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Fri 07/04/08 03:16 PM
but we the old we use every word than the word we clearly mean when it comes to why Obama shouldnt be president..................keep it real as my daughter would say.............your not fooling no one........ ******************************************** ******************************************** ******************************************** Keep it real? OK, here are some starters: Today, The Washington Post Reported That Obama Received A Sweetheart Mortgage Deal For His Chicago Mansion: Obama Received A Discounted Rate On His $1.32 Million Mortgage For His Georgian Mansion In Chicago. "Shortly after joining the U.S. Senate and while enjoying a surge in income, Barack Obama bought a $1.65 million restored Georgian mansion in an upscale Chicago neighborhood. To finance the purchase, he secured a $1.32 million loan from Northern Trust in Illinois. The freshman Democratic senator received a discount. He locked in an interest rate of 5.625 percent on the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, below the average for such loans at the time in Chicago." (Joe Stephens, "Obama Got Discount On Home Loan," The Washington Post, 7/2/08) "The Loan Was Unusually Large, Known In Banker Lingo As A 'Super Super Jumbo.' Obama Paid No Origination Fee Or Discount Points, As Some Consumers Do To Reduce Their Interest Rates." (Joe Stephens, "Obama Got Discount On Home Loan," The Washington Post, 7/2/08 Obama's Discounted Rate Could Have Saved Him More Than $300 Per Month. "Compared with the average terms offered at the time in Chicago, Obama's rate could have saved him more than $300 per month." (Joe Stephens, "Obama Got Discount On Home Loan," The Washington Post, 7/2/08) The Obamas Secured Their Discounted Home Loan Despite The Fact That They Had "No Prior Relationship With Northern Trust When They Applied For The Loan." "The Obamas had no prior relationship with Northern Trust when they applied for the loan. They received an oral commitment on Feb. 4, 2005, and locked in the rate of 5.625 percent, the campaign said. On that date, HSH data show, the average rate in Chicago for a 30-year fixed-rate jumbo loan with no points was about 5.94 percent." (Joe Stephens, "Obama Got Discount On Home Loan," The Washington Post, 7/2/08) NOTE: Obama Also Has Received $71,000 In Campaign Contributions From Northern Trust Employees. "Since 1990, Northern Trust employees have donated more than $739,000 to federal campaigns, including $71,000 to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics." (Joe Stephens, "Obama Got Discount On Home Loan," The Washington Post, 7/2/08) FLASHBACK: Obama Paid $300,000 Less Than The Asking Price For His Mansion, While Tony Rezko's Wife Paid Full Price For A Vacant Lot Next Door On The Very Same Day. "Two years ago, Obama bought a mansion on the South Side, in the Kenwood neighborhood, from a doctor. On the same day, [Antoin 'Tony'] Rezko's wife, Rita Rezko, bought the vacant lot next door from the same seller. The doctor had listed the properties for sale together. He sold the house to Obama for $300,000 below the asking price. The doctor got his asking price on the lot from Rezko's wife." (Tim Novak, "Obama And His Rezko Ties," Chicago Sun-Times, 4/23/07) The Seller Of Obama's Home "Wanted To Sell Both Properties At The Same Time." "On the same day Obama closed on his house, Rezko's wife bought the adjacent empty lot, meeting the condition of the seller who wanted to sell both properties at the same time." (Brian Ross and Rhonda Schwartz, "The Rezko Connection," ABC News' "The Blotter" Blog,, 1/10/08) Obama Later Purchased A Portion Of Rezko's Land For $104,500; It Was Valued At $40,500. "Later, the Obamas bought a 10-foot-by-150-foot piece of the lot for $104,500. An appraisal put the value of the strip at $40,500, a spokesman said, but Obama considered it fair to pay one-sixth of the original price for one-sixth of the lot." (Peter Slevin, "Obama Says He Regrets Land Deal With Fundraiser," The Washington Post, 12/17/06) ******************************* ON IRAQ: Will Obama Revise His Plan For Withdrawal From Iraq? Even His Advisors Are Confused About Where He Stands: Yesterday, Obama Campaign Strategist David Axelrod Said That Obama Will Adjust His Plan For Withdrawal From Iraq Based On The Advice Of Military Commanders: Axelrod Said Obama Will Listen To The Advice Of Commanders On The Ground With Respect To His Plans For Withdrawal From Iraq. CNN's John Roberts: "Let me turn to Iraq. It looks like we're seeing a little bit of a modification of Senator Obama's approach to troop withdrawals in Iraq. Susan Rice, his foreign policy adviser, recently said, quote, 'He will redeploy our forces responsibly at a rate that our commanders say is safe and sustainable.' David, to the best of my knowledge, he hasn't talked about consulting commanders on withdrawal. Is this an indication that he may not stick with that original timetable he's been tal king about of 16 months to get all the forces out?" David Axelrod: "John, with all due respect, on this, your knowledge doesn't extend far enough. The fact is that, Senator