Topic: OYE
sara89's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:38 AM
so here in st louis we are getting a glorious downpour of rain, the remnants of hurricane gustav, and while i love rain just as much(probably more than) the next person, when i rolled out of bed this morning i groaned.
i recently adopted a ten month old puppy from the stray rescue shelter and while he is the sweetest little dog in the world, he is also a chicken!

scared of everything and if that that isnt the worst than he also refusesto walk on a leash! i have to carry him outside and then put him on a lead connected to the fence in the backyard.

well i rolled out of bed and grabbed him, thinking to myself i would need an umbrella.

not thinking, i grabed it and tried to juggle a jumpy and rather large dog and an equally quarrlsome large umbrella while opening the door. while i succeeded in that i also managed to freak the dog out

so i struggled along to the backyard and over to the lead where i hooked them together and popped open the umbrella.


i dont think ive ever seen that dog run so fast in my life..and hes had his moments...

so i stand, my feet sinking in the mud trying to convice this wild thing to do his business so we can mosy inside.

the damn beast scurries over to a tree and curls up in a tiny little ball all the while giving me this heartreaking glare, as if to say..."mommy why are you doing this to me??? i thought you loved me!"

so i roll my eyes and decide its time to go in.

i start walking over and he runs around in a circle freaking out (stupid me forgot to close the umbrella) until finally i corner him in the muddiest oatch of the yard!

i grab him and the umbrella and run inside where he leaps from my arms and runs into my room under the covers, muddy paws and all.

when i finally got dried off i brought him a towel and laid him on it.

and all i could so was thank god i had this lil chicken hiding under my blankets. yes he was a pain...but i couldnt stop laughing. poor baby was scared to death and all i could do wa hug him and thank god that he ended up beiong adopted by me

i mean really..who else would laugh at all the mess lol

jnbuglady's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:42 AM
Bless you, for adopting him and finding humor in this "not too funny" cinareio.:thumbsup:

SmurfyPoet292721's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:46 AM
LOL geez i never knew umbrellas were that scary i mean i know its bad luck if ya open them in the house but dang

nu2u's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:04 PM
Well, it was an adveture, everyone got their thrills and it turned out good in the end.

ahuhalicious's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:07 PM
i promise if i ever dirty up your sheets ill clean up the mess myself :)

sara89's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:16 PM

i promise if i ever dirty up your sheets ill clean up the mess myself :)

um...thanks...i thinkindifferent

ahuhalicious's photo
Thu 09/04/08 12:20 PM

i promise if i ever dirty up your sheets ill clean up the mess myself :)

um...thanks...i thinkindifferent