Topic: How much is missing? | |
For many years I have read about, and listened to people of different
Faiths discuss thier beliefs about religion. Most of those who have a strong faith in thier religion have a book that teaches Gods Laws. God could be Alla, Buddha, Isis, or any other name given to a higher power, or No name at all. My question is this how much of these books have been removed from the mainstream versions? I would like to address the King James version of the bible for instance. This version came about as a result of many books being combined into one, and as a result I Believe Many passages were left out. The scholars of the day amassed several different books of Christs teachings and compiled them into This commonly used version. What happened to the leftovers? Where did they go? These are questions I have pondered many times and as a result keep questioning the validity of The Bible as the Only Book of Christs/Gods Teachings. I understand the reasoning of the scholars compiling this information, however was it one man or group of men who created the belief system of Christianity as we know it today? I hope we have a few who will think about what I am asking before spouting religion or other thoughts that may be derogatory. During the next few weeks I hope to be enlightened and hopefully enlighten a few to things that may not be mainstream thinking about Christianity and beliefs of Christs teachings, along with teachings of other Faiths of those who wish to participate. I hope we all can keep this civil and on track. ![]() G |
G -- I was looking into the subject of gospels that were excluded from
the Bible (this was for a friend who was having an unending debate with people from a church near his home), and Wiki had a list of something like 34 of them. I read a quote somewhere that one of the people who was actually involved in assembling the Bible, made a statement to the effect that there could only be four gospels, no more, no less, because those would be the four cornerstones of the Bible. Still, it strikes me as rather arbitrary.... |
how much is missing? well with the combination of the gov't always
holding information from the public and regualr people constantly twisting around the words of your god and creating different versions of the one true bible, who actually knows? |
i'm missin' my six dollars---oh------sorry wrong answer---
How Much is Missing - Easy Answer: Not Much.
The old testament has a peculiar structure to it. The entire scripture is only considered "legit" if EVERY SINGLE character, including spaces, line breaks, and page breaks, are exactly accurate. In other words, character-by-character the OT is consistently the same for thousands of years. Yes, there are some important changes in the historical acceptance of what constitutes the Old Testament. In general Constantine, in 330ad, made many decisions of what we now recognize as the "bible". Some interesting books were left out - like "the book of Enoch", which is quoted by Jesus and Paul frequently. In general, you can be sure that the Old Testament is historically accurate, to the character-by-character degree for thousands of years, with a few specific, documented exceptions. Not so easy with the New Testament. Oh what a "mess". By the year 330ad there were a handful of regionalized "gospels". In that year Constantine said that was too many, and that the Bishops of the new Roman Church had to whittle it down to 4. Why four? There are 4 corners of the earth, and 4 winds. So shall it be four. [yes, that is the real reason given!] When you look at the "extra cannoical" gospels, you see why many of them are cast out. They're crazy. You also see that some are cast out because they're scandalous (Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Niccodemous, Letter of Pilate). Some are so abstract that they're nearly impossible to grasp (the typical Gnostic texts). However, the historical accuracy of the TEXT is pretty consistent. There is very little change in the last 2000 years to the 4 gospels. There are a handful of verses that are up for debate (search the web for "Secret Mark"), but, on the whole 98% of the character text is historically accurate. HOWEVER, when the gospel is translated from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English there are 'problems'. These boil down to the particular schooling of the translator, the style of the translator (are they seeking 100% accuracy, or trying to acheive readability? etc). Take a look round the web, you can easily see the historical gospels - and you will recognize some of the greek words. Yes, you will be able to recognize 2000yr old greek writing. You'll go far with learning a couple trans-literals for greek-to-english. But, you'll be amazed because you'll probably be able to know roughly where in the gospels the small snippet of greek comes from. In other words, with a little effort, you personally can verify the historical accuracy of the gospel-text. |
I tried to be objective, selfless.
I listened. I heard intoxicating, sweet lies. Not to giveup, I listened closer. I heard myself becoming the liar. Refocused, I listened intensely, and expectantly. I heard only listening. Hurt and desperate I listenend with complete suplication. At last I heard the sound of faith dying. Silence. |
Interesting replies, Its those that are missing that interest me.
