Topic: I Use To.
whispertoascream's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:47 AM
I use to write on how much I cared for you.
I use to write about I enjoyed talking to you
I use to write about our plans on meeting
I use to write about your smile.

Now I write about the hurt, you know the pain I am talking about the
pain you promised never have me feel again
Now I write about the regret that you have caused me.
Now I write about these tears that you have caused
Now I write about this loneliness that I now feel once again

You promised me that you would never hurt me. But that was a lie
You said that I meant more to you then words could ever express. But
again another lie.
Hell you even told me you have never been so close to anybody before.
But something tells me yet another lie.

I would never wish this pain and heartache on anybody. Even you.
I wish you nothing but happiness because I can tell you need it more
then me.
'Cause anybody that can be this cold needs some warming up.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 03/04/07 08:49 AM
Ya go girl tell him like it is!!!flowerforyou

Cybear's photo
Sun 03/04/07 09:17 AM
This is Excellent!work Whisper.This is straight across the wire landing
a pinprick directly right into his heart providing that he bears insight
and true feelings,regardless if they were previous feelings.Perhaps one
day he will become truly enlightened and release what he has forsaken
and lost.Meanwhile however I think this was a great release for you and
it also lends closure to painful memories from this relationship.He has
lost,and you my friend will gain eventually,for you will find your true
soul mate,then you will share the rest of your life's together gaining
happiness and contentment through life's uncertain journey.By the way
your final conclusion and statement gurlfriend is highly
commendable.You're Awesome!Godspeed!Your Bearific Friend
Always,Cybear(((bear~hug))):tongue: flowerforyou smooched blushing

no photo
Sun 03/04/07 09:17 AM
So many USER'S in this world, it is no wonder why there are so many
tears that fall each hour. A VERY GOOD WORK, THANKS for sharing with

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 03/04/07 09:59 AM
Thank you everybody. Your comments mean a LOT to me.

LAMom's photo
Sun 03/04/07 10:03 AM