honest input, but I should have
known we'd get some of the peanuts gallery. Thanks Gryph for your
honest responce.

Can I ask you this - Is it part of the LDS teaching to refer to the
Bible? I can only speak from the information I attained about 20 years
ago, when many of the friends I had infomed me that they never referred
directly to the Bible. I was wondering if that had changed or if you
were just a curious person who went out on their own in this matter?

Gryphyn's photo
Sun 03/25/07 07:42 PM
The followers of the LDS faith believe the bible as the word of God as
it is translated correctly. The present day King James version is used
solely in the teachings of the LDS Faith.

Many people have been led to believe that The Book of Mormon is thier
Bible. This is not the case, it is a book of scriptures that tell of the
teachings of Christ on the North American Continent.



no photo
Mon 03/26/07 06:12 AM
hello... there is a segment og the mormon faith that still believes in
poligamy. if we think of it as being unscriptual, then mabe we shouls
consider King solomon and his 1000 wives.
my read is that the bible doesent encourage the practice, but you do
have the obligation to take care of them if you have more than one.
There are in fact traditional mormons, but they are kept under wraps by
thier church. My next door neighbor is one of them. Im going by what
they have told me thru the years. I have no reason to doubt them. HE
has two wives. everybody seems happy so i guess it works for them.
an understanding of someone elses beliefs is not acceptance of thier
those who practice this belief must do so quietly, as poligamy is
not legal here in the colonies. gonna be hard to provide for 9 wives
from prison. lol

no photo
Mon 03/26/07 06:15 AM
have read the book of mormon, cant say it made much sense to me. mabe i
needed more direction than just reading it cover to cover.

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:53 AM
Rambil, as I said those who practice polygamy are not of the original
religion of the LDS faith. There is an offshoot of the LDS faith that
does still practice polygamy and they consider themselves traditional.
These members are not of the Faith that is very public, they are of the
re-organized/reformed faith and in no way shape or form is polygamy
condoned. As you said it is Illegal and bigamy is not accepted in any
way shape or form.

As to why polygamy Was practiced? Simple answer is this, during the
early days of growth the men who did convert to the LDS faith were often
sent to prison or killed in the name of religion/God. They were
persecuted regularly, when these sentences were carried out, who would
protect thier families? Many families were tormented, chastised, etc as
a result of thier beliefs. Since in the Bible and other books that these
people followed did NOT allow more than one wife in the house, the only
way to protect them was to marry them.

This is why I asked you to do some research about the LDS faith.

Time to head to work, I'll be back Tonight.



Redykeulous's photo
Mon 03/26/07 08:51 AM
Wow Gryph, you provide so much information that seems in conflict, in
part, with all that I had read, and with all those I knew. I even
attended the reformed church of JC of LDS and discussed why they had
separated with some of the congregation. They were wonderful poeple,
open to talking with me because as they said, "they wanted to set the
record straight as to who they were" . They were not poligamists, they
did consider themselves Christian in the sence that they accepted JC as
Lord and savior, where the original Mormom group did not. There is so
much history, it is very difficult to sort it out and far too difficult
in a brief scenerio to explain to anyone who has not even read or been
exposed beyond the slurrs of public opinion. Your patience and
explanations are appreciated as I want to know from one who is there how
things may have changed.

One more comment and question, I have known several ex-Mormons who have
told me they were mislead, misguided and not presented with all the
facts of their religion. Some felt they were held hostage to their
beliefs and they were, for in the end they lost their families when they
left the faith. That happens every single day in the Christian faith as
well as some others I expect. Do you, did you ever mistrust what you
were taught, or feel that you found truth/information that you thought
you should have been told, specifically about your faith?

no photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:43 PM
im always on a search for the bible truth... dont find a lot of it in
many organised religions. some more than others of course. mabe its
enough to have fellowship other believers. for me im a bible truth man.
dont need church doctrine. dont need a book of bible law. the bible is
the law book to me.

Gryphyn's photo
Mon 03/26/07 12:57 PM
Seems to me there are many things spoken about in regards to religion,
ie what you can or can't do. Like many other religions in the world The
LDS faith is based on Jesus Christ and his teachings. The ten
commandments are practiced to a Tee. There is no lea way nor should
there be. The teachings of love thy neighbor depending on the members
attitude can be a little extreme and as such they SEEM pushy. Hence
people feel that religion is being pushed on them.

Misleading information? Nope I have never been mislead nor would I
mislead anyone. Even during the time I searched different avenues of
religion I would still stand up for the LDS faith. It didn't matter
about my personal feelings or how I decided Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll
where more important than religion.

I am curious as to the information that was misleading? It seems to me
that no matter what Christian religion practiced the 10 commandments are
the golden rules. As for any other information they felt was misleading
I have no idea what would be considered misleading. One thing is for
sure if you do investigate ANY religion prayer should guide the way and
not what somebody said.

Like many normal conversations people can misunderstand what was said if
they only hear part of it, ever evesdrop on a conversation and only get
part of it? Then make a decision based on that? I have and I am sure
everyone has at one time or another. That is why mast members will tell
you to ask questions if you do not understand, don't just skim the info,
read it and understand it before you make any decision.

Over the last few years I have been more in tune with what I desire in
life and as a result have been to church several times in the last 6
mos. One being Baptist, another a christian fellowship a few times, and
a couple times an LDS church.

Back to work TTYL.



GhostWhisperer's photo
Mon 03/26/07 08:50 PM
The purpose of the multiple wives things was so that all women were
cared for. They weren't enough mormon men to go around, so to speak.
They do not practice that anymore. At least not the original form of the

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 03/26/07 10:38 PM
Ghost you are incorrect. In the Morman faith, MEN aspire to heaven based
on their earthly wealth. That wealth wheather in part or in whole
consists on the number of family members they have baptised.
So consider that if a man who was not able to or had no knowledge of
generations before him (unbaptised because the religeon was a new one)
then it was best that he took several wifes, had many children and saw
to the baptism of all. The more you have attributed to your name the
greater your god status in heaven. (maybe a bit general but staying away
for too much history here)

Also forthright questions for you for Gryphyn. Do all Mormons, wheather
reformed or not, believe that Jesus is God? That Jesus was sent and died
to purify your sins if you believe he is God? Do they believe in the
polytheistic nature of God, or as the Christians call it the trilogy of
God, Father,Son & Holy Spirit?

If this seems blunt it is meant to be, I don't want any issues skirted
on this topic as I had spent several years researching it myself. So
I'm asking you these things to verify the facts I found in my own
search. Thank-you for sharing your wisdom and beliefs in this matter.

GhostWhisperer's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:35 PM
First of all, they are not MY beliefs. I was raised mormon, but I am no
longer mormon. I only know what I was "taught" & yes that was the reason
for polygamy.

They believe that god, jesus & the holy spirit are 3 separate entities,
so to speak.

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