Topic: In Everything I Do
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Wed 09/03/08 02:51 AM
Her voice echoes in everything I do
From advice to jokes, tips and hints
Do this, don't do that, mind your manners
Wash your hands, you will know it when it comes
Live for yourself screw the world, love with your entire being
Hate is a waste of emotion, cry when you must, laugh often
I look down at my hands, they are her hands, small and pudgy yet oh so strong
The crinkles and wrinkles around my my mouth and eyes, they are hers too
My own voice , sounds just like hers now, giving me pause at certain moments when I speak
I stop, look around hoping it is her I will see
Knowing logically that it will not be
Her photos line my walls, my dresser, my memory
Broken and lost with out her once I was
Still shed a tear every now and then when those feelings of grief come
I look in the mirror and it is her I see, super imposed over me
Her voice echoes in everything I do
Caress the keys, gently pluck the strings, dab softly don't smash it all around
Open your heart and mind and let your words flow, fear not your thoughts and feelings, they matter if only to you
Don't stretch yourself to thin because it is then you snap
Always find time for a nap....

s1owhand's photo
Wed 09/03/08 02:53 AM

LouLou2's photo
Wed 09/03/08 02:53 AM
Damn, I miss my Ma. Thanks for reminding me that she is always right here with me...

no photo
Wed 09/03/08 06:10 AM
great write about your motherflowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Wed 09/03/08 07:14 AM
They Beauty of you flows as the Light of Love shines upon you,,,Such a beautiful display of Love
from such an amazing daughter,,, She is proud,


TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 09/03/08 09:28 AM
Only to have such memories as yours would be a blessing indeed. Cherish those memories within your heart and never let them

Noden's photo
Wed 09/03/08 10:09 AM
Yeppers now if I had a mom, this would be an excellent thought of her...niceeeeee!!!:thumbsup: