popcornncoke's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:37 PM
I just heard a heart break and I think it is mine.What do you do when you want to love someone but you are to afraid to reach out.You have had so many failed relationships,that you hide behind a wall and family responsibilies.You feel so lost.I lost a wonderful man that could have been the love of my life because I'm so afraid to let him share my life. Yes,I'm a damm fool.

Jules0565's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:39 PM
Edited by Jules0565 on Wed 08/13/08 09:44 PM
You have to take a chance, you'll never know where it might lead or what it might become.

If it's not too late..go get him! flowerforyou

We can't let our past control our future. Not all men are the same.

dawnyhi's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:40 PM
when true love comes fear is gone

no photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:43 PM

You have to take a chance, you'll never know where it might lead or what it might become.

If it's not too late..go get him! flowerforyou

I totally agree. Go get him if you truely feel that way. happy

missy51970's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:43 PM
You have to let go of the hurt from your past and take that leap of faith ....

no photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:44 PM
Forget the past and concentrate on now :smile:

iRon's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:46 PM
Perhaps someday the reward of a alowing love in will out weigh the fear of loneliness, saddest and pain....

We all have to let the past go and embrace the horror of a possible future with love and happiness in it.

I feel ya and good luck....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:47 PM
I know about those walls that we build to keep from getting hurt again.

You have to decide, once and for all, if you are truly ready to jump over the wall and allow your heart to dictate what you do, rather than obeying your head which would be perfectly happy to keep those walls in place.

If this man means that much to you, then it would seem that the walls need to come down a little ways, and you need to climb over the rest of the way.

Good luckflowerforyou

LightVoice's photo
Wed 08/13/08 09:50 PM
I am soooooooooooooooooo sorry :cry:

Honey.. I wish there was an *easy* answer. The truth is.. only YOU can take the leap of faith needed to move from where you are to where you want to be.

I too was filled with fear... I was fortunate that my honey would not back down nor walk away.. in the end though it was still ME that had to take the step to connect us... he could not do it for me. (I have no regrets. :heart: )

Now... I am not sugar coating anything.. there is no guarantee that you will never get hurt.. there is no guarantee that every step/leap of faith will work out the way you desire. The ONLY guarantee is that if you make NO move... you will never get anywhere.. including where you desire to be :heart:

Socratease's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:20 PM
Its hard to just drop your own responsibilities and go running to those that u care about,your first priority is family,and im not sure if he disagreed or left u because he couldnt accept your life...but as long as u were open with your mind as well as your heart with him than im sure theres nothing lost.He will be back if he truly cares and is patient with you and your situation,and if you just werent open with him about your life period,than now is the time..cant expect a heart to care for another when it doesnt know the whole story

RonnieIsLooking's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:28 PM
One day at a time girl, and just let life take it's course and you will be fine. dont be in a rush or you will never find what your looking for, so relax and have alil fun on mingle2:wink:

Goofball73's photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:37 PM

I just heard a heart break and I think it is mine.What do you do when you want to love someone but you are to afraid to reach out.You have had so many failed relationships,that you hide behind a wall and family responsibilies.You feel so lost.I lost a wonderful man that could have been the love of my life because I'm so afraid to let him share my life. Yes,I'm a damm fool.

First of all, stop beating yourself up. Cause it won't do you any good. It's easy to do. Trust me. I know this feeling of love lost. Now, in order to tell this person how you feel, and to let them in, you just have to take that leap of faith. No one can tell you if it will work or not. But what is great (and not so great) about life is that unknown factor. Could turn out to be the best decision ever. Or, it could not. But if you don't take that will never know. Be brave. And just...try.

no photo
Wed 08/13/08 10:47 PM
:heart: When YOU truly believe in HIM, you won't have ANY fear...Just the feeling that you NEVER want to lose him. wink..
And YOUR not alone in having been hurt,,WE ALL SHARE THAT PAIN,,other-wise WE wouldn't have ANY need to be on this site,wink..
So just know that GOD intended us to feel LOVE and HURT when he made us and its a learning thing to feel,,and to , go on..
I hope you FEEL the love of friendship while going through all of lifes disapointments...Good luck,,,:heart: :smile:

popcornncoke's photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:42 AM
Thanks for all the advice. He does know my responsibiltes[would you want to take care of a 62 yr old lady with many health problems plus she is in a wheel-chair or how about a dad who is 72 and you spend so much time together that people think you are his wife.

no photo
Thu 08/14/08 08:45 AM

I just heard a heart break and I think it is mine.What do you do when you want to love someone but you are to afraid to reach out.You have had so many failed relationships,that you hide behind a wall and family responsibilies.You feel so lost.I lost a wonderful man that could have been the love of my life because I'm so afraid to let him share my life. Yes,I'm a damm fool.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwflowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

patty52's photo
Thu 08/14/08 01:49 PM
Let go and take a chance :smile: