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Fanta46's photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:51 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 07/26/08 08:52 AM

"suck up to a religion like Islam whose sole purpose is to destroy America..."

Are you freakin' kidding?

Fear mongering BS.

For now, we are entitled to our opinion.
Check and see how much political power Muslims are gaining just north of us in Canada. Canadians are losing their rights to speak out against the cult.
Investigate a bit.

Excuse me? We're not losing our rights to speak out against anything. We allow Muslim's to wear their traditional clothing in voting booths but our voting is not set up like yours and unless you've seen the difference you wouldn't understand the difference.
We, as a country, have always accepted people from every country, race, and religion. It is a proud fact our country is so multi-cultural.
And how can you call a religion thousands of years older than Christianity a cult? You need to get your timelines right.

Older than Christianity?
The bible is older than the Muslim religion. Check your facts.

Why do you think America is called the melting pot of the world?
Do you really think we have a dress code in our voting booths? LOL

Hell fire,
Canada was still part of Great Britain until 50-60 years ago and if I remember part of Canada had a vote on secession not too long ago.
Most Americans cant even tell you who your PM is. Not because we are ignorant, but because that's how insignificant Canadian politics are in our minds.
Your whole country numbers only 37 million. We have that many in one State, two cities if you want to get specific about it.
laugh laugh laugh laugh

s1owhand's photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:54 AM
flame bait bigsmile

willing2's photo
Sat 07/26/08 08:56 AM
Addition. I have to wrap this up. Got work to tend to.

The president of Australia told radical Islamists who demanded Sharia Law implemented in that country, “You either accept parliamentary law or you are invited to move back out of our country.” It’s time Western democracies speak out against a religion that remains in the Dark Ages. Why? Because if it is given enough rope, it will ring our necks.

You don’t think it can happen in the United States of America? Let’s connect the dots from Paris, France to Detroit, Michigan. Years ago, Senator Spencer Abrams, with heavy Middle Eastern ties, opened the door to four million Muslims that immigrated to Detroit and other cities in America. Today in America, hundreds of mosques point toward Mecca and are built with Saudi oil money. Detroit now has Muslim prayer calls sent over the city loud speakers five times a day--driving American citizens from Hamtramck, Dearborn and other suburbs of Detroit.

The immigration concept means that people invited into our country must benefit America. Isn’t this the benchmark for whom and how many are invited into our country? Separate Muslim city-states in Detroit and Freemont, California, and elsewhere promote separatism and fracturing of our country.

willing2's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:19 AM
Final chapter of part 1.

Facts confirm that WTC bombers enjoyed safety in Muslim mosques in our country. Future bombers enjoy protection in those same Mosques. It’s called ‘ethnic sympathy’. A small amount of Muslims may be ‘quiet’ and ‘unassuming’ in America today, but given enough time and more immigration, they'll grow emboldened in their prime directive: “To convert or kill all nonbelievers.”

Bush and Condi tell us Islam means peace. Events demonstrate otherwise. Do we want massive numbers of this ‘great religion’ in our country, that was founded on Judeo-Christian ideals? Will we survive it?

I’m reminded of the story of the frog on the banks of a river when a scorpion walked up: “Mr. Frog,” the scorpion said. “Will you let me hop on your back and take me across the river?”

“Good grief, no,” the frog said. “You’re a scorpion and you’ll sting me.”

“Please,” the scorpion said, “I have a grave family matter to attend to and I’ll pay you very well to carry me across.”

“Well,” the frog said, “I guess I can trust you this one time.”

With that, the frog allowed the scorpion onto his back and carried him toward the other side of the river. Half way across, however, the frog felt a deadly sting in his back. Paralysis overtook his body. He struggled and after the third time that he thrashed to the surface, he looked up at the scorpion, “Why did you sting me because now we’ll both die?!”

The scorpion replied, “I’m a scorpion; it’s my nature.”

You now understand the basic tenants of Islam.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:25 AM

The president of Australia told radical Islamists who demanded Sharia Law implemented in that country, “You either accept parliamentary law or you are invited to move back out of our country.” It’s time Western democracies speak out against a religion that remains in the Dark Ages. Why? Because if it is given enough rope, it will ring our necks.

Detroit now has Muslim prayer calls sent over the city loud speakers five times a day--driving American citizens from Hamtramck, Dearborn and other suburbs of Detroit.

