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Topic: Superb German Documentary On 911 Fraud - Vid
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Mon 07/07/08 12:58 PM

ok - i googled. you seriously think the brainiac gw,
the guy who can't pronounce new-clee-er was the mastermind
behind 911?

laugh laugh sad laugh laugh sad laugh laugh

oh oh...geez your killin me here...

all i can say is this is either the most significant event
in U.S. history or a gargantuan helping of texan doodoo.

my opinion is it is a supertankerloadfull of cut rate fertilizer.
If and the big if.......maybe isthe word I would use Bush is capable of being a puppet. regardless of who was behind 911 it was used to strip away alot of our freedoms and help usher in a police state. wage an imoral war and bankrupt our nation. surly worhty of speculation and quistions

Police State? lol, shouldn't you have been carted off to a FEMA prison camp by now then? I noticed it everywhere, not once in the media do they EVER say anything bad about Bush, the administration, or economy anymore. All you hear on the news anymore is good news. Damn this police state.

Seriously, what world do you live in?
I was going to ask you the same quistion, the groundwork is firmly in place for a police state. The telecoms were granted immunity recently for tapping phones and computers at the behest of homeland security, a violation of the law by the way. what do you call that if not a police state? realy star if your going to speak with such grandiose authority at least have some facts at hand and not your opinion

They were granted immunity for tapping FOREIGN lines coming into the US. That means there is a NON-US citizen on one end of the line. They are listening in on that person.

You are basing the whole police state around tapping of foreign phones and computers? The US government, if you have a clue, has been tapping both for decades now. They have been listening for a very long time now. It is nothing new. And, no one can even prove they have done domestic spying still. They can only prove foreign calls coming in. FOREIGNER calls.

Those are the facts.

To base the whole police state is setup around wiretapping is ludacris.

If I see you in a prison camp in a few months or year I'll give you props for the warning. But, it won't happen. You are a fearmongerer.
do you not have friends in other countries? Ihave made about a dozen over the years via yahoo games or websites such as this. I am fair game to be tapped. but again the topic of this thread is the video andbeing that you havent viewed it maybe you should leave the thread for those of us who wish to have an honest discussion?

You have posted the same topic more times than I can count. You should have just maintained one and continued to post this regular mantra of tinfoil hat stuff than so many multiples. And yes, I do, but the government has no desire to listen in on them. If so, go for it, you can hear me talk about our grand schemes to take over the world. Uh oh, I let it slip. The government is coming for me.

madisonman's photo
Mon 07/07/08 01:03 PM

ok - i googled. you seriously think the brainiac gw,
the guy who can't pronounce new-clee-er was the mastermind
behind 911?

laugh laugh sad laugh laugh sad laugh laugh

oh oh...geez your killin me here...

all i can say is this is either the most significant event
in U.S. history or a gargantuan helping of texan doodoo.

my opinion is it is a supertankerloadfull of cut rate fertilizer.
If and the big if.......maybe isthe word I would use Bush is capable of being a puppet. regardless of who was behind 911 it was used to strip away alot of our freedoms and help usher in a police state. wage an imoral war and bankrupt our nation. surly worhty of speculation and quistions

Police State? lol, shouldn't you have been carted off to a FEMA prison camp by now then? I noticed it everywhere, not once in the media do they EVER say anything bad about Bush, the administration, or economy anymore. All you hear on the news anymore is good news. Damn this police state.

Seriously, what world do you live in?
I was going to ask you the same quistion, the groundwork is firmly in place for a police state. The telecoms were granted immunity recently for tapping phones and computers at the behest of homeland security, a violation of the law by the way. what do you call that if not a police state? realy star if your going to speak with such grandiose authority at least have some facts at hand and not your opinion

They were granted immunity for tapping FOREIGN lines coming into the US. That means there is a NON-US citizen on one end of the line. They are listening in on that person.

You are basing the whole police state around tapping of foreign phones and computers? The US government, if you have a clue, has been tapping both for decades now. They have been listening for a very long time now. It is nothing new. And, no one can even prove they have done domestic spying still. They can only prove foreign calls coming in. FOREIGNER calls.

Those are the facts.

To base the whole police state is setup around wiretapping is ludacris.

If I see you in a prison camp in a few months or year I'll give you props for the warning. But, it won't happen. You are a fearmongerer.
do you not have friends in other countries? Ihave made about a dozen over the years via yahoo games or websites such as this. I am fair game to be tapped. but again the topic of this thread is the video andbeing that you havent viewed it maybe you should leave the thread for those of us who wish to have an honest discussion?

You have posted the same topic more times than I can count. You should have just maintained one and continued to post this regular mantra of tinfoil hat stuff than so many multiples. And yes, I do, but the government has no desire to listen in on them. If so, go for it, you can hear me talk about our grand schemes to take over the world. Uh oh, I let it slip. The government is coming for me.
again a topic such as this with all its irregularites and gleaming nonsence is worthy of discussion,if you do not wish to discuss do not but do not insult those of us who do

Chazster's photo
Mon 07/07/08 07:13 PM
I can't even watch the video. The sites streaming is horrible. I can stream other sites no problem, so they must have limited bw.

