Topic: broken heart
playwithmeoooolala's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:42 AM
brokenheart sad brokenheart sad brokenheart sad brokenheart sad brokenheart sad brokenheart sad

itsmetina's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:43 AM
smokin smokin smokin smokin

michiganman3's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:43 AM
Cuz only love can break your heart
Try to be sure, right from the start

JessicaAmber's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:44 AM
i just has my heart broken too cheaters suck!!

Down2earthdebbie's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:46 AM
I think I haVe found the most awsome guy but, he's in TeXas! Gonna check him out! :heart: :heart:

ReconParty19's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:48 AM
Join the club just don't show tour hand, sorryflowerforyou

playwithmeoooolala's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:48 AM
i'm stupid tears oops oops tears sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2

playwithmeoooolala's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:50 AM

Join the club just don't show tour hand, sorryflowerforyou

tour hand? i have been a member for many years

no photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:52 AM
Edited by maxxximus007 on Fri 09/12/08 12:53 AM

i'm stupid tears oops oops tears sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2
ahh wanting to be in love is not stupid and your not stupid flowerforyou

Jamesdei07's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:53 AM
im 26 years old and i just had my heart broken for the first time in my life

itsmetina's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:54 AM
here brokenheart brokenheart brokenheart brokenheart

playwithmeoooolala's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:57 AM

i'm stupid tears oops oops tears sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2 sad2
ahh wanting to be in love is not stupid and your not stupid flowerforyou

im stupid for holding on. for overlooking the bad. for thinking he could change.

playwithmeoooolala's photo
Fri 09/12/08 12:58 AM

im 26 years old and i just had my heart broken for the first time in my life

this is my third. it gets easier. its hard when the other person just gives up.

msdestinbooty's photo
Fri 09/12/08 08:18 PM

im 26 years old and i just had my heart broken for the first time in my life

Hey hotstuff whats new?

DTHRomeo's photo
Fri 09/12/08 08:21 PM
I could say something meaningful

But is not my styleohwell

Sorry guys , best luck next time