Topic: Should we ban ShadowEagle | |
if i was going to ban him id do it just because im a democrat an a bush
hater . but i dont feel that i have the right to ban anyone even if he is a bush lover if not should do away with that awful picture. cant stand the site of bush. but i wont be like our country did with the dixie chicks an ban them because they said something i didnt like because unlike our politicians i beleive in free speech. |
free speech is a silly thing of the past, go ask Imus.
and back to Doc, where is my bogus sites? you still havent defended this governments story about the 3 steel buildings falling to the ground in less than a couple of hours and Bush's brother being head of security of the WTC on 911. |
Hey BW did you see my reply on the trade centers?
Stop looking at pictures, read the threads!!! I'll WAY OUT ON A LIMB HERE, but I don't think 'shadow...' is a 'bushy'. |
grizzy if you look careful at the pic of Bush I think shadow is actually
making a mockery of him... He smoking from a glass Bong... |
I looked at the picture and kind of saw a halo, one of God and the Mary,
mother of Jesus and I also saw that he gets his messages from God and that we should love him and what he does, because he loves us and protects us and he plays golf with Bill Clinton and they all love us, and they will protect us from these guys with box-cutters and row-boats, because they say so, and Hillary will be the next president and we will follow her because there is crazy TERRORISTS that will kill us, and these TERRORISTS mean business because they used box-cutters and killed us, so we have to have the Patriot Act that kills the Constitution and we will all be safe..... wave your flag everyone, on the count of 1, 2, 3...ok do it yeahhhhhhhhh God bless this government that keeps us safe from those crazy box-cutters....and cross your fingers that they dont get a row-boat, cuzz with open borders they could really hurt us. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 04/15/07 06:56 AM
Just a reminder to everyone - the forum rules allow you to attack and
debate the message, but not the messenger. We encourage healthy debate on all topics, but you may not allow that debate to degrade into personal attacks on one another. There are several posts in this thread that are very close to if not over the line. Attacking another user will result in a suspension of posting privileges or even permanent banning from the site. So please make sure to avoid personal attacks at all times. If you have an issue with another user, use the Report Abuse button and we will investigate. That is the only permissible manner to handle an issue with another user. Again, we do encourage healthy debate and we know these subjects are areas people are very passionate about which can lead to somewhat heated discussions. And that is fine with us as long as they don't lead to personal attacks on each other. First of all, you're not going to convince anyone they are wrong by calling them names, etc. and you're not going to be able to listen to someone when they are insulting you. And second of all, it's just not the mature way to handle a disagreement. And finally, we don't allow it on the forums. Strong, rigorous arguments are absolutely fine as long as they don't become personal. Thanks, Mike |
understood, thanks for reminding me/us.
Just this topic makes me cringe, the question that "should we ban someone" is one question that should be highly frowned apon and discouraged. |
Fanta46 said
Hey BW did you see my reply on the trade centers? Yes, I did, and was shocked. You said it was interesting and kind of phoo phooed it and you still regard You Tube as a site for the bizzare. Then you wanted me to watch a video of your choice from there......Im sure the one your thinking of will be quite bizzare. But You Tube is just a site its not a propaganda machine. Why dont you pick a video that disproves 911 mysteries? I have shown that video (911 mysteries) to about 200 people and none of them thought it was interesting, but they all thought it was horrifying and tried to prove it wrong, but none of them could. But maybe your a rare person who can, or maybe I have a group of friends that all think alike. here is the video for those who want to view it, and please if you have some information to the contrery of her thoughts I would love to see/view them, Im open to all on the subject, I just havent found anything that backs up the offical/governements story. What is more shocking to me, is that some people I respect like Gardenfordge will not watch the video. |
why ban him? he's got a right to express his opinion...even if it's
only good for a ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I said it was interesting,,,,
It was interesting that someone put that much effort and thought into trying to distort the facts, and others opinions of the facts. I thought it was interesting that the other --?number of engineers and experts opinions and theories were totaling ignored. I have seen programs on the discovery channel, and other broadcasts that take an unbiased look at the tragedy of 9/11, even mentioning the theory discussed on the you-tube video you mentioned, and I watched. You will have to find these other sources for yourself bear, they are public knowledge and accessible if you are willing to watch them, Google them. The truth is out there..... |
The reason some people want to ban him is simple.
Because he says that Bush lied, our soldiers are getting killed and killing innocent people over in the Middle East because the neo-cons want Empire and even in pre-911 PNAC documents it says that this country needs to conqour the Middle East but the people would never get behind such madness and so, as its printed "we need a Pearl Harbor type event so the people will rally behind us" Some people still believe that this government is following the US Constitution and dont want to hear anything to the contrary. But as you have noticed less and less American Flags are not being displyed since 911. I used to see hundreds and hundreds of flags and now I never see any, that is because people dont agree with what is happening by this government, they have woken up, others want people "shut-uped" and "banned" |
Like I said Fanta, your very rare, 1 in 200 in fact.
Edited by
Sun 04/15/07 09:13 AM
Agreed Bearandwhiskey on the fact that this topic isn't a great one. To
be honest, the whole subject is moot - no one can ban anyone on the site other than mods or admins. But perhaps a debate as to when a user *should* be banned isn't a terrible topic to discuss. In this case, at least, it seems to have led to some agreement that user's should not be banned for what they say, even if you disagree, but rather for how they say it, i.e. personal attacks. And that's certainly along the lines of what we strive for as admins. |
I Think the key goal that shadoweagle was trying to get across is that
we as Americans. has been blind-sided into thinking one-way without objectivity. without rationality of thought of both sides and analyzing the possibilities we never progress onwards we just live in a shroud we believe to be true. But, isn't |
Ok, how about we just ban the OP? Don't even know who this shadow
person it, never seen any posts as I very rarely come to this site, but think it is way out of line to make a thread like this. |