Topic: You ever wonder or think..
Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:09 PM
That being shy or really nervous has held you back from ever getting a date or to even start a relationship at all.

I mean like it seem's easier to ask some one out online vs face to face, because of being extremely shy and nervous etc.

So does this type of thing happen to any body else or what.

I mean maybe it's the reason I have been single for so long as I'm too nervous to ask any body out and yet no women has ever asked me out, plus I do tent to get shy as well.

I don't know makes me think this could be a few reasons right there as far as that goes and not having much going for my slef etc.

So besides I'm thinking this whole internet dating is pretty much useless for me while some can find there true love etc online or in person, I am starting to think I may never will.

I mean surely I do not go to bars or clubs etc, I'm just not into those types of things.. it's not me.

Sorry about all of this but I felt for some reason or another to just get this off my mind.

I mean at times I am okay with being single but other times I wouldn't mind having that one that makes me feel everything okay and alright etc.

grumble ohwell

No1sLove's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:13 PM
I don't really know. I don't usually think there is anyone out there that I'd want to ask out, but the few who have approached me have seemed like someone I would like to got out said yes. It may be that I don't see anything special about anyone until we have a conversation first. If I approached men I may have found there were more men I would have liked to go out with...who knows? I am really not in the habit of doing that though...pretty shy. blushing

brooke007's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:15 PM
i try not to think....too much......
it always gets me into trouble

redhead44613's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:17 PM
Im very very shy in person but on the internet,text, or IM.. Im very out going... on the phone if he would start talking dirty or even talk about liking me I get very shy an wont say anything, I have always been like this. but in person if I see a cute guy across the room I will make eye contact an smile an hope he takes the hint an come over, but it never happens. I cant figure out whyfrustrated

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:28 PM
I mean what got me confused in one time one time I got the so called balls as some might say to ask a co worker out that I had thought I liked however when she said yes and I forgot to get her number at that point then I went to noting came about it, so I guess from that point on I just kinda given up a little bit, almost because I haven't found or seen any body else I wouldn't mind asking out etc, even if I have I find it almost too tough to ask some one out etc.

I am unsure why I find it easier as I said to ask women out online vs face to face, I guess for the most part if they say no I can close the window or deleted the email vs trying to walk away etc.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:35 PM
I thought that for awhile...then I quit being so shy.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Tue 07/08/08 09:39 PM

I thought that for awhile...then I quit being so shy.

I try to quit being shy.. but just go from being out going back to shy again.


bad_girl's photo
Wed 07/09/08 01:42 AM
That has never been a problem for me, shy isn't in my vocabularybiggrin

no photo
Wed 07/09/08 02:17 AM
You know what.......the only people who hold us back is ourselves!!! WE can blame it on shyness or other things but when it comes down to it.....we are all in complete power of our destinies!!! If what you are doing now is not working to get said results then change the routine.flowerforyou

transientmind's photo
Wed 07/09/08 02:37 AM
I wouldn't recommend bars or clubs to anyone who's looking for a stable relationship, but maybe that's just my opinion. ...And most of the shyness I've felt came from having too high a regard for other people's opinion of me.

I used to be painfully shy until I got online. I used to just watch the forums at first, then I started to join in. Now I'm a threadkilling nuisance, it's greatlaugh

What really got me up and out there was when I was sitting in this very chair in the dark on Christmas day and I found a lump on my neck. After I grieved and cried in the shower... that kinda stuff... I realized that life is a terminal condition, we're all going to die. I decided that what time I have won't be spent shivering in a corner somewhere.

May777's photo
Wed 07/09/08 05:13 AM
i`s hard to build your confidence,..when you have little to start with,..but be your bestiest friend and tell yourself what you like about yourself and build from there,..

BruceRN63's photo
Wed 07/09/08 05:37 AM

That being shy or really nervous has held you back from ever getting a date or to even start a relationship at all.

I mean like it seem's easier to ask some one out online vs face to face, because of being extremely shy and nervous etc.

So does this type of thing happen to any body else or what.

I mean maybe it's the reason I have been single for so long as I'm too nervous to ask any body out and yet no women has ever asked me out, plus I do tent to get shy as well.

I don't know makes me think this could be a few reasons right there as far as that goes and not having much going for my slef etc.

So besides I'm thinking this whole internet dating is pretty much useless for me while some can find there true love etc online or in person, I am starting to think I may never will.

I mean surely I do not go to bars or clubs etc, I'm just not into those types of things.. it's not me.

Sorry about all of this but I felt for some reason or another to just get this off my mind.

I mean at times I am okay with being single but other times I wouldn't mind having that one that makes me feel everything okay and alright etc.

grumble ohwell

I'm sure it has.

Johncenawlife316's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:35 AM

You know what.......the only people who hold us back is ourselves!!! WE can blame it on shyness or other things but when it comes down to it.....we are all in complete power of our destinies!!! If what you are doing now is not working to get said results then change the routine.flowerforyou

I guess my destinie is to be single then, since I can't get enough confidence needed to change how things currently are.

I mean it's not like I don't have any confidences at all, because I do... just luck of it I guess.


Kleisto's photo
Wed 07/09/08 10:44 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Wed 07/09/08 10:45 AM
I know the feeling, I am outgoing in person but more when I get to know someone I think. At first I can be shy, kind of introverted or a loner. Like if I'm walking around by myself, I don't neccessarily say a whole lot to people as I pass by them.

I think part of the reason I am like this, is because I don't exactly speak real well. I've always had a stuttering problem, where I'll speak too fast and things won't come out right, forcing me to repeat myself. That in itself might be where my lack of self confidence comes from (to some extent anyway), because I don't feel like I can express myself like I want to in the real world, and fear I'll just make a fool of myself.

Online it's different, and it's easier for me to speak my mind and be outgoing, but in reality it's different.