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Topic: Christians and US Politics
Lindyy's photo
Tue 08/26/08 06:41 PM

Honestly, I know more than a few liberal Christians who also strongly beleive in the separation of church and state. They vote, they read and they work in their communities.

I know not all Christians are right wing wingnuts who want to impose their religious views on others but sometimes it's easy to get that impression.

I eagerly await the posts of some of my board favorites here.

You vote your conscience, we vote ours. How does that make us "wingnuts", while you appear to believe yourself "normal".

Thank you Spider:heart:

I guess to appease the appetite of those who label Christians as 'wingnuts' we are supposed to keep our mouths mute so as not to hear others ranting that we are 'shoving' our beliefs down the throats of others....is the FIRST AMENDMENT for only those who are non-Christian????slaphead


t22learner's photo
Tue 08/26/08 06:42 PM

I would never call someone a heathen in the terms that the 'norm' considers the word to be.....

The "norm" is a matter of perspective. Let's just go with "independent."

Quikstepper's photo
Tue 08/26/08 06:53 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Tue 08/26/08 07:05 PM

I would never call someone a heathen in the terms that the 'norm' considers the word to be.....

The "norm" is a matter of perspective. Let's just go with "independent."

YU know...now that I think of it we are all probly interested in all these choices...I think the problem is agreeing on the solutions.

Care to expand your topic...for the sake of discussion...or is that what you want to avoid? (I don't blame yu) :wink:

t22learner's photo
Tue 08/26/08 07:20 PM
Yeah, I'll expand... I think many Christians (of course no one here) have been duped and manipulated by the right with phony issues like:

Abortion - It's a serious issue, but it's all talk from the right.
Family Values - Much is simply un-Christian discrimination against gays.

With these issues, some Christians end up supporting other policies that are not very Christian-like:

Immigration "get up the fence & get the illegals out" Since you're referring solely to the Southern border, the position seems somewhat racist.
Iraq & "War on Terror" - Killing, death, destruction.

Then there's just crazy-talk:
Trade & Globalization "get out of the global ecomony."

As for my top 5, here's some commentary:
Budget & Spending - Cut the war machine budget, foreign aid, NASA & increase taxes on those earning above $200K/yr. Means test for SS & Medicare. Long-term plan to pay down debt. Outlaw earmarks.

Education - More funding for our future. Low-interest loans. Grants in exchange for public service.

Energy Policy - Tax incentives for consumers and domestic producers of renewable energy. Engage/incent oil companies to participate by allowing drilling in exchange for green investments.

Health Care - Universal coverage will drive costs down due to negotiating leverage with for-profit medical providers. Means test for co-payments. (Yes, I question whether government administration is viable. It works in some other Western countries.)

Technology/Infrastructure - APA type program to re-build roads, bridges, water transport, etc.

But hey, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Lindyy's photo
Tue 08/26/08 07:53 PM

Yeah, I'll expand... I think many Christians (of course no one here) have been duped and manipulated by the right with phony issues like:

Abortion - It's a serious issue, but it's all talk from the right.
Family Values - Much is simply un-Christian discrimination against gays.

With these issues, some Christians end up supporting other policies that are not very Christian-like:

Immigration "get up the fence & get the illegals out" Since you're referring solely to the Southern border, the position seems somewhat racist.
Iraq & "War on Terror" - Killing, death, destruction.

Then there's just crazy-talk:
Trade & Globalization "get out of the global ecomony."

As for my top 5, here's some commentary:
Budget & Spending - Cut the war machine budget, foreign aid, NASA & increase taxes on those earning above $200K/yr. Means test for SS & Medicare. Long-term plan to pay down debt. Outlaw earmarks.

Education - More funding for our future. Low-interest loans. Grants in exchange for public service.

Energy Policy - Tax incentives for consumers and domestic producers of renewable energy. Engage/incent oil companies to participate by allowing drilling in exchange for green investments.

Health Care - Universal coverage will drive costs down due to negotiating leverage with for-profit medical providers. Means test for co-payments. (Yes, I question whether government administration is viable. It works in some other Western countries.)

Technology/Infrastructure - APA type program to re-build roads, bridges, water transport, etc.

But hey, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

YES, you are so very wrong.....I have not been duped by anyone or anything.....ABORTION IS THE MOST HEINOUS CRIMINAL ACT...can I assume that you approve of "partial birth abortion"?.....well, if humans were meant to be 'gay' or 'lesbian' there would be no more human reproduction....so how would the "human" continue to exist if meant to be sexually deviated.....

Universal health care will drive down costs???slaphead perhaps, because NO ONE WILL GET MEDICAL HELP...go to Canada, England.....OOOPSoops - no can do....people from those countries come HERE TO THE USAfor the health care they are denied in their countries.....

Definitely for controlling the border...has nothing to do with being a Christian...has everything to do with keeping crime out of our country....unless you want illegal drugs, prostitution, murders, rapes and the like continuing to pilfer our country.....ILLEGAL is just that ILLEGAL.....I care more about USA citizens than illegals being able to come here and promote crime to fill their pockets with blood money.....I used to work in immigration law...VAST difference between those who come to our country the legal and moral way than that of the ILLEGALS....NOTHING IMMORAL ABOUT KEEPING THE IMMORAL OUT....

:heart: :heart:

no photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:03 PM
I'm pro for guarding every border. Start with Mexico, then do the Canadian border. All the while, increase security in our ports and harbors. We have a right to know who is entering the country and since we have laws that make illegal immigration (notice the first of those two words) ILLEGAL, we should enforce them.

t22learner's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:03 PM

YES, you are so very wrong.....

According to you.

can I assume that you approve of "partial birth abortion"?

For the record, no.