Scandalous scriptures? Why would you say that, seems to me when someone leaves out information it could be considered hiding something. It is for this reason I am making a search for these lost scriptures, the more information I have the better informed decision I am able to make. I will be spending some time reading and after that time will be back with a more informed belief of teachings. Are they any other Religious Tomes of different beliefs that have been edited in this fashion? ![]() G |
BTW I found this link that shows far more Missing Passages than first
expected. I think I will post some of these links as I find them. G ![]() |
It seems several books in todays bible are missing from the original
"King James" version of 1615. G |
Gryphyn, I understand what you are trying to say and I too have
discovered to many falible areas. First, The King James Version is not the original version of the Bible. He was simply the first person/King to order it's publication in mass to be distributed to his country so that everyone would be reading, taught and believe the way he thought his kingdom should believe. Now, at the time he did this he being the King of what was then the greatest country of all, had much control over the Catholic Pope/Vatican. The Pope, natrually was willing to submit the the changes James wanted to make in order that HIS Catholic faith would grow greater than ever. Imagine that, the Catholic church being a business?? Anyway, moving on, one of the other issues, even though some consider it slight, is that the actual words used have been changed either because they simply have a slightly different definition or because there is/was no word that equated to the original language of the bible. For example, the word homosexual did not even exist until fairly recently, as far as history is concerned, yet it appears in the bible in this country. Just one example. Yet another issue is that in light of what discoveries have been made in this last century alone, we find that the christian faith may possibly have been let astray in their modern day believs. To see this more clearly, look up any site that will discuss the dead sea scrolls, or the lost books of Thomas, and then review your history of the gnostic religion. It may be that the Jews are more correct than ony other religion, as Jesus may have simply been a great profit and the not the messiah fortold of. For according to the information Thomas offers, knowing the history of were he lived and what his people continued to believe until thier demise, and some other historical facts about that time period, one HAS to at least question some of the information they have believe is truth. Not trying to change those who believe in God, only trying to get those who do to understand that they may, in fact, be misguided, and therefore, making judgements based on the falisy of their beleifs. |
THERE IS A SCHOOL OF THOUGHT THAT GOES: as we get farther away in time,
we get further from the truth, not closer to it as we might think. |
the book that teaches me Gods law is the Bible. Hmmmm
One of the points I have been trying to make in this post is a simple
one. What parts of the Bible have been removed due to peer pressure of the times? I posted a few links to show even in the Era of King James portions that were part of the Bible were removed only a few years after its First Edition. Is it possible these Books of the Bible were removed due to Peer Pressure or because they went against common beliefs, or did they go against the state? I hear on a regular basis about different Sects of the Christian Faith being comdemned for doing the same thing. They Choose to allow Homosexuality, and women into the priesthood. Are these any different from what has occurred in the past? History has shown me many ways of thinking about religious beliefs. History has shown me that the "Bible" has been edited more than once, and in so doing has it changed how people practice religion? On many occasions I see people argue over Creationism vs Evolution. I see the same people discuss the same issues over and over again without having Facts to show others. In having these discussions without being prepared it does not do anyone any good. My personal beliefs on what portion of the Teachings of Christ are not Relevant in this regard. Ideas and beliefs are Based on Faith, conjecture and Theories are in the same category of thought if you ask me. Take a leap of faith and read all you are able to about the teachings of the "Bible". Read more than just one version of it. Read of the "Dead Sea Scrolls" or the "Book of Mormon" or The "Koran" Read ALL you can about Jesus or the teachings of christ or the teachings of any Prophet that has made a mark in the Belief system we call religion. In my opinion Knowledge is King, and those who discount or ridicule other Tomes of religion or belief should learn Patience, humility, and Spirituality. Only then would you be able to understand what it is like to be on the other side of the fence searching for the Faith some take for granted. Personally I will be reading the books that others have removed from the "Bible" and come to my own conclusions based on Prayer, meditation, and Fasting. Anyone else going to do the same? ![]() G |
God is the protecter of his word. The scriptures that are in there, He
wanted in there, the ones he didn't want in there, are not. |