The immigration concept means that people invited into our country must benefit America. Isn’t this the benchmark for whom and how many are invited into our country? Separate Muslim city-states in Detroit and Freemont, California, and elsewhere promote separatism and fracturing of our country.

This is a GREAT reminder of what their real intentions are.

There is no denying it...even though many don't want to be confused with the facts.

fjr's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:29 AM
Still couldn't find where you got the Macarthy quote. (too tired). All I can say about all this is I believe RADICAL Islamists would kill all of us in a heartbeat, with no qualms or guilt whatsoever. I think we are winning the war against them in Iraq, and the men and women serving there and Afganastan (spelling?) deserve our respect and thanks. I also believe it doesn't matter one tiny bit if you are liberal or conservative, it is still special interest who control legislation, and I thank God that I was blessed to be born in America. happy

willing2's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:36 AM

Still couldn't find where you got the Macarthy quote. (too tired). All I can say about all this is I believe RADICAL Islamists would kill all of us in a heartbeat, with no qualms or guilt whatsoever. I think we are winning the war against them in Iraq, and the men and women serving there and Afganastan (spelling?) deserve our respect and thanks. I also believe it doesn't matter one tiny bit if you are liberal or conservative, it is still special interest who control legislation, and I thank God that I was blessed to be born in America. happy

Here, here!
That is why it is every freedom-seeking Americans obligation to preserve and protect our country from invasions on all borders and from the Interests in our political system who are selling us out.

jtitol's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:43 AM
Mexicans, what do they to this country other than work?

Belushi's photo
Sat 07/26/08 09:47 AM

This is a rather lengthy article. I will post more of it as discussion progresses.
It, as with my other post is dated a few years back. It is, however, relevant to the current happenings.

PART 1 of 2

By Frosty Wooldridge
November 14, 2005

Multi-culturalism scorched the streets of Paris! Multi-culturalism burns and kills in France, Holland, Belgium, Germany and Britain. Recent violence corroborates that disparate cultures cannot exist together. Do Americans understand what is happening or are we too benevolent and naive to read the writing on the wall?

Americans roll over and sleep as the Muslim and Mexican invasion accelerates in the United States. Our country invites exactly the same fate as France, Britain, Germany, Holland and Belgium. It’s only a matter of time.

Last week at the annual Ramadan dinner at the State Department, Condoleeza Rice said, “We in America know the benevolence that is at the heart of Islam.”

If Islam is the warm and fuzzy religion she purports, why did 9/11 happen? Does anyone think Mohammed Atta and his 18 WTO suicide buddies were Buddhists? Why do we have an open-ended war in Iraq and Afghanistan? Why do we spend billions on Homeland Security? Short answer: Islam followers created the most horrific terrorist acts in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Muslims machine-gunned Jews in the 1972 Olympics. The Muslims followed up with bombs -- Lockerbie Flight 103 blown out of the sky, the Bali nightclub, WTC, Pentagon, Pennsylvania corn field, Marines bombed in Lebanon, Berlin nightclub, two U.S. embassies in Africa, USS Cole, sniper Lee Malvo, the killing of reporter Daniel Pearl, U.S. Army Muslim soldier Sergeant Hasan Akbar fragged senior officers—killing two in the first week of the Iraq War, the train bombing in Madrid, hanging American corpses to bridges in Iraq, beheading Nick Berg and Paul Johnson on TV, suicide bombers ad nauseam, and now the French riots.

Let’s make Islam’s goal perfectly clear! A leader for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Omar Ahmad, while standing on American soil, said, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to be dominant.”

As you can see when Bush and Condi suck up to a religion like Islam whose sole purpose is to destroy America, Mr. Ahmad’s wish materializes! The French foolishly immigrated five million Muslims. How blind are we to immigrate four million as of this writing?

Islam pretends warmth and human kindness, but actions speak otherwise when Iran’s Shiite president said, “The stain of disgrace—Israel—will be purged from the center of the Islamic world.” If given a chance, they would obliterate the Jewish race.

Yes well some would rather hide their heads in the sand rather than face the truth of how viscious terrorists are. Maybe some need to cover their bodies with Berkas.

It's scarey how the lefties push lies & deceptions. Oh wait! That's what the devil does too.

For all those Christian bashers...Guess what?


The only thing ruining our nation are the anti American counter culture crowd. they should have been hung a long time ago. We do know today that McCarthy was right. Libs hate to admit that too, but that comes right from the communist archives.

You really need to seek medical attention for that hate complex you have going on there ...

