Topic: One of my favorites... - part 2 | |
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Mon 08/18/08 04:46 PM
Main Entry: 1roll Listen to the pronunciation of 1roll Pronunciation: \ˈrōl\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English rolle, from Anglo-French roule, rolle, from Medieval Latin rolla, alteration of rotula, from Latin, diminutive of rota wheel; akin to Old High German rad wheel, Welsh rhod, Sanskrit ratha wagon Date: 13th century 1 a (1): a written document that may be rolled up : scroll; specifically : a document containing an official or formal record <the rolls of parliament> (2): a manuscript book b: a list of names or related items : catalog c: an official list <the voter rolls>: as (1): muster roll (2): a list of members of a school or class or of members of a legislative body 2: something that is rolled up into a cylinder or ball or rounded as if rolled <rolls of fat>: as a: a quantity (as of fabric or paper) rolled up to form a single package b: a hairdo in which some or all of the hair is rolled or curled up or under c: any of various food preparations rolled up for cooking or serving <cabbage rolls>; especially : a small piece of baked yeast dough d: a cylindrical twist of tobacco e: a roll of paper on which music for a player piano is recorded in perforations which actuate the keys f: a flexible case (as of leather) in which articles may be rolled and fastened by straps or clasps <jewelry roll> g (1): paper money folded or rolled into a wad (2)slang : bankroll 3: something that performs a rolling action or movement : roller4: a wheel for making decorative lines on book covers; also : a design impressed by such a tool -Websters Dictionary |
Woo hoo!
Doesn't beat a roll in the hay, but it's not bad! |
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma. ~Eartha Kitt
Woo hoo! Doesn't beat a roll in the hay, but it's not bad! |
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Mon 08/18/08 04:52 PM
Be polite to all, but intimate with few. -- Thomas Jefferson And all this time, I've had that backwards. From what I've read, so did Jefferson..... |
Be polite to all, but intimate with few. -- Thomas Jefferson And all this time, I've had that backwards. From what I've read, so did Jefferson..... Good point. Nice roll, No1s! The best I've seen, in fact! |
Be polite to all, but intimate with few. -- Thomas Jefferson And all this time, I've had that backwards. From what I've read, so did Jefferson..... Good point. Nice roll, No1s! The best I've seen, in fact! That's just how I roll ~~~> |
"I always knew I would look back on my tears and laugh; but I never knew I would look back at my laughter and cry."
I like that
"I always knew I would look back on my tears and laugh; but I never knew I would look back at my laughter and cry." |
ty Ledi
"If a tear fell from my eyes each time I thought of you, I would have a puddle of fallen wishes."
"The greatest distance on earth is not North and South or East and West, it is when I am right in front of you and you do not know that I care!"
The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time.
And that's why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they've really done is they've shifted their relationship with time. ~ Caroline Myss |
"ward arent you being a little hard on the BEAVER??"
~~June Cleaver~~ |
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ~Helen Keller |
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ~Helen Keller So very true, Heart! |
Thanks Poetry
"The bad things in life open your eyes to the good things you weren't paying attention to."
wtg on part 2
Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf. ~~Rabindranath Tagore |