I am curious Wheezer, Does that mean that if it is edited again and the
book af Genesis was removed, the book of Genesis is no longer the word of God? HHHhhhhmmmmm seems to me that anyone with enough pull in the latter days could make it happen IF they had enough money to prove the Book of Genesis doesn't hold water. Couldn't the Anti-Christ be contributing to the removal of these books? G |
Of course Satan is always trying to pervert the word of God.He even
tried on Jesus in the wilderness by quoting partially the scriptures but leaving part out. There are many "translations" out there today and it is pretty obvious [if you know God ]which ones are perverted. As far as Genisis being removed......only in a totally perverted translation would that ever happen, not in the King James, or any other respected translation, again, Gods word is "settled for ever in heaven" . |
I only used the book of Genesis as an example. According to some of the
information I have found in the last day or so portions of the Bible are edited from it in each edition/version. ( It seems to me that I would want to read the Bible in its entire collection of Books/scriptures. "God is the protecter of his word. The scriptures that are in there, He wanted in there, the ones he didn't want in there, are not." Do you believe this? If so according to the Bible many things will occur in the Latter Days ( If only one of the Tomes God has decided to bring to us in the Latter Days Doesn't make it and I don't read it am I well informed? These are only a few things that the Bible teaches. It seems to me that just maybe some of these things we read in the Bible May be coming true. How many Books of his teachings will be handed to us in the latter days so that we may be taught properly? A closed book to me means a closed mind, and in thinking this way I want to open more books to expand my mind. I am still wondering Why they only allowed 4 gospels into the Bible? Could it be that there is more information that is being kept from the Masses? 4 cornerstones? The star of David which has been a symbol that is eons old has 6 points, could it be the chosen few decided what is or isn't allowed to the Masses? If I look at a compass there are 8 major points, North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast, East, and Northeast. My inquiring mind wonders if there are more Teachings that the masses are only recently being able to find. For those who only read the Bible and Truly Believe it IS the word of God. Believe in its entire text and not only those that suit you. Search out for more of His Teachings as he has inspired more than just a handful of words to be passed down through the generations. The possibilities are endless and to say the prophets of old don't exist in todays society is in essence saying he is no longer guiding us in todays society, and those that write his words are Heretics. ![]() G |
you know i do beleive im no saint by a long ways but do find the
question one that i have asked myself . I have a preachers edition king james bible . I was suprised to find out how may preachers read right from the scripts below the scriptures about the verses. an that the time inbetween the old an new testament was in there between the two testaments its quite interesting going from as far back to the greek empires an the arena battles to the new testament. it also talks of the books that were left out of the bible they are only in the catholic bible although not that interesting or nothing to mithical or great about them they should in my opinion been included in the king james. i recently went on ask jeeves to see what the oldest one was the oldest translate i could find was called the dead sea scrolls bible . go to ask jeeves an ask about the oldest bible even if ur not religious u might find it interesting. |
The winner writes history
nuff said |
Graph, you remind me so much of myself before I became a total believer
in the Word of God. It's a good thing to have an open mind, and to search and seek for the truth in every place available to you. I have never took anything someone told me to heart until I thouroghly searched it out for myself. I never came to the conclusion that Gods word was actually his word by my mind. That was very frustrating for me, a person with an above average I.Q. and thought at the time I was alot smarter than I later had to admit.I really don't know how to explain how God finally got a hold of me.All I can tell you is this, when you are in Gods prescence you know it! That is how my faith is immovable, because I know he is there.FAITH. Now, I hope I can answer a couple of your questions. First, yes,I absolutely,with everything in me,believe what I said.Secondly, yes these latter days are going to play out just how God said it would.It's all in there, but some things in the prophetic are not always revealed until the time comes.There are some prophecies in the bible that the writers were directed by the Holy Ghost to NOT write them but to seal them until the time of the end.God does not reveal everything to us ahead of time....then we would not rely on faith,but we would rely on ourselves.As far as the star of David thing,I don't really know why it has 6 points but I don't believe it has anything to do with people allowed to say what's what,thats Gods job . I hope some of that makes sense to you. |