Either way, 9-11 conspiracies are laughable.

madisonman's photo
Mon 07/07/08 07:48 PM
Edited by madisonman on Mon 07/07/08 07:48 PM

I can't even watch the video. The sites streaming is horrible. I can stream other sites no problem, so they must have limited bw.

Either way, 9-11 conspiracies are laughable.
if you view the images on the internet and do not rely on the conventional news it becomes verry clear that we were lied to on 911. in what capactity I am not sure but the opium is still growing and being sold from afghanistan and bin laden runs free and Iraq is a nightmare bankruptiing our country. you think its laughable ?

Chazster's photo
Mon 07/07/08 08:09 PM
No the stuff about the twin towers etc is laughable. Engineering major, know the physics and we talked about it in class with a Civil engineering teacher.

madisonman's photo
Mon 07/07/08 08:15 PM
im going to suggest again you try the vid. I have viewed it today and its fine the first time I tried it was all broken up seems to be working fine now. it focuses more on the Put options and how every member of our government failed in there duty on 911. and how coincidently the wars waged from it coincided with our interests. talks about how Bush and Cheneye wouldnt go under oath or speak to the 911 commision seperatly, about condi rice lieing about her " we couldnt imagine they would use planes as weapons" when in fact the study was done and the twin towers were in fact a target in a simulation she and the rest were aware of, all verry interesting stuff that compiles into a strong case that there isnt alot of truth about 911

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 07/07/08 10:15 PM
Star you are so much for the government in truth. When we follow the blind then we become the blind. Sen. McCain made a very interesting statement the other day. He said he will keep us in Iraq and not turn and run if it takes 20 years.

Now making this statement in a run for President at this time I would have to call Political Suicide.

Why would he make such a Bold statement?

Could it be he knows more than we do about the future?

I believe so.

I will be so bold from that statement that as this administration has gave us information and the world that we paid little attention to.

Thier is only one reason he would say this.

We are looking at a sept/oct powerful terrorist attach in America and the middle east.

I say this boldly and sadly.

This will bolster him to victory and many other republicans.

We were given and i told this form what was going to happen in Korea.

How could i do this i listen to what they are saying between the lines.

Do you not find it a little odd that Korea was standing against us.

Testing underground nuclear weapons.

Refusing to let inspectors in.

Then what happened?

They did a test launch of 6 or 7 missiles.

We had our supposedly new missile defense system out at sea.

We told the world we did not use it to bring down the last long range missile that could reach the U S.

The missile just failed. The next day Russia tested a long range missile and it failed also. They even said they could not find it.

My point is this.. Is it not funny after this firing of missiles Korea has such a change of heart?

It was kind of like when it was leaked to the Press that The King of Saudi Arabia threatened the U S that they were going to take the war over and we would leave.

The Pres 2 weeks later in Dec 06 said we need 20 to 30 thousand more troops and Iran wanted to hold a peace conference with Saudi.

I find all this strange. Everything seems not what it is.

We showed the world leaders what we really had in military power.

Both those missiles were destroyed by reagans Star wars project that never ended.

proof of that is the Patriot Missile which even the news said it was developed from The Star Wars Project.

Our power we have is way beyond your belief and someone is running what is going on.

Who or what is hard to say. But this is for sure Saudi Arabia has a Big say in this world and what happens in the U S since they own 10% of us.

Mccains remarks are so true. Just look at Germany. Have we ever left thier?

Whats the nearest quick strike force to the middle east?

it is Germany.

We do not intend to ever leave Iraq. If we do Iraq will become Saudi Arabia. The Kurds would leave or be killed.

Iran would need to find a big player to side with them.. Russia?

We need to stay friends with SA very badly.

We have the technology but they are funding it and probally sharing in it.

We are sending Aries the New Space shuttle up next year that is so big it has to go up in 2 pieces.

Aries meaning ...God of War.

NASA does not just draw a name out of the hat for its shuttles..

The space station is name the Enterprise.. Like Star Trek huh.

What was the Enterprises shuttles name?

The Columbia.

Happenstance? No Way..

The nations of the world are playing along with us except for the ones in the Middle east who believe Allah will intervene and give them a great victory against the Great Whore.

Aries will give us the power for political assinations..

We have Laser power now from space that is what brought down the 2 missile i spoke of.

Those leaders do not want to test us.. They want to be friends.. IE Korea and Russia is struggling.

But Money runs things.. Oil runs things. We have went to far with what technology we have given SA and what they know.

So we need to stay in the middle east and keep the Sunni's as protected as Possible to keep thier cousins the Saudi's King Happy.

Just like we with all we have could not find Bin Laden?

His family is important to the king.

Know we went into Afghan quickly and got out quickly because Iraq was more important than finding Bin Laden..

Saudi is running us believe it or not. Just do some research about our dealings with them.

And Saudi wants us close by. They want to be in control over thier completely. Bring back the Great Persian Empire of thier Ancestors and Iraq is a Major force of it.

It is a Bait and Switch situation. And we want power thier also.

But this race for a republican to become President a major catastophe has to happen of terror.

We are being trained as we speak. Our laws our hatred our economy. Are all to prepare us for what is about to happen and i pray i am wrong..Miles

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