Topic: Caffeine Headaches
SuperMom30's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:04 PM
My mom has that problem. She drinks 3 cups of coffee a day. If she doesn't get her last cup in she has a headache the next day. My suggestion would be either, wean yourself from it completely instead of stopping cold turkey, or go to a health food store and get a low dosage of caffeine pills, or ask your doctor for alternatives to getting the headaches. Good luck and keep us posted.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:04 PM
I would suggest you cutting back slowly since
you drink that much caffiene daily.
That way the headaches won't be so bad.
Substitute water or the juice for a cup of
coffee each day. Each day remove another cup
and substitute- till you wean yourself off
the caffiene. If you must drink coffee after
that, try decafe (it actually has a little tiny
bit of caffiene even if it is decafe though).

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:06 PM
It is best to stay away from the drugs for that does nothing but create another problem in the long run.

Best thing to do is flush the system of caffine slowly. Drink plenty of water and cranberry juice myself I perfer the Cran-Grape juice has a much better taste or even Cran-apple juice is good also. Drink lots of water. Then cut down slowly.

Congrats on the cigs I quit 5 years ago this last Jan cold turkey just have to have a goal at times for that.

livelife68's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:09 PM
Drugs, not a good idea noway

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:12 PM

Drugs, not a good idea noway

NOT a illegal drug, its a tablet you get on prescription by your doctor. you can by it over the counter in the uk.

cluster headaches are very severe, so i dont know if they would work on a normal headache because cluster headaches are a different thing.

LAMom's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:13 PM
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Headaches/Migranes and coffee my most favorite drink of the day,,,,

Katie,, I have dwelt with migranes for the past 14 years,,,
and coffee is my drug of choice,,,

I started 60 days ago cutting my intake coffee, green tea and lots of water,,, filling in the carrots, pea pods,, something lite as to distract my thoughts or intake of coffee....

I have turned to natural methods of remedies to my problems,,
I drink Mangosteen twice a day,, 1 ounce,, can be found at health food stores and such like that,, I also walk more when I feel a headache coming on,, a distraction to the pain,,, drinking green tea and lots of water,,, I also meditate...

I can say for the past 30 days i have had no headache,, Whoooooooooooooooo for me,, And those around me,, and I feel better today at 46 than I did at 36,,

Best of luck to you,,, moderation is the key

:heart: flowerforyou

curios789's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:14 PM

Do you get them?

I drink a pot of coffee a day (dont worry I use whitening strips). Well Ive skipping my coffee to try to break my need for caffeine and now I have had HORRIBLE headaches since! They last all day...unless I have caffeine.

This happen to anyone else?

Will they ever go away? & If long does it take?grumble

That's how we get you addicted at Starbucks! devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:15 PM
Twilight, thanks for poating this, I was just beginning to get hooked on Coke again. Mc Donalds has a HUGE cup on sale for 99c & I have been getting one on the way to work every day, because it's a bargain, before I was getting a regular a few times a week. I am off for 4 days & am going to start weaning myself. I havn't had any yet today & I will limit myself to a regular this afternoon.

AtariBaby's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:17 PM
I once drank 16 cans of the energy drink "Red Bull" in one day. I never had any headaches but could not sleep for 3 days!! Great stuff!!

curios789's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:19 PM
People come in our store three to four times a day. They just can't get rid of the addiction.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:19 PM
so are people saying caffeine STOPS headaches??? i always thought caffenine CAUSED headaches?????

curios789's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:21 PM

so are people saying caffeine STOPS headaches??? i always thought caffenine CAUSED headaches?????

It only causes headaches when you suddenly remove it from your system.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:23 PM
Edited by debbie1980 on Thu 07/31/08 02:24 PM

so are people saying caffeine STOPS headaches??? i always thought caffenine CAUSED headaches?????

It only causes headaches when you suddenly remove it from your system.

so if i drank coffee now would it stop the cluster headaches??

i never drink coffee BTW

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:24 PM
I've found they last about a week...if you can tuff that out you're golden....
otherwise try the gradual approach ...1/2 regular and 1/2 decaff for week or so and then cold turkey

It's worth it to get off the caffiene but those headaches are no fun!! Just give it a week...flowerforyou

curios789's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:25 PM

so are people saying caffeine STOPS headaches??? i always thought caffenine CAUSED headaches?????

It only causes headaches when you suddenly remove it from your system.

so if i drank coffee now would it stop the cluster headaches??

i never drink coffee BTW

Probably not. If the cluster headaches are there for another reason, the caffeine wouldn't take them away.

eileena9's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:25 PM
It can cause headaches if you drink too much of it, and it can stop them if you drink it again. But why drink it again, when you are trying to quit?

The drugs that some doctors tell you to take have a caffine substitute in them, but you aren't really doing yourself any favors. It may just cause a new problem in the long run---addiction to them. These are the drugs----legal ones---that we are talking about.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:28 PM
Everyone's system is different and their tolerance levels also. If you drink or eat (yes there is caff in food, i.e. chocolate) NO caff then of course you don't have the same problems or the same tolerance for caff.

A friend of mine never has caff, hasn't for years, but if she gets any kind of headache, two swallows of Coke (minimum amount) takes care of it for her.

cluster headaches are a different story flowerforyou

TwilightsTwin's photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:28 PM

so are people saying caffeine STOPS headaches??? i always thought caffenine CAUSED headaches?????

It only causes headaches when you suddenly remove it from your system.

so if i drank coffee now would it stop the cluster headaches??

i never drink coffee BTW

You can get headaches from coffee if you are sensitive to caffeine, I wouldnt suggest drinking coffee to try to stop a headache if you dont normally drink it.

Its a loose-loose situation. I get headaches from not getting enough caffiene.

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:31 PM

so are people saying caffeine STOPS headaches??? i always thought caffenine CAUSED headaches?????

It only causes headaches when you suddenly remove it from your system.

so if i drank coffee now would it stop the cluster headaches??

i never drink coffee BTW

Probably not. If the cluster headaches are there for another reason, the caffeine wouldn't take them away.

right i see, ill avoid coffee then, and im sure the doctors told me to when i was diagnosed

no photo
Thu 07/31/08 02:32 PM

It can cause headaches if you drink too much of it, and it can stop them if you drink it again. But why drink it again, when you are trying to quit?

The drugs that some doctors tell you to take have a caffine substitute in them, but you aren't really doing yourself any favors. It may just cause a new problem in the long run---addiction to them. These are the drugs----legal ones---that we are talking about.

yes legal ones from your doctor called imigran, they work on the blood vessels caused by cluster headaches, i dont think they would be used for normal headaches, just for severe mgraines and cluster headaches.