Obama introduced a plan in the United States Senate in January of 2007 that called for a phased withdrawal, with benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet, that called for strategic pauses, based on the progress on these benchmarks, and advice on the commanders on the ground and he's always said that he would listen to the advice of commanders on the ground, that that would factor into his thinking. He's also said we have to be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless getting in. So he's been very consistent on this point." (CNN's "The Situation Room," 7/2/08) BUT On Tuesday, Obama National Co-Chair Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) Said Obama Will Withdraw Troops From Iraq Regardless Of Whether Or Not It Would Roll Back Progress That Has Been Made There: Sen. McCaskill Said "No" Obama Will Not Change His Position On Iraq Even If That Means Sacrificing The Progress Being Made. MSNBC'S Monica Novotny: "In this week's New Yorker, George Packer writes about Obama's original withdrawal plan in the context of what we're now seeing as a relative stabilization in parts of Iraq. He writes about Obama, 'He doubtless realizes that his original plan, if implemented now, could revive the badly wounded al Qaeda in Iraq, reenergize the Sunni insurgency, embolden Moqtada al-Sadr to recoup his militia's recent losses to the Iraqi Army, and return the central government to a state of collapse. The question is whether Obama will publicly change course before November.' Will he?" Sen. McCaskill: "No. He will not." (MSNBC's "News Live," 7/1/08) In May, Obama Communications Director Robert Gibbs Said That Obama Would Go To Iraq Only To See How He Can Withdraw Our Troops: Gibbs Said That Obama Was Considering A Trip To Iraq To See How He Could Begin Removing Troops. Gibbs: "Well, as [Obama] said yesterday Mika, it's under discussion about going overseas and going to Iraq sometime between now and the campaign. You know, I don't think we'll be taking that trip with John McCain because as Senator Obama said yesterday, the work that the men and women in our military are doing over there is just far too important for them to be props in some sort of political stunt or photo-op. You know, what they're doing over there is separated from their families, giving for their country. It's truly, truly amazing, and I think we would want to go over there and talk to them and see what sort of difficulties they're facing and see how it is that we can begin to carefully remove them and carefully bring them back to their families and bring them back to the United States." (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 5/29/08) DAYS SINCE OBAMA VISITED IRAQ: 908:16:59:19 *********************** Will Obama Tell Michigan Voters That He "Would Have Preferred A Gradual Adjustment" In Gas Prices? Last Week, Obama Said He Would Have Preferred A Gradual Increase In Gas Prices. ...... So... CNBC's John Hardwood: "John Hardwood: "So could these high prices help us?" Obama: "I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing." (CNBC's "Your Money, Your Vote," 6/10/08) Lindyy ![]() |
That story has been edited by Lindy!
I wonder if the author likes that? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
fanta, i still say u r teaching that gun toting nra dog to kill possum. okay so it boils down to hilary is out the door. obama is too young, and mccane is too old with wifie issues. so who does that leave? why....see answer below.. CAROLINE KENNEDY or ARNIE SCHWARTZ ![]() I must have missed something, since when does Senator McCain have wife troubles? Lindyy ![]() I am pondering the same. McCain has a young, beautiful rich wife and all the beer he can drink. I believe 99.9 per cent of men would say it is the perfect marriage. |
fanta, i still say u r teaching that gun toting nra dog to kill possum. okay so it boils down to hilary is out the door. obama is too young, and mccane is too old with wifie issues. so who does that leave? why....see answer below.. CAROLINE KENNEDY or ARNIE SCHWARTZ ![]() I must have missed something, since when does Senator McCain have wife troubles? Lindyy ![]() I am pondering the same. McCain has a young, beautiful rich wife and all the beer he can drink. I believe 99.9 per cent of men would say it is the perfect marriage. Even if he had an old, ugly wife and all the beer he can drink, wouldn't he still have a perfect marriage since he would then be wearing beer goggles? |
fanta, i still say u r teaching that gun toting nra dog to kill possum. okay so it boils down to hilary is out the door. obama is too young, and mccane is too old with wifie issues. so who does that leave? why....see answer below.. CAROLINE KENNEDY or ARNIE SCHWARTZ ![]() I must have missed something, since when does Senator McCain have wife troubles? Lindyy ![]() I am pondering the same. McCain has a young, beautiful rich wife and all the beer he can drink. I believe 99.9 per cent of men would say it is the perfect marriage. Even if he had an old, ugly wife and all the beer he can drink, wouldn't he still have a perfect marriage since he would then be wearing beer goggles? ![]() |