Topic: Palin's Children | |
So, no one's suppose to talk about the Palin children but it's okay for the RNC to use them as cute props during her speech?
So, no one's suppose to talk about the Palin children but it's okay for the RNC to use them as cute props during her speech? ![]() ![]() |
Yeah, go after ALL the candidates kids and see what salacious activity and disabilities can be dredged up from the sewers!
Good reason to vote for Nader! |
I didn't know we weren't supposed to talk about the kids. Is there a reason?
I mean I think it's poetic justice that the Evangelical's teenage daughter (underage too isn't she just seventeen?) is pregnant. Other than that, there is no real story. It's not like there haven't been children in the exectutive branch before. Kennedy had kids under five years old. Amy Carter went to high school while at the White House. There is no reason to talk about them, the only reason they are talked about at all is because McCain's kids are adults and don't look as cute. They have to counter O'Bama pulling out his kids at the DNC. |
Yeah, go after ALL the candidates kids and see what salacious activity and disabilities can be dredged up from the sewers! Good reason to vote for Nader! There you go!!! ![]() |
Yeah, go after ALL the candidates kids and see what salacious activity and disabilities can be dredged up from the sewers! Good reason to vote for Nader! There has never been a good reason to vote for Nadar. I've met the man, and he is as unflexible as it comes, and only sees his personal view as the right one. No, he's just as sanctimonious as Pat Buchannon, except from the other side. |
Yeah, go after ALL the candidates kids and see what salacious activity and disabilities can be dredged up from the sewers! Good reason to vote for Nader! There has never been a good reason to vote for Nadar. I've met the man, and he is as unflexible as it comes, and only sees his personal view as the right one. No, he's just as sanctimonious as Pat Buchannon, except from the other side. Obviously you spent a lot of time with Nader when you met him and you've listened to him speak to draw that conclusion. I've heard him speak many times and he's the only candidate who talks the issues and doesn't rely on a "voice" with no substance or only on a war record. |
Yeppers I agree with Roamings assessment of Nader.
To bad so many presidents and candidates for the office seem to forget that once in office they are there to represent all citizens of the Untied States and to support and defend the Constitution. |
Yeah and Obama sure represented his constintuency well. He is a man of decisiveness, too. The only vote he knew how to cast in the Illinois State Legislature was "Present"!
Go Nader! |
Yeah, go after ALL the candidates kids and see what salacious activity and disabilities can be dredged up from the sewers! Good reason to vote for Nader! There has never been a good reason to vote for Nadar. I've met the man, and he is as unflexible as it comes, and only sees his personal view as the right one. No, he's just as sanctimonious as Pat Buchannon, except from the other side. Obviously you spent a lot of time with Nader when you met him and you've listened to him speak to draw that conclusion. I've heard him speak many times and he's the only candidate who talks the issues and doesn't rely on a "voice" with no substance or only on a war record. Yeah, you're not exactly hitting it out of the ballpark there. Spending time with a person when they are not "on stage" and listening to a man give an influential speech are not the same at all. So who's the one here that really has an idea of Nadar? And of course you assumed that I was supporting one of the two party candidates. Wrong again. I just don't think Nadar is any better an answer than McCain or Obama. None of them are good choice, and none will represent anything that I believe. I'm voting Libretarian this year. I've already decided to wash my hands of this election and vote my conscience. The Libretarian party is the only third party that actually has a chance. The Green party doesn't realize that Ralph polarizes way to many people, and that the marginal Democrats still haven't forgiven him for keeping Gore from being elected and Kerry too if you ask me. The only thing that he has really done since seat belt legislation is to give us eight years of George Bush. He's a fool. |
It's also not good policy to elect your lobbyists. Isn't that what we did when Chenney got to be Vice President? Look how that turned out.
So, no one's suppose to talk about the Palin children but it's okay for the RNC to use them as cute props during her speech? Of course. It's all about whether it's going to help or harm your campaign. Harm, not allowed. Help, all for it. That's how it works in politics. |
Yeah, go after ALL the candidates kids and see what salacious activity and disabilities can be dredged up from the sewers! Good reason to vote for Nader! There has never been a good reason to vote for Nadar. I've met the man, and he is as unflexible as it comes, and only sees his personal view as the right one. No, he's just as sanctimonious as Pat Buchannon, except from the other side. Obviously you spent a lot of time with Nader when you met him and you've listened to him speak to draw that conclusion. I've heard him speak many times and he's the only candidate who talks the issues and doesn't rely on a "voice" with no substance or only on a war record. Yeah, you're not exactly hitting it out of the ballpark there. Spending time with a person when they are not "on stage" and listening to a man give an influential speech are not the same at all. So who's the one here that really has an idea of Nadar? And of course you assumed that I was supporting one of the two party candidates. Wrong again. I just don't think Nadar is any better an answer than McCain or Obama. None of them are good choice, and none will represent anything that I believe. I'm voting Libretarian this year. I've already decided to wash my hands of this election and vote my conscience. The Libretarian party is the only third party that actually has a chance. The Green party doesn't realize that Ralph polarizes way to many people, and that the marginal Democrats still haven't forgiven him for keeping Gore from being elected and Kerry too if you ask me. The only thing that he has really done since seat belt legislation is to give us eight years of George Bush. He's a fool. Sorry, I made any assumptions. I, too, will vote Libertarian if need be (Nader doesn't get on the ballot). Anyone but the two idiot Republicrats that are running! |
The kids are human beings with feelings. They don't live on another planet, they will be teased and beaten up by other kids for the things that are said about them on TV. I wish that everyone could look deep inside themselves and treat those children with respect and decency.
if u consioder children props, thats your problem
badmouth away with disregard to children and their feelings. I have a feeling her kids are tough and can handle it. |
Fact is...Palin is a threat to the democratic party. All this debate is created by a very anxious and concerned democratic party fearful that the Obama train may finally face some competition.