Topic: Hook A Brotha Up They Say
d4tc's photo
Fri 08/15/08 10:30 AM
When I was young
fear got me
I would walk thee mall
looking for girls
Looking at clothes
Looking at shoes
Skimming girls
Scanning shoes
Double taking
the double takers
Triple taking
the ones worth
an extra glance
Worth racing
Heart dance
Sped up
Dumb trance
Fed up
Slamming on
the breaks
in fear
of rejection
Opposite of
Just a
in my
head awaits
good intentions
Left in suspension
Sending myself to
Not avoiding the
Loss prevention
Head by my henchmen
Henchman from henchmen
Fake rich kid syndrome
(now man)
Blood that bleeds
On white sheets
From lack of
I hate this word
Sitting on
the fence
I see bowling balls
But I
want to
in the pins
Head first
Deflecting worst
Thoughts of no
It's harder when they
are in hordes I say
Even more in dismay
I lay prone in theory
Alone and weary
Junior high can be
When you weigh the heavy
thoughts that go with
Stupid me
Let cupid be
my guide
He lied
I tried
to impress a girl at the mall
The mouth stalled
I falled
Wanted to throw my Orange Julius
in a stahl
Better yet just crawl
and look more obvious
Thats smart
Such a retard I did just that
Now not only the girls friends
but other people chuckled
Even my one friend had his hands
over his mouth clowning me
Rejected, crawling and frowning see
Not a good combination for me
I must try again
Looking passed the rejection
Which tried to leave a nasty
infection in my pride
A whirlwind inside
sent butterflies in a panic
Tragic girls send signs
of no hope by their facial expression
Anxiously caught up in me
Skimming her
I couldnt breathe right
My neurologist would say I'm not getting
enough oxygen to my head
I would agree
Rather yet let him leave me be
And let me be
The head of me
Now the counselors are flat handedly
covering their quizful lips
Lips full of crits
Crits being critical blows
Teacher Parent Student woes
Parents teaching teachers
how to parent students
That had to go
Like me to the mall
Remembering when I was half my size
Only this time I used my piercing eyes
Nursing eyes
Not rehearsing lines
To not wanna see a kid miss a chance
For romance
I intervened
Maybe fulfilling some girls dream
A young black teen
Two black friends
The dream girl a dream to look at
Not that I am a pedophile
Thats not my style
I know beauty when I see it
As do you
Only I
Walk behind these three girls
And their is this black boy
Looking daper
A freshman would be a good estimation
His imped to pimp red high top converse
Stuttery game rehearsed old me
Fluttering feet crip walked the street
Within a 15 foot radius of the girls and I
encounter with this here passerby
All is on the hush
Inquisitive soundless blush
Out of radius the look backs
in both direction
The two less attractive girls say
to the pretty girl
You know you want that man
The other girl
I don't mean to interrupt but
I think that guy likes you
Hold on a sec
I run down the street
A sprint really
I don't like to use that word
Unless I'm trying to make a connection
Moving in his direction
Hey man
I say
Notice the way
I broke it down
to his level
Thats common grounds
for communication
Now a union would be amazing
So I'm facing this freshman
And I give him a lesson
I say
That girl over their thinks you are fine
Why don't you take the time
To let her know
What up
He says
Oh fosho
I'm like
I know bro
Just handle it
I kept walking
The kid walked up
To the three
The girls shocked
Eye balls popped
They couldn't believe
I would go to that degree
But it's me
I can inspire
Through desire
to transpire
But when It comes to my turn
I'm sitting
on the fence

no photo
Fri 08/15/08 10:35 AM
drinks good one my friend!

myanimalcracker's photo
Fri 08/15/08 10:37 AM
Very nice, J :smile: flowerforyou

bastet126's photo
Fri 08/15/08 04:25 PM
that was fun! nice!! flowerforyou