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Topic: Why do you .....?
no photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:40 PM
Why do you believe or why do you not believe in religion ?. Please be precise and to the point .

jedigirl's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:40 PM

rainysky39's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:41 PM
I believe because it is my option to and having faith is what has kept me sane recently.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:42 PM
:smile: Because I seek THE TRUTH :smile:

moonlight_ride62's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:43 PM
I believe in God...cuz I have seen Him in action...

Tue 07/08/08 06:43 PM
don't get me start oh you already have i don't need to go to church to know that he is there prayer is enoughdrinker

nuenjins's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:43 PM
Got healed. Felt indescribable beyond any drug. Dead people raised and new organs I have seen and by my friends as well. No God? You're not looking in the right place then.


t22learner's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:47 PM
Religion is man-made and fosters far too much intolerance and hate. Oh, and there's no "god" imo.

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:49 PM

Religion is man-made and fosters far too much intolerance and hate. Oh, and there's no "god" imo.
laugh How originallaugh

bastet126's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:50 PM
religion as man has conjoled us to believe, no. spirituality, yes. that's as precise as i can be.

alexiateigra's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:50 PM
Edited by alexiateigra on Tue 07/08/08 06:51 PM
I do not believe in the existence of any God because morality & truth is not dependent of the existence of any God. Therefore, I can deduce that being a good & honest person is also not dependent of any God. Thus, I can continue to seek the truth and a righteous path without following a God.

t22learner's photo
Tue 07/08/08 06:53 PM
Oh, and I SEEK THE TRUTH! Whatever.

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:43 PM
I don't believe in a God who plays hide & seek and gets peeved at those who fail to find him. Especially one that would inspire doctrines written by men knowing full well that this would only cause conflict among men. After all, if you worship a religion that's precisely what you are doing. You wouldn't be worshiping God. It's not possible to worship a God who plays hide & seek games.

Other religions that are more spiritual in their nature and don't portray God as being an egotistical judgmental game-player with an agenda are certainly more attractive. I think there is something to be gained from the practice of meditation to calm the mind, and from an adherence to a well-thought-out set of moral values. Of course, these things can be done without religion, but some people prefer to have a religion as a guide. So it can be helpful for those people.

As for myself, I believe that our true nature is spiritual. I personally believe that we were spirit before we were born into the human form, and we'll continue to be spirit after we leave the human form. I believe it is open-ended at both ends of life, not just at one end.

I have my own reasons for believing this, and I confess that many of them are intuitive meaning that it just feels right to me. I'm well aware that just because something feels right doesn't make it true, so I'm ultimately agnostic (as I believe everyone must be whether they admit this to themselves or not) .

One thing to realize is that atheism is true, it's no big deal. Once you die you're not going to be around to worry about it or have an regrets that you didn't continue to live. laugh

So a life that terminates is nothing to worry about. It just seems like a big waste to me. But if that's the way things are then so be it.

As a physical being who is tired, and having physical problems the idea of pure death is actually an inviting idea to me right now. I think I'd almost be disappointed to wake up from this life and discover than I can never die. But then again, if I'm automatically rejuvenated into a pure spiritual form with not more tiredness and physical ailments then maybe it won't seem to bad.

In truth I often dream about going back and reliving this life again. Not the same way precisely. In fact, I would do at least a billion things differently. But then again, there would still be wars going on an all that crap. I'm not sure if I'd seriously want to bother re-living this life if the rest of the world was going to be the same old crap.

There, that wasn't concise or to the point. laugh

Just goes to show that I'm a rebel in spirit I guess. bigsmile

BrandonJItaliano's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:48 PM

And thats all i have to say

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:50 PM

Got healed. Felt indescribable beyond any drug. Dead people raised and new organs I have seen and by my friends as well. No God? You're not looking in the right place then.


I don't see God and Religion to be the same thing.

Religion is a man-made belief system.

God is... well God just is.


no photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:52 PM
I believe in two Gods and I will tell you why.

One is called "LOVE":heart: and the other is called "HATE"explode .

For most of my life I have been giving my faith to "LOVE":heart: .

A popular professor in mythology once coined this term:

Follow your Bliss

So then please follow your bliss!

Have a great day and much peace in your mind and heart. flowerforyou

nubian's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:54 PM
Edited by nubian on Tue 07/08/08 07:56 PM
and i quote every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!!!!!!!
there is coming a time when thoes who have said in their hearts that there is no GOD shall behold and see that indeed GOD is real, by then it may be too late for many
REPENT!!! for his coming is nigh.

brooke007's photo
Tue 07/08/08 07:55 PM
i believe in God because he created us, the world, and the universe.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:15 PM
I believe that religion itself is man made written scriptures. They are very entertaining to read in a historical viewpoint. I personally enjoy Ancient Egyptian and Norse religion. Well now they are called mythologies.

Nevertheless, the study of how people use to live and what they did believe in is beneficial in understanding who we are today. Religion is another part of history that we can dig into to understand what we as a people have endured through.

no photo
Tue 07/08/08 08:22 PM
:smile: I believe...Everyone needs to believe/feel something..If you do for/to others as you wish done to you you are living rightly.Jesus did,tookall sin&pain unto himself for all of us,did he push anyaway?no.It's hard but Love all is what you should,life's taken you aay from truth&love but truth&love still exist..J:heart:

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