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Topic: does the way someone dress
GCLIFE's photo
Tue 09/09/08 02:53 PM

if i call a repair man, to fix my car, he'd better not come over in a suit...im gonna think he knows nothing of cars...

if i call a lawyer, and when i meet him, he's in sweats, im gonna rethink hiring him..

the clothes do NOT make the person, however, dress the role you play..

It is moments like these when I have to rethink wearing polka dot shorts and TMNT ties when meeting with clients. :smile:

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/09/08 03:02 PM

<--- wears turtlenecks and still shows clevage...

I've been called whorish and slutty yet went home alone and didn't even flirt with anyone.

I think judging a woman on how "slutty" they look speaks more of you than it does of the person wearing the outfit, I've found that the ones who judge are just too afraid or too ashamed of their body to dress like that. JMHO

I agree 100%, I have found in evaluating my own reactions to different women, if I am feeling negatively about her and how she dressed, it really has to do with how I am feeling about myself at the time.

I try not to be catty about other women. I believe the more negativity I send out the more I will get back so I think positive thoughts instead.

I say, Go girl, if you got it and you feel like showing it, go for it, no foul from me.:wink:

I think you are on to something there, if we as women can't see what we do to each other and the disrespectful way we treat each other, how in the world are we to expect a man to treat us with respect?

Look at women who work in offices and there's always one that gets promoted and EVERYONE men and women assume it is because they are sleeping with the boss, or wears "slutty clothes" couldn't possibly be her fortitude or intelligence could it?

There are two words in the English language that make my blood boil one is the "N" word and the other is whore..... I don't like words of hate, it only speaks of the person using them, not of the person they are speaking about.

When it comes to the amount of negativity we send out daily, if you could review your day, you would feel sick from it. We make fun of body types, job titles, skin color, religious background, where a person lives, how they talk, how they walk, what they wear, etc..... Making fun of others gives us a superiority boost of some kind but really it hurts us in the end because we have to suffer the result of the return negativity.

The only time it is funny for a person to make fun of another is if the other is themselves. It is never funny to make fun of people who are unlike you and not available or aware to defend themselves.

papersmile's photo
Tue 09/09/08 03:04 PM
The only time it is funny for a person to make fun of another is if the other is themselves. It is never funny to make fun of people who are unlike you and not available or aware to defend themselves.

so i can't make fun of dan99 anymore? sad

Lily0923's photo
Tue 09/09/08 03:06 PM
Wait, I make fun of stupid people, but only those who are stupid by choice is that ok?

Lily0923's photo
Tue 09/09/08 03:07 PM

The only time it is funny for a person to make fun of another is if the other is themselves. It is never funny to make fun of people who are unlike you and not available or aware to defend themselves.

so i can't make fun of dan99 anymore? sad

I personally give full permission for that.... Not sure how his gf feels, but I'm pretty sure she's ok with it, as she is pretty funny herself.

iamherefornow's photo
Tue 09/09/08 05:10 PM

if i call a repair man, to fix my car, he'd better not come over in a suit...im gonna think he knows nothing of cars...

if i call a lawyer, and when i meet him, he's in sweats, im gonna rethink hiring him..

the clothes do NOT make the person, however, dress the role you play..

It is moments like these when I have to rethink wearing polka dot shorts and TMNT ties when meeting with clients. :smile:

I would smile and probably think okay he stands a chance.

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