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Topic: Bushes answer is to trying to pardon himself of war crimes
wouldee's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:18 PM
Edited by wouldee on Mon 09/08/08 09:19 PM

With the publication of his new memoir, At the Center of the Storm, released Monday, and in an appearance on the CBS television new program “60 Minutes” the night before, former CIA director George Tenet has become the latest former official to admit publicly that the Bush administration launched its war against Iraq based upon false pretenses and manipulated intelligence.


more disinformation to confuse the enemies of this country.

you should know that.

these are not plums for proving wrongdoing.

Or Pelosi wouldn't have thrown an olive branch at the current administration.

wake up.

you are all being sold a bill of goods.

there is no Nobama in 2008.

He is the decoy.

wake up.

the world is an ungly place made better by a strong America.

Who stopped us???




know why?

because the whole world knows we are in the cleaner business.

we did the world's dirty work.

They are glad Clinton is gone.

That are even more glad to know before you do that nobama is a byword like Ross Perot or Mondale or Kerry.

truth hurts, doesn't it?

slaphead think

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:19 PM
In regards to the yellow cake we allready have discussed it. But I see your not in the know and buy into the propaganda version of events. I will help you out. The fact that the material was under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for more than a decade opens an entirely different line of questioning: Is the entire group of United Nations bureaucrats running the IAEA legally insane?

These issues are somewhat separate from the Plame—Wilson—Rove dust up that's been roiling Washington recently, but nevertheless shed light on why Joe Wilson went to Niger in February of 2002 and why the bureaucratic tussle over those 16 words about the Iraqi—Niger yellow cake connection was so fierce.

The story begins at the end of the first Gulf War when inspectors found a 500 ton cache of refined yellow cake uranium at Iraq's primary nuclear research facility in Al—Tuwaitha outside of Bagdhad. The cache was part of a huge inventory of nuclear materials discovered by UN inspectors that included low—level radioactive material of the type used for industrial and medical purposes as well as a quantity of highly enriched uranium suitable for bomb production

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:20 PM

In regards to the yellow cake we allready have discussed it. But I see your not in the know and buy into the propaganda version of events. I will help you out. The fact that the material was under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for more than a decade opens an entirely different line of questioning: Is the entire group of United Nations bureaucrats running the IAEA legally insane?

These issues are somewhat separate from the Plame—Wilson—Rove dust up that's been roiling Washington recently, but nevertheless shed light on why Joe Wilson went to Niger in February of 2002 and why the bureaucratic tussle over those 16 words about the Iraqi—Niger yellow cake connection was so fierce.

The story begins at the end of the first Gulf War when inspectors found a 500 ton cache of refined yellow cake uranium at Iraq's primary nuclear research facility in Al—Tuwaitha outside of Bagdhad. The cache was part of a huge inventory of nuclear materials discovered by UN inspectors that included low—level radioactive material of the type used for industrial and medical purposes as well as a quantity of highly enriched uranium suitable for bomb production
the propaganda effort was huge on this story to make it appear to be something new when in fact it was old old news and never the reasone we went to war in iraq

no photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:23 PM
Edited by voileazur on Mon 09/08/08 09:33 PM

With the publication of his new memoir, At the Center of the Storm, released Monday, and in an appearance on the CBS television new program “60 Minutes” the night before, former CIA director George Tenet has become the latest former official to admit publicly that the Bush administration launched its war against Iraq based upon false pretenses and manipulated intelligence.


more disinformation to confuse the enemies of this country.

you should know that.

these are not plums for proving wrongdoing.

Or Pelosi wouldn't have thrown an olive branch at the current administration.

wake up.

you are all being sold a bill of goods.

there is no Nobama in 2008.

He is the decoy.

wake up.

the world is an ungly place made better by a strong America.

Who stopped us???




know why?

because the whole world knows we are in the cleaner business.

we did the world's dirty work.

They are glad Clinton is gone.

That are even more glad to know before you do that nobama is a byword like Ross Perot or Mondale or Kerry.

truth hurts, doesn't it?

slaphead think

How you ever manage to put ALL those words together 'wouldee', I'll never know!!!

Keep it up!!! You so appear to enjoy yourself.

But, if on the other hand, you would like to engage people in dialogues, real discussions, try raising questions which are based on reality, and back them up factual information sources.

That way instead of just putting words together, you'll start getting some real questions rolling back and forth between several posters.

Try it! I'm sure you'll like!

wouldee's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:27 PM

In regards to the yellow cake we allready have discussed it. But I see your not in the know and buy into the propaganda version of events. I will help you out. The fact that the material was under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for more than a decade opens an entirely different line of questioning: Is the entire group of United Nations bureaucrats running the IAEA legally insane?

These issues are somewhat separate from the Plame—Wilson—Rove dust up that's been roiling Washington recently, but nevertheless shed light on why Joe Wilson went to Niger in February of 2002 and why the bureaucratic tussle over those 16 words about the Iraqi—Niger yellow cake connection was so fierce.

