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Topic: Do girls really want a 'nice guy'?
feistybaby's photo
Sun 07/20/08 07:28 AM
Bad boys are great as friends but when it comes to giving away my heart...I want a "nice" guy.....

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:24 AM

Many people make the mistake of assuming that simply because someone is a "nice guy" that they are also a doormat for people to walk all over.

I think some of these "nice guys" assume that's what all women think.

no photo
Sun 07/20/08 08:26 AM

No they don't!!!! They want to be treated like crap, cheated on, made the last priority in their mans life. As long as he has money, a nice car and a place they can live in they don't care how bad they get treated. Some will even let their man beat them and cheat on them as long as they get the diamond ear rings, nice clothes and have a nice car to drive.

This chick at work knows her husband is cheating with at least two other women and one her best friend and she says as long as she has access to his/their fat bank account she don't care....She has a little boy toy on the side that shows her and once of respect and that is all she needs. well that and a fat bank account.

I have been around awhile and the above is the norm. I mean how much fun is it to talk to their girlfriends about a boring nice guy that treats her with respect, comes home on time and follows all the rule. To women that is not sexy, it's boring and unwanted. They would rather have the bad boy as he is far more of a challenge, full of drama and much more sexy than any nice guy could every be

If you think that's normal.. perhaps you're not meeting the right kind of women?

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:12 PM

Here's to all the girls who think that all the nice guys are gone... There are still nice guys in this world. Guys who will call just to say i love you. Guys who will hold your hand while walking. Guys who will say that you look amazing because they mean it, not just to get in your pants. Guys who will buy you a star and name it for you, just so you have a star to wish upon. Guys who will stay awake next to you and watch you sleep just because of you peaceful you look. Guys who love the way you look when you just woke up. Guys who will look into your eyes instead of your shirt. Guys who will Kiss you on the forehead when you're crying. Guys who will open the door for you. Guys who will dance with you and kiss you in the rain. And finally, guys who say, 'I love you" and mean it truly for now and forever. We are still out here. Most likely we are your best friend who you've never thought of that way, but thats all we've thought about when you tell us about the latest asshole that dumped you. We aren't hidden away or all taken. We are still here, and we are looking for you. The true and honest girls who wont take advantage of us and take us for granted. So if you're looking for that one nice guy left in the world, perhaps you should look behind you because most likely, they've supported you all along.

These are my words. Take them as you will. Many people make the mistake of assuming that simply because someone is a "nice guy" that they are also a doormat for people to walk all over. Do not mistake kindness for weakness. This is a common mistake that is made more often than is necessary. Learn from the past and the last "bad boy" that cheated on you, beat you, or just didn't care. Find yourself a nice guy, and realize that just because we're nice on the outside doesn't mean that we can't still be a man.

So do something about it? As much as women like a nice guy they also adore confidence, if all one does is stand there and say "I think you look beautiful" without taking the leap to see if they will date him all he will ever be is that guy that is there to make her feel good when she is down. How is a girl supposed to think anymore of a guy if the guy is not willing to jump to the plate?

stardust50's photo
Sun 07/20/08 12:23 PM

No they don't!!!! They want to be treated like crap, cheated on, made the last priority in their mans life. As long as he has money, a nice car and a place they can live in they don't care how bad they get treated. Some will even let their man beat them and cheat on them as long as they get the diamond ear rings, nice clothes and have a nice car to drive.

This chick at work knows her husband is cheating with at least two other women and one her best friend and she says as long as she has access to his/their fat bank account she don't care....She has a little boy toy on the side that shows her and once of respect and that is all she needs. well that and a fat bank account.

I have been around awhile and the above is the norm. I mean how much fun is it to talk to their girlfriends about a boring nice guy that treats her with respect, comes home on time and follows all the rule. To women that is not sexy, it's boring and unwanted. They would rather have the bad boy as he is far more of a challenge, full of drama and much more sexy than any nice guy could every be

Now now not all women are in it for the $$$$$$ I personally have my own money could care less if the man has money or not. Nice guy I am sure there are some out there just as there are nice women. Challenge honey getting up in the morning to go to work and support my 9 year old daughter is a challenge. I am a single mom with no help from her father since the day she was born have and will continue to make it on my own I ask for nothing from no man other than maybe campionship,understanding. Drama is for my soaps do not need or want it. Most men get turned off by me being independent and not needing a man to do things for me. But because of a man I had to learn this the hard way. I am after no man's money or the cheating or the half truths.

So you see not all women are that way.

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