Topic: Drama addicts
no photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:29 PM

I think it's "those without sin may cast the first stone"...

but i like

Those who live in glass houses should change in the basement...

I'm not going to cast any stones. Too easy to just duck. But for sayings, I like "Thou dost protest too much".

You already have cast a stone. You presume to know all about a person based on your extremely limited perception of their online activities?


You are way too smart and good to be here. So why doncha go? I promise none of us will try and stop you.

Hiya Mitchflowerforyou

:heart: Hey Angel, how are you? :heart:

I am ok, I just fed my cats and took the garbage out and fixed me a drink and now eating chicken strips while I type on here and answer some Ebay mail...hey Ebay has actually picked up somewhat...surprising considering the economy and the recent changes there...but oh well...good for my businessdrinker

Mmmmm, chicken strips. Too bad I ate already that sounded good.

Both of the businesses I'm involved in are hurting. Costs are up and sales are down. grumble grumble

What did you say you were drinking?

laugh laugh laugh

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:33 PM
What I'd like to know is why the people who always complain about not liking drama like to stir up all kinds of it... huh

Kinda funny how people just can't stop b!tching at each other... lol

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:36 PM

What I'd like to know is why the people who always complain about not liking drama like to stir up all kinds of it... huh

Kinda funny how people just can't stop b!tching at each other... lol

explode explode Are you tawkin to me??? :angry: :angry:

laugh laugh laugh

EtherealEmbers's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:37 PM

What I'd like to know is why the people who always complain about not liking drama like to stir up all kinds of it... huh

Kinda funny how people just can't stop b!tching at each other... lol

explode explode Are you tawkin to me??? :angry: :angry:

laugh laugh laugh

Did I look at you? Huh? Did I?

psht. Yeah. That's what I thought.noway


no photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:39 PM

What I'd like to know is why the people who always complain about not liking drama like to stir up all kinds of it... huh

Kinda funny how people just can't stop b!tching at each other... lol

explode explode Are you tawkin to me??? :angry: :angry:

laugh laugh laugh

Did I look at you? Huh? Did I?

psht. Yeah. That's what I thought.noway


Oh, so you're one of those tough chicks, huh?

scared shocked scared

feistybaby's photo
Sat 08/30/08 03:44 PM
Personally I had a great drama...3 really great phone calls, had an awesome job interview for a personal assistant's job with a follow up interview on tuesday. I took my paints went to the park, waxxed my car, then did some sketching, came home, ate, now checking in here....

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:36 PM
All I know is that people with real lives don't spend any time worrying about what other people do,, much less taking the time to post a thread comlaining about it.

This really tickles my tummy.laugh laugh laugh

FreeToB's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:55 PM
And, as far as tickling your tummy goes...that should be easy, just toss a feather anywhere in the northern hemisphere, it will probably land there.

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:55 PM

All I know is that people with real lives don't spend any time worrying about what other people do,, much less taking the time to post a thread comlaining about it.

This really tickles my tummy.laugh laugh laugh

Haha Then why did you reply?

Im glad I turned this back on for a moment just to see where this was. First, I was not complaining. Certainly not worrying. It was a topic that came to mind after reading way too much ***** fighting in another thread...without posting at all. I've tried my best to be as polite here as I am in life, but resent personal personal attacks in any form. Not that I can't do that, I just choose, until now, not to. Promise..only this one.

But, since I'm here and my innocent observation has been taken so personally by so many, I should say this. I really couldn't give a damn about the opinion of anyone who is so insecure that thier photograph is a freakin' landscape. Why? You wouldn't fit in the frame but the Sequoia National Forest would? Maybe you can meet Free Willie in that pool. At least you may find someone campatible in weight.

AS for the rest of you who are SO offended by the mere suggestion that some people spend way too much time on here....get a life. YOU are who I'm suggesting needs one.

Have a nice day.
well aren't you a sweet boy. Your mother must be so proud.

lilangel2's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:56 PM
i just wannabe luved:heart: ...give me luv peoples!smitten

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/30/08 04:56 PM

And, as far as tickling your tummy goes...that should be easy, just toss a feather anywhere in the northern hemisphere, it will probably land there.
I am so glad that you don't like drama. laugh laugh laugh

eileena9's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:00 PM

i just wannabe luved:heart: ...give me luv peoples!smitten

{{{{{{{{{{lilangel2}}}}}}}}}}}:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: smooched smooched smooched

Now going to watch "Days of Our Lives" here on JSH/Mingle............:tongue:

FreeToB's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:04 PM

well aren't you a sweet boy. Your mother must be so proud.

