Topic: Key-dom
PoeticMaster's photo
Wed 09/03/08 06:14 PM
Beautiful within thy poet wanting,
whose beast is strong and frail--

your tempest in motion has a painting set,
a scroll unrolled and read, immense immortality.

Your sweet waters mighty block unleashed,
doth dance with tantric tranquility,
and soothes my parch from being dead.

Thief, prostitute, debonair debater
sprang survival on my lips of flowers
of three summers’ pride.

In your bask I sit as predator
to hunt with joy and imperial will;
and draw a rolling rock to luminous lustre.

And as the sun caressed your gaze,
we forgave such a captivating charm,
your fingertips swayed and sighed
every feature of mine captured.

But thou, O obsidian, it’s I that found you
to clear your ship's dandelion deck,
in truth, your ocean spray washed
my dreary doom to the hottest tender--

and with your locks on my helm,
like flakes of artful being,
in each place I stand naked
and I am, your key to me.

no photo
Wed 09/03/08 06:20 PM
bigsmile flowerforyou Very nice

bastet126's photo
Wed 09/03/08 06:41 PM
breathless, tis You who are beautifulsmooched

no photo
Thu 09/04/08 04:03 AM
great write:smile: flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 09/04/08 05:40 AM
smokin drinker

PoeticMaster's photo
Thu 09/04/08 11:43 AM

breathless, tis You who are beautifulsmooched

smooched thank you
100: thanks for the read drinker
pkd: thank you for the compliment flowerforyou
kim: thank you flowerforyou

bastet126's photo
Fri 09/05/08 03:44 AM
:heart: reading it again, after again, after again...still