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Topic: Classic Rock Trivia
rara777's photo
Wed 08/06/08 10:34 PM
Space Oddity

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Wed 08/06/08 10:34 PM
Space Oddity is incorrect.

Try again!

What David Bowie album was released in 1972?

elwoodsully's photo
Wed 08/06/08 10:35 PM
Edited by elwoodsully on Wed 08/06/08 10:39 PM
Ziggy Stardust

I was 7 when it came out...bigsmile

rara777's photo
Wed 08/06/08 10:37 PM
Ziggy Stardust

no photo
Wed 08/06/08 10:37 PM
elwoodsully.......The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars is the correct answer. Close enough. =)

In the movie, an American Werewolf In London(1981), what song was played during the first wolf transformation?

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