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Topic: Do you believe...
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Fri 03/02/07 10:23 PM

mtironroses's photo
Fri 03/02/07 10:27 PM
yes, yes, I can give you descriptions and names.

Greyhound's photo
Sat 03/03/07 03:06 AM
No, i would not sleep in a haunted house unless i was drunk out of my
skull, and even then ... I'm a chicken s**t when it comes to stuff like
that. noway

jeanc200358's photo
Sat 03/03/07 06:45 AM
I never really believed in ghosts or spirits, what have you. Most odd
noises can usually be explained, such as the house creaking because it's
settling, or the furnace turning on, etc.

So I was very skeptical about such things until I was staying in
Morenci, Arizona, for a time. Now, for those of you who don't know the
area, Morenci is home to the Phelps-Dodge Copper Mine (one of them,
anyway) and is, I believe, the second-largest copper mine in America, if
not the world.

The land is rich with precious and semiprecious metals and has some of
the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen in my entire life. Sunrises
and sunsets are out of this world awesome.

The town of Morenci is about four miles "up the hill" from Clifton.
Clifton is known as a ghost town and there are remnants of the old
copper mine that was built in the 1800s.

The first jail ever built there was carved out of a huge rock and legend
has it that the man who built it, the sheriff, locked himself in there
one day.

A couple other claims to fame that Clifton boasts is the fact that both
Geronimo and Sandra Day O'Connor were born there.

Anyway, I was staying with a man (who I found out to be a liar so I left
but that's a whole 'nother story altogether) and he was at work one day
and I was in the back office doing my work on the computer.

I heard (I mean DISTINCTLY heard) noises in the kitchen, like someone
was walking around in there and opening and shutting cabinets, almost
slamming them, as though they were trying to find something and was
frustrated they couldn't find it.

I went into the kitchen, thinking Larry had gotten home, and no one was

Another day, I heard voices of maybe four or five men and footsteps,
stomping, coming from upstairs -- only there wasn't any upstairs.

And another time a cousin of his came over and knocked on the screen
door (main door was open) and hollared out, "Sheila? Are you home?" So I
went to let her in and she stayed for a few minutes then left.

About an hour later, the EXACT same voice, same noise of the knocking on
the door, and I thought for a second that that was "weird," but just
figured she had come back, so I went to answer the door and -- no one
was there.

And then there was the time that I was standing outside and "felt"
someone standing behind me and heard this bone-chilling voice saying,
"Hey, you..."

Now, Larry had never told me about any of this. After the first
incident, I asked him, "Have you ever heard any weird things in here?"

He broke out in this huge grin and said, "Try to get them to talk to

Nope. Not me. Uh uh. I said, "Have you lost what's left of your mind?"


BillRoot's photo
Sat 03/03/07 06:51 AM
I believe in spirits.Yes I would spend the night in a supposid haunted
house.They cant hurt you,only cause you to hurt yourself if you let

Chuckee's photo
Sat 03/03/07 07:05 AM
Totally believe in ghosts and evil spirits, NO, trying to get cozy with
them at all.noway

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 03/03/07 07:35 AM
Awwwww come on Chuckee thought ya was tough laugh laugh bigsmile

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