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Topic: calling all mormon's, question
Gryphyn's photo
Tue 03/27/07 05:58 AM
Red, I am not sure where you recieved your information in regards to
baptism, however as far as I have learned your statement is incorrect.
The reason for baptism of the dead is to help those who did not have the
opportunity to learn of Jesus Christ to be baptized, and in so doing to
be forgiven for thier sins. It is a simple philosophy that follows the
teachings of the LDS that to be forgiven one must accept Jesus Christ to
be forgiven. To be baptised is to accept him. There is no status given
to those who do these baptisms.

Status? Nope I don't think so, most members I know are not concerned
about status. Whether it be in the church or in the normal routines of
life. They are no different from you and me in that regards, there are
those who like many are Go Getters and as a result are financially
independent, yet to say they are any different from others is because
they have more drive in that regards.

Earthly wealth? Most of those I have dealings with have the same
problems with finances as you or I. There is no intrinsic value of
baptism and monetaries in the LDS faith. There is no secret of the
monies the LDS church has for building churches or helping those in
need. The reason for this is simple No member of the LDS Faith is paid
for thier services, those that are paid are those who perform normal
services, Janitors, laborers,contractors etc. Those in counseling
positions are not paid, Bishops, conselors, members of the quorum, or
any holder of the priesthood unless the are in a working position.

The Trinity, I can tell you what I learned about this, The trinity, God
is the creator, the father,the almighty. Jesus christ is the son of God
who came to this earth, so that we may be forgiven our sins. The Holy
Ghost is the guiding spirit that dwells within us all.

If you have ANY questions in regards to my answers ask, I will answer to
the best of my knowledge, and teachings.



Gryphyn's photo
Tue 03/27/07 06:06 AM
After reading my last post I believe I need to clarify about something a
little better.

The hierarchy of the LDS faith is not paid for the services of leading
thier respective followings/wards/areas, the homes they live in are paid
for by what they have earned outside the church, ALL thier Bills are
paid for by thier own earnings unless it is directly related to church



Gryphyn's photo
Tue 03/27/07 06:16 AM
I missed one of your questions about the reformed. I truly could not
answer for the reformed side of the equation. I have never really
aspired to follow some of the teachings I have heard of. I would imagine
they have many teachings the same as The original followers of the LDS
Faith(followers of Joseph Smith), however as I said before I will not
mislead you with information I am unable to confirm.

There are subtle differences between the two, and since the originals
LDS church is where I have learned these things they are not spoken of
too much.



no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:20 PM
i have a question if u believe in the bible why wasnt joseph smith ever metioned in it if he was so important and its the true church were in the bible does it say dod and satan were brothers

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:45 PM
When Christ died, did darkness cover the land for three days or for three hours? (Luke 23:44 and 3 Nephi 8:19, 23).

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:45 PM
Joseph Smith said that there are men living on the moon who dress like Quakers and live to be nearly 1000 years old. Since he was wrong about the moon, is it safe to trust him regarding the way to Heaven? (The Young Woman's Journal, Vol. 3, pages 263-264. See repreint in Mormonism --Shadow or Reality? by Jerald and Sandra Tanner, page 4.)

no photo
Thu 08/23/07 09:46 PM
Joseph Smith prepared fourteen Articles of Faith. Why has the original No. 11 been omitted? (Joseph Smith Begins His Work, Vol. 2, three pages after page 160, among the photos.)

no photo
Mon 08/27/07 12:00 PM
calling all mormons defend your faith

no photo
Wed 08/29/07 10:39 AM
so again if you are babtized in the lds church and are dead how can you believe oh i see you have the power because you are a god

Gryphyn's photo
Wed 08/29/07 05:43 PM
laugh so again if you are babtized in the lds church and are dead how can you believe oh i see you have the power because you are a god laugh

Oh My God, where do you get your information? A comic book?

Obviously you have been reading the comics again. The more BS you spout the more you look like the fool.

:wink: laugh


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