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Topic: A Dream That Got Shattered
Britty's photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:06 AM


I was sorry to read this on a couple of levels.
I hope you you and your daughter have a chance to talk about it, and things will be resolved.

As for the posts, perhaps there was an unfortunate misunderstanding.

You are a kind person, and a good Dad.


Sweet_and_Sassy's photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:18 AM
Robert...take a deep breath, don't let your mind go wild and talk with your daughter...there could be something that you aren't aware of.

:heart: :heart: (((((Robert))))) :heart: :heart:

Wolfeyes58's photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:48 AM

Robert...take a deep breath, don't let your mind go wild and talk with your daughter...there could be something that you aren't aware of.

:heart: :heart: (((((Robert))))) :heart: :heart:

Thanks Kitten...I will and plan on it, and maybe there will be a retractable post if something does get resolved. It's in me once inspired. Thanks for being there as well.:heart:

Pam...thanks sweetie and I appreciate your sincerity.:heart:

Susan...yes, it was unfortunate how this thread went, but I expect there to be one bad apple in the bunch. Everyone's a bad critic, so I expect that. And thank you for that sweet comment. I try to be the best father I can be and kind soul to everyone. :heart:

<<<<<Kisses back at ya Dee...:heart:

Erica, I plan on doing just what Jo advised as well as others. It's been a while for a father/daughter talk anyways.

AngelLight's photo
Thu 07/24/08 09:52 AM
:cry: I'm sorry precious heart.....I'm sorry.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Thu 07/24/08 10:28 AM

:cry: I'm sorry precious heart.....I'm sorry.

I wish I had a hankie to dry those tears...it will be okay Angel my dear...it's just another punch in the heart that I have to come back strong from. We will have a talk and we will see if there is a retraction of this poem. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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