The story begins at the end of the first Gulf War when inspectors found a 500 ton cache of refined yellow cake uranium at Iraq's primary nuclear research facility in Al—Tuwaitha outside of Bagdhad. The cache was part of a huge inventory of nuclear materials discovered by UN inspectors that included low—level radioactive material of the type used for industrial and medical purposes as well as a quantity of highly enriched uranium suitable for bomb production

more disinformation.

read between the lines.

of course the yellowcake is old news.

so are scud missles.

but the technology to convert the yeloowcake disappeared to Syria and Iran prior to invasion.

That is what Bush was trying to intervene agsainst from the south and from the west.

That's where the invsasion started. D'OH!!!!

Saddam was too clever. Gotta give him that.

If we left him in place, he would have retrieved the stuff just as sure as you breathe air..

It is time that this country wake up from the slumber of what is really going on.

World domination by the ruling class, globally speaking.

Think bigger than hating and learn from the truth, instead of whining about the failure of Socialism and communism to overcome this free people.

God Bless America and all within it, whether they like it or not.

nobama 2008

Lynann's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:32 PM
Geo. Bush violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

It offends reasonable thinking to say why hasn't he been impeached?

Ever heard that little bit about all good men doing nothing?

cottonelle's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:36 PM

President Bush Passes a Bill giving himself and his whitehouse retroactive immunity for possible war crimes!


this is right up there with him being behind the 911 attacks...roflmao

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:36 PM

Geo. Bush violated his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

It offends reasonable thinking to say why hasn't he been impeached?

Ever heard that little bit about all good men doing nothing?
I suppose what realy angers me about these neocons is how recklessly they chose to go to war and send our young men and women into the fray. Bush himself durring Nam chose a cozy stateside air national guard gig, rumsfeld was a no show as well as rush Lymbaugh and darn near the entire cast of Neo cons all were defered from service for one reasone or another yet they were so eager to send our kids off to battle. I have a verry hard time excepting that we got fooled into this mess by this rouges gallary of chickenhawks

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:37 PM

President Bush Passes a Bill giving himself and his whitehouse retroactive immunity for possible war crimes!


this is right up there with him being behind the 911 attacks...roflmao
well me I would go to the link and do some independant research and see if it is true. You will find that it is but if it isnt I would be happy to know about it.

cottonelle's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:42 PM
Edited by cottonelle on Mon 09/08/08 09:43 PM

well me I would go to the link and do some independant research and see if it is true. You will find that it is but if it isnt I would be happy to know about it.

yup and he launched hurricane katrina to...ROFLMAO

madisonman's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:53 PM

well me I would go to the link and do some independant research and see if it is true. You will find that it is but if it isnt I would be happy to know about it.

yup and he launched hurricane katrina to...ROFLMAO

Ok well I see you didnt search out the topic confirm or deny it. Impresive post though

cottonelle's photo
Mon 09/08/08 09:57 PM

Ok well I see you didnt search out the topic confirm or deny it. Impresive post though

thats because i`ve seen and read so much of it and its all just nonsence and no actual proof. most of that information comes from people that think the same thing that bush was behind all this and hes a war criminal. basicly they will say and do anything to get everyone to believe what they think

no photo
Tue 09/09/08 04:34 AM
if there were impeachable evidence against him, he would be impeached already. But after thousands of hours of hearings and dirt slinging there is nothing. but a bunch of loonie conspiracy theories

madisonman's photo
Tue 09/09/08 05:07 AM

if there were impeachable evidence against him, he would be impeached already. But after thousands of hours of hearings and dirt slinging there is nothing. but a bunch of loonie conspiracy theories
the only loonie conspiracy I see is one perpetuated by our government to build a case of wmds in Iraq. the info is readily available all it lacks is a signed confession from Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld

madisonman's photo
Tue 09/09/08 05:09 AM

if there were impeachable evidence against him, he would be impeached already. But after thousands of hours of hearings and dirt slinging there is nothing. but a bunch of loonie conspiracy theories
the only loonie conspiracy I see is one perpetuated by our government to build a case of wmds in Iraq. the info is readily available all it lacks is a signed confession from Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld
Here is a good place to start. Its from our CIA director and he states it for the record. ........With the publication of his new memoir, At the Center of the Storm, released Monday, and in an appearance on the CBS television new program “60 Minutes” the night before, former CIA director George Tenet has become the latest former official to admit publicly that the Bush administration launched its war against Iraq based upon false pretenses and manipulated intelligence.


no photo
Tue 09/09/08 05:54 AM
yawn yawn Same CRAP posted by the same people day in and day out..Get a dam life and do some good!!!! Same argument over and overyawn yawn yawn

madisonman's photo
Wed 09/10/08 04:34 AM

if there were impeachable evidence against him, he would be impeached already. But after thousands of hours of hearings and dirt slinging there is nothing. but a bunch of loonie conspiracy theories
the only loonie conspiracy I see is one perpetuated by our government to build a case of wmds in Iraq. the info is readily available all it lacks is a signed confession from Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld
Here is a good place to start. Its from our CIA director and he states it for the record. ........With the publication of his new memoir, At the Center of the Storm, released Monday, and in an appearance on the CBS television new program “60 Minutes” the night before, former CIA director George Tenet has become the latest former official to admit publicly that the Bush administration launched its war against Iraq based upon false pretenses and manipulated intelligence.



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