So, first you think its a great idea to steal, and now you think that anyone who doesnt think the way you do should be hung?

Doesnt that smack of nazism?

Where are your christian values of peace, love and understanding.

I would suggest you go back to church and ask your imaginary friend to forgive your hate-filled invective.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:14 AM

Where did I get it? The first one was from "She who shall not be named" and the molecule one came our of my "lib" mind.

Of course you are so right... left? Uh...you don't know nuttin' fella... LOL

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:16 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 07/26/08 10:16 AM

Still couldn't find where you got the Macarthy quote. (too tired). All I can say about all this is I believe RADICAL Islamists would kill all of us in a heartbeat, with no qualms or guilt whatsoever. I think we are winning the war against them in Iraq, and the men and women serving there and Afganastan (spelling?) deserve our respect and thanks. I also believe it doesn't matter one tiny bit if you are liberal or conservative, it is still special interest who control legislation, and I thank God that I was blessed to be born in America. happy

Here, here!
That is why it is every freedom-seeking Americans obligation to preserve and protect our country from invasions on all borders and from the Interests in our political system who are selling us out.

Yes well all these hypocrites who were so glad Bush was our prez during 911 are now foaming at the mouth choking on their hypocrisy...

What do you expect? It's an election year & this is what DEMS do to justify their vote.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:23 AM

Still couldn't find where you got the Macarthy quote. (too tired). All I can say about all this is I believe RADICAL Islamists would kill all of us in a heartbeat, with no qualms or guilt whatsoever. I think we are winning the war against them in Iraq, and the men and women serving there and Afganastan (spelling?) deserve our respect and thanks. I also believe it doesn't matter one tiny bit if you are liberal or conservative, it is still special interest who control legislation, and I thank God that I was blessed to be born in America. happy

Actually that came right out of the Russian archives... a series of books were written about American Communism in the 60's.

A real eye opener. They called McCarthy a wacko just like they call pro-americans who they disagree with today.

They do their stuff in secret...they continue to today. Only now it's from within. Talk about brainwashed? Just look at the crop of leftie dependants there are in America today. Very sad...

carold's photo
Sat 07/26/08 10:55 AM
Why are somepeoples quotes even edited from here hmmm. It looks like to me some of the people that responded there quotes were taken off?

mnhiker's photo
Sat 07/26/08 11:32 AM
Edited by mnhiker on Sat 07/26/08 11:33 AM
And who welcomed illegal immigrants with open arms?

President Bush Jr., that is.

So he lets the Mexicans and other foreign nationals in to pick vegetables, while a few terrorists sneak in under the radar.

And they don't have to look like Al Quaida to sympathize with their cause!

karmafury's photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:01 PM

"suck up to a religion like Islam whose sole purpose is to destroy America..."

Are you freakin' kidding?

Fear mongering BS.

For now, we are entitled to our opinion.
Check and see how much political power Muslims are gaining just north of us in Canada. Canadians are losing their rights to speak out against the cult.
Investigate a bit.

Excuse me? We're not losing our rights to speak out against anything. We allow Muslim's to wear their traditional clothing in voting booths but our voting is not set up like yours and unless you've seen the difference you wouldn't understand the difference.
We, as a country, have always accepted people from every country, race, and religion. It is a proud fact our country is so multi-cultural.
And how can you call a religion thousands of years older than Christianity a cult? You need to get your timelines right.

Older than Christianity?
The bible is older than the Muslim religion. Check your facts.

Why do you think America is called the melting pot of the world?
Do you really think we have a dress code in our voting booths? LOL

Hell fire,
Canada was still part of Great Britain until 50-60 years ago and if I remember part of Canada had a vote on secession not too long ago.
Most Americans cant even tell you who your PM is. Not because we are ignorant, but because that's how insignificant Canadian politics are in our minds.
Your whole country numbers only 37 million. We have that many in one State, two cities if you want to get specific about it.
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Canada peacefully and gradually evolved as a nation, quite unlike the United States, which became a separate independent country by means of armed revolution. In 1867, six British North American colonies joined together in Confederation as a new country - Canada.

We celebrated our centennial in 1967. Does Expo '67 ring a bell?

As for the referendum grumble that was in Quebec.grumble

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:07 PM
As i recall white christians bombed the oklahoma federal building and they were home grown.As against illegal immigration as I am,lets not let's not hide behind the Judeo-Christian ethic to spread hate and paranoia.

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