.....well, if humans were meant to be 'gay' or 'lesbian' there would be no more human reproduction....so how would the "human" continue to exist if meant to be sexually deviated.....

People are different and entitled to privacy and non-discrimination.

Lindyy's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:10 PM

YES, you are so very wrong.....

According to you.

NOT ACCORDING TO ME....You are wrong, I have not been 'duped'noway

can I assume that you approve of "partial birth abortion"?

For the record, no.

Well, glad to hear that.....

.....well, if humans were meant to be 'gay' or 'lesbian' there would be no more human reproduction....so how would the "human" continue to exist if meant to be sexually deviated.....

People are different and entitled to privacy and non-discrimination.

We greatly disagree on this issue....if you are for their 'privacy' then perhaps they should not 'FLAUNT' their sexual preferences in the faces of others who find it offensive....I do not FLAUNT my sexual preferences in the face of anyone...I maintain my privacy...therefore....so should the gay and lesbian.....

P.S. How did you do those special quotes???


no photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:15 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Tue 08/26/08 08:16 PM

Abortion - It's a serious issue, but it's all talk from the right.

What does that mean? It's all talk from the right... and it's all sucking the brains out of babies on the left. Could you explain what that means? "It's all talk on the right"?

Family Values - Much is simply un-Christian discrimination against gays.

Yes, loving your wife and children is just a way of discriminating against gays.

Immigration "get up the fence & get the illegals out" Since you're referring solely to the Southern border, the position seems somewhat racist.

The southern border is the one most frequently crossed, so it should be addressed first. To stop the movement of criminals and drugs from South America and Mexico. Then we must focus on the Northern border, which is also porous and a danger to National security.

Iraq & "War on Terror" - Killing, death, destruction.

Christians have long believed that a moral war is one which reduces violations of human rights. I have seen pictures and videos of what Saddam did to those who displeased him. Saddam needed to be removed from power and Bush 1 failed for not doing it the first time around and Bush 2 has screwed up this time around. But it was the right thing to do regardless of how many mistakes were made.

Trade & Globalization "get out of the global ecomony."

That's the left, the right supports capitalism.

As for my top 5, here's some commentary:
Budget & Spending - Cut the war machine budget, foreign aid, NASA & increase taxes on those earning above $200K/yr. Means test for SS & Medicare. Long-term plan to pay down debt. Outlaw earmarks.

The top 50% of wage earners already pay 97% of all taxes, why should they pay more? Why discourage and punish the achievers?

Health Care - Universal coverage will drive costs down due to negotiating leverage with for-profit medical providers. Means test for co-payments. (Yes, I question whether government administration is viable. It works in some other Western countries.)

What countries?

t22learner's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:36 PM

Abortion - It's a serious issue, but it's all talk from the right.

What does that mean? It's all talk from the right... and it's all sucking the brains out of babies on the left. Could you explain what that means? "It's all talk on the right"?

The right uses it as a wedge issue, but they don’t act on it in Congress or in the White House.

Family Values - Much is simply un-Christian discrimination against gays.

Yes, loving your wife and children is just a way of discriminating against gays.

It’s code for anything not Ward and June Cleaver.

Iraq & "War on Terror" - Killing, death, destruction.

Christians have long believed that a moral war is one which reduces violations of human rights. I have seen pictures and videos of what Saddam did to those who displeased him. Saddam needed to be removed from power and Bush 1 failed for not doing it the first time around and Bush 2 has screwed up this time around. But it was the right thing to do regardless of how many mistakes were made.

How Christians rationalize violating the “Thou shall not kill” commandment does not make it right.

Trade & Globalization "get out of the global ecomony."

That's the left, the right supports capitalism.

OK, but that was from one of your conservative sisters.

As for my top 5, here's some commentary:
Budget & Spending - Cut the war machine budget, foreign aid, NASA & increase taxes on those earning above $200K/yr. Means test for SS & Medicare. Long-term plan to pay down debt. Outlaw earmarks.

The top 50% of wage earners already pay 97% of all taxes, why should they pay more? Why discourage and punish the achievers?

Yeah, and I’m one of them, so don’t lecture me on taxes. We can afford to, that’s why.

Health Care - Universal coverage will drive costs down due to negotiating leverage with for-profit medical providers. Means test for co-payments. (Yes, I question whether government administration is viable. It works in some other Western countries.)

What countries?

You haven’t seen “Sicko?”

t22learner's photo
Tue 08/26/08 08:42 PM
I've stated my opinion and don't plan to answer every challenge to it. We just disagree. Plus, it's too damn hard getting all those quote things organized correctly.

Lindyy's photo
Tue 08/26/08 09:06 PM

I've stated my opinion and don't plan to answer every challenge to it. We just disagree. Plus, it's too damn hard getting all those quote things organized correctly.

Grrrrrrrrr..........and no one has yet to tell me how to do those 'quote things'...........frustrated


Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 08/26/08 09:32 PM
I am christian. I would consider myself an independent. I am really believing the libertarian philosophy is the way we need to head for right now. Shrink the federal government/programs/departments, make states more responsible for themselves. Get rid of pork barreling and all the lobbyists. And im thinking the rest of the problems would eventually work themselves out. Only problem i don't think that covered was that on abortion. I am pro choice (no, not pro-death). Anyhoo, those are my stand points.

Lindyy's photo
Tue 08/26/08 10:22 PM

I am christian. I am pro choice (no, not pro-death).

what what what

How can that be????sad2


Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 08/26/08 11:28 PM

I am christian. I am pro choice (no, not pro-death).

what what what

How can that be????sad2


flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

I know for many this may seem controversial. I just try to seperate my religous beliefs from my political ones. I am also a believer in there being a time and place for everything.

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