heartbrokenbaby's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:14 PM
we need an older guy for me:banana:

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:14 PM

hey fear.....were going to roll this let's hear why fear likes older women.

Better for conversation, and I don't have to pick out what they will wear for the date.happy

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

that is to funny.....

and what does fear think about my poll yo like the ladies to take the initive and e-mail you if they are interested.

Depends how interested they are, I get quite a few emails from ladies interested in my hair...which I suppose is something, right?

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:15 PM

hi judy

Michelle ., how you feeling?
im ok tierd

hi feral nice to meet you

Nice to meet you too...

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:16 PM

hey fear.....were going to roll this let's hear why fear likes older women.

Better for conversation, and I don't have to pick out what they will wear for the date.happy

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

that is to funny.....

and what does fear think about my poll yo like the ladies to take the initive and e-mail you if they are interested.

Depends how interested they are, I get quite a few emails from ladies interested in my hair...which I suppose is something, right?

I think it would either poke my eye out.....or puncture a breast....I guess I hope that they all have their own breasts

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh:banana: :banana:

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:17 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

thought you had one

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:17 PM
who's thirsty?drinks

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:18 PM

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:18 PM
Well I am not recruiting......l am so off duty.....I just want to gab and turn this puppy....

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:18 PM
Edited by heartbrokenbaby on Wed 07/02/08 08:19 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

thought you had one
dont know wats going on with him havenint talked in a few days

OrangeCat's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:18 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:19 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:
hi oc:wink:

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:20 PM

Well I am not recruiting......l am so off duty.....I just want to gab and turn this puppy....

gab gab gab:banana:

Unique2468's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:20 PM
intermentently on.

<---- this is me lending my support to roll the thread!

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:20 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

thought you had one
dont know wats going on with him havenint talked in a few days


Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:21 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

someone's interested? :banana:

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:21 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

my baby...ok night is now complete....

smile2 smile2 smile2 smile2 smile2 smile2 smile2

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:21 PM

intermentently on.

<---- this is me lending my support to roll the thread!

awwww how nice .. you could just chat here without rolling yanno?

heartbrokenbaby's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:21 PM

we need an older guy for me:banana:

thought you had one
dont know wats going on with him havenint talked in a few days

as far as i know im going to a wrestling show with him next friday and hes gonna pic me up for it

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:22 PM

intermentently on.

<---- this is me lending my support to roll the thread!

Ahhhh thank you sweet man.....I knew I could count on you.........How are you today.

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/02/08 08:23 PM

intermentently on.

<---- this is me lending my support to roll the thread!

Ahhhh thank you sweet man.....I knew I could count on you.........How are you today.

Lmao .. we don't need paid help to roll my thread silly ....