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Topic: What makes your family weird?
plk1966's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:36 PM

People do not believe my children are actually mine. I am 5'7, my daughter (the oldest) is 5'3 and my son is 6'7. Bunch of circus freaks we are!
wowsurprised thats one tall guy.. make me feel even shorter Im only 5'5 sad2

I introduce him as my little boy, he hates that but it is funny

Tromette's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:37 PM
I found out I had an extra brother when he was three years old.

Tromette's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:46 PM
Dad- So, I dunno if you heard or not, but me and your step mom are getting divorced.

Tromette- What?! After 25 years? Why?

Dad- Well, I went to the doctor the other day, and found out that she gave me something I can't get rid of.

Tromette- What do you mean? Like the Herp?

Dad- Yeah, exactly like the Herp.

Tromeo's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:53 PM
Dad- We're coming into town to visit your brother and see the kids.

Tromeo- Awesome. Weren't you just here about three weeks ago?

Dad- Yes, but your brother got a vasectomy and wanted us to come down and help out, since your sister-in-law is having trouble with her rear end.

Tromeo- Steve got his balls snipped and Julie has ass problems?

Dad- Yes. Please don't make fun of your sister-in-law, but don't forget to call your brother and mock him for getting his balls snipped.

-five days pass, parents enter town-

Text Message from Dad- Don't forget to call your brother and make fun of his balls.

I love my family.

CleanBathroom's photo
Wed 08/13/08 12:56 PM

Dad- So, I dunno if you heard or not, but me and your step mom are getting divorced.

Tromette- What?! After 25 years? Why?

Dad- Well, I went to the doctor the other day, and found out that she gave me something I can't get rid of.

Tromette- What do you mean? Like the Herp?

Dad- Yeah, exactly like the Herp.

Tell your step mom about the herpes dating site we have advertised on the Mingler.

Support your social networking platform!!

Tromette's photo
Wed 08/13/08 01:00 PM

Dad- So, I dunno if you heard or not, but me and your step mom are getting divorced.

Tromette- What?! After 25 years? Why?

Dad- Well, I went to the doctor the other day, and found out that she gave me something I can't get rid of.

Tromette- What do you mean? Like the Herp?

Dad- Yeah, exactly like the Herp.

Tell your step mom about the herpes dating site we have advertised on the Mingler.

Support your social networking platform!!

I think I'd rather punch her in the throat if I ever see her again. Sorry.

patty52's photo
Wed 08/13/08 01:03 PM
I still have friends from school come up to me and ask if my mother is still as mean as she was when we were younger.We put the d in dysfunction...

No1sLove's photo
Wed 08/13/08 01:12 PM
My father has a conspiracy theory for absolutely everything. laugh

My step mother feeds everyone she meets, whether they're hungry or not. :tongue:

My mother will rearrange 20 peoples lives to get somewhere 5 minutes early.

My step father knows how to do everything the best possible way, so don't even think you could offer him any advise on anything. :wink:

My sister and her husband are in the unique position, whereas religion and politics revolve around them. grumble

And all my step siblings, nieces and nephews, aunts and uncles are the biggest rainbow of personalities you could imagine.

We all take pride in the fact that not one holiday has resulted in an arrest, hospitalization or murder between us yet. biggrin

Tromette's photo
Wed 08/13/08 01:17 PM
One of my grandfathers died in a house fire. The same way his father died.

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