I'm far from a boy at 48 but thank you. My mother was proud of me, and my dad too. Thank you for mentioning that. It makes my day.

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:07 PM

And, as far as tickling your tummy goes...that should be easy, just toss a feather anywhere in the northern hemisphere, it will probably land there.
This joke is worthy of the best work of any eight-grader I have known. Such clever wit and wordplay!! You must be a writer.laugh laugh

lilangel2's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:18 PM
Edited by lilangel2 on Sat 08/30/08 05:19 PM

i just wannabe luved:heart: ...give me luv peoples!smitten

{{{{{{{{{{lilangel2}}}}}}}}}}}:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: smooched smooched smooched

Now going to watch "Days of Our Lives" here on JSH/Mingle............:tongue:

:heart: :heart: {{{{{EILEEN and CAPTAIN}}}}}}:heart: :heart: :heart:

Yeah sometimes it can be alot of drama...but life is drama. And people here are real with very real feelings and I guess it is a release in some way to some people to vent or to share what is going on in their lives. I actually enjoy it when people do...and think they are more real then the ones who hold back and suppress everything. Or maybe they appear more human to me.

FreeToB's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:21 PM
Edited by FreeToB on Sat 08/30/08 05:22 PM

This joke is worthy of the best work of any eight-grader I have known. Such clever wit and wordplay!! You must be a writer.laugh laugh

No, unless you consider software "writing". But my mom & dad (the ones so proud of me) said many times that I should be a writer...because I was such a lousy programmer. lol One look at my punctuation and all these elipses should tell you that I'm no writer.

Actually I'm a scientist and technician, generally speaking. Not a politician or diplomat...or a writer. So excuse my inability to please everyone by blasting them with whatever BS they need to hear, in a nice way. And for my unwillingness to let something that made me laugh so hard miss getting on here.

I'm thought by some who know me with more than these flat little words, to be very funny and friendly. Who, I don't know, but theres gotta be someone...right? lol

FreeToB's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:25 PM
Hey, lets talk about the absolute right of citizens to keep and bear arms. haha

THAT should keep this going on.

I'm really leaving now. Sorry to be mean for a few moments but hey, I don't KNOW you. lol

Have a good day

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:27 PM

This joke is worthy of the best work of any eight-grader I have known. Such clever wit and wordplay!! You must be a writer.laugh laugh

No, unless you consider software "writing". But my mom & dad (the ones so proud of me) said many times that I should be a writer...because I was such a lousy programmer. lol One look at my punctuation and all these elipses should tell you that I'm no writer.

Actually I'm a scientist and technician, generally speaking. Not a politician or diplomat...or a writer. So excuse my inability to please everyone by blasting them with whatever BS they need to hear, in a nice way. And for my unwillingness to let something that made me laugh so hard miss getting on here.

I'm thought by some who know me with more than these flat little words, to be very funny and friendly. Who, I don't know, but theres gotta be someone...right? lol

making assumptions about a person's weight and then making fun of them based on that are not typically actions taken by the friendly. Or the funny.

No, it is what the small and mean do.

no photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:30 PM

Hehehe and where are you?? what

I'm online. Check my hotmail daily and it tells me theres someone that "wants to meet me". Who can resist that temptation? Been here for a total of about 10 minutes. Maybe 30 minutes in the last two weeks.

Actually I'm at a friends house (the same one who said how great this was) waiting on him to return. Its this or TV. I can talk to the TV, but it never hears me. lol

You will also not find me getting upset about someone who says something on here, nor will you find me falling in love with strangers. Like some apparently do. Then hating them...all without ever meeting.

we all have lives tooo...I even have a 5000 sq ft house, 4 dogs, a slew of cats,a goldfish/koi pond... a teenager with firnds, a boat, a business and some hobbys. I am multi-talentedbigsmile


Lucky Peccy...frustrated

bigsmile drinker

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 08/30/08 05:30 PM

Is it just me or does it appear that there are a lot of people living thier entire lives online or at least getting WAY too entrenched in this chat thing?

I suggest that those people (you know who you are) go outside and smile at someone. At least you can tell if they smile back.

Well first off I think your statement is judgmental. Some people have no other avenue to socialize than online. For medical or socio/economic reasons.

Secondly some people LIKE to be online all the time.

I have a full time corporate job. I have 3 kids out of 5 still living at home.

So I don't live here. But I certainly don't judge those who do. That's their business. Its' what online sites are for.

Maybe you would be better not being on line at all :wink: