Topic: going to war
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Fri 03/09/07 02:10 AM
going to war a feat in itself
i did not go for just myself
my fellow marines and service men alike
gone to do battle with a enemy as dark as the night
we leave behind the ones we love
the life we had taken on the wings of a dove
in its place something dark something fierce
wishing nothing more then are hearts to be pierced
were told to do our duty day in and day out
so we pick up our rifles and we go stumbling about
not knowing what the morning sun may have in store
but we are trained to smile and ask for more
we defend our country,freedom and pride
we do so with honor and dignity in our stride
i have seen the loss and felt its pain
brothers of a cause lost till a better day
my life nearly taken from me
shot three times now i know the cost to be free
how many lifes i took i may never know
but rest assure karma will come back to show
i served this country and its people alike
and all iask in return is u live for my brothers who died

this is for all my brothers i lost in iraq. Semper-fi your finnaly
home Staff.Sarg Les Richardson USMC {RET}

LAMom's photo
Fri 03/09/07 02:14 AM
Beautiful,,, I Am so honored to be an American and Pray each and every
day that God will bring our Service Men & Women home
safe,,, God has Blessed you with a Incredible Soul, and the
gift of giving and Love here in your words,,, Amazing...
:heart: :heart: :cry: :heart: :heart:

Fri 03/09/07 02:19 AM
amazing!...JAH+BLESS you and all who have and are still serving in the
U.S. armed forces....

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 02:38 AM
SWEETIE THAT WAS VERY GOOD..flowerforyou flowerforyou

karmafury's photo
Fri 03/09/07 02:38 AM
Awesome CB.

no photo
Fri 03/09/07 02:41 AM
you guys are to kind to me thank you

kntrygal1964's photo
Fri 03/09/07 03:28 AM
whooo rahhhhhhh god bless all our troops and for all to come home safe
and of sound mind

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/09/07 04:19 AM
Awesome poem, all should support our troops it is because of them we
have the freedom we haveflowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:07 AM
This is awesome bro.I love it.My brothers and sisters are in my prayers
each and every eve.They will remain close to my heart all the days of my
life.There is no greater sacrifice than one's life that has been laid
down for his Country and his loved ones.So then we will stand steadfast
and vigilant and guard our homeland while they are away and we pray that
God continues to watch over them and keep them from harm's way.Please
may they return home safely to our awaiting arms.Thank You for assuring
that our freedom will never falter,nor will our flag ever fall.God Bless
You!glasses :heart:
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!Cybear 3/9/07 {101st Airborne Soldier}

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Fri 03/09/07 08:49 AM
I have no words to describe the intense gratification and compassion for
those fighting for our/my freedom. So many wives left alone raising
children while our men, brothers, fathers and sisters are in combat
facing indescribable horrors that we will never know or even imagine.
Our military are in my prayers constantly...THANK YOU!
Wonderful words countryboy! Thank you for sharing with us here...
:heart: flowerforyou