Topic: how did you react when you found
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Sat 06/28/08 03:47 PM
out your partner cheated and was hiding it all along?

did you get into a explode ? did you :cry: ? did you pack your bags?
did you try to talk about it or did you just sit there in
complete noway ?, did you go numb? were you sick to the stomach?sick

stevil342001's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:48 PM
i handed her. her key and left without saying a word..

bad_girl's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:49 PM
Nope I packed his things while he was at work and told "HER" he was all hers and now they have 5 kids, ah poetic justicesmile2

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:50 PM
I yelled....I screamed....I cried...I packed my $hit...handed him my house insurance card..and my engagement ring then said F*ck you...and left!

CherrySparks212's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:50 PM
hiding what....that he was a she and the other way around.....I wa freaked out to see a vagina on my man...ahhhhhh lol sorry

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:50 PM
I gave his sorry a$$ three chances to make it all right. I calmly talked to him about it and of course cried. But after the third time my heart was hardened by his lies and I didn't give a rip anymore. He actually kicked ME out of the house! explode

Sat 06/28/08 03:51 PM
well ... he didnt cheat with another woman... it was always drugs and alcohol...

so i packed his **** and changed the locks and put a hugeeeeee sign on the front said


iRon's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:55 PM
There are no words for me to be able to explain it...after 10 yrs of being married to a good catholic girl it was a surprise...

It is a defining factor in my life and the person I was, the kind, loving, great person I was, died and I have never been the same.

Bet you want you want to date me now.....

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:55 PM
I don't want to sound crazy or abusive...... But hell would break loose if that happened to me.

I warn everyone of this and ask that if that were to happen, just call and break up with me before the $#!T hits the fan. It isn't asking much. I can handle break ups.

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Sat 06/28/08 03:55 PM

buffry's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:56 PM a dumbass, forgave him! What a stupid mistake

FaithfulOne78's photo
Sat 06/28/08 03:58 PM

I don't want to sound crazy or abusive...... But hell would break loose if that happened to me.

I warn everyone of this and ask that if that were to happen, just call and break up with me before the $#!T hits the fan. It isn't asking much. I can handle break ups.

Please tell me you would NEVER hit a woman!

Jules0565's photo
Sat 06/28/08 04:06 PM
I yelled and cried... he tried to convince me he never cheated...but sorry, finding a thong on the chair in his bedroom that wasn't mine.. uhh.. you figure it out. I told him to never call me again.. I packed my things and walked out.. told him that if I had left anything there to just throw it away, it obviously wasn't important or else it was something I could always rebuy!

Queene123's photo
Sat 06/28/08 04:06 PM
Edited by Queene123 on Sat 06/28/08 04:09 PM
i was with my ex hubby for 2yrs and he cheated before, during and after, and i put up with his crap and i finally had enough but this was after we had gotten married thinking he would change.... of course he didnt. when we separated his half brother introduced him to someone and they were together for awhile and they had a kid, and in our divorce court he brought his gf to the hearing. the judge didnt ask why.
i did kick him out of the house about 4time and the 4th was the last.. i even kicked him in his jewels before we got married...

he married now to his daughter mom, and they have been married for about 16yrs in that area... and of course i know he wasent faithful to her either.. i know him well enough to know... and she doesnt see this.. he has told her lies that i aparently did that wasent even true

buffry's photo
Sat 06/28/08 04:08 PM
My baby's daddy cheated. She has a sister a month older than her in age. It happens to everyone! Good for you for getting out and standing up for yourself. Better that it hurts now, then repeating the process over and over. Trust me, I knowflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 04:10 PM

out your partner cheated and was hiding it all along?

did you get into a explode ? did you :cry: ? did you pack your bags?
did you try to talk about it or did you just sit there in
complete noway ?, did you go numb? were you sick to the stomach?sick

In this respect , I have much luck as none of my partners were cheaters . I hope it will never happens to me . I know people who got hurt from all this crap of cheating .

mthom086's photo
Sat 06/28/08 04:12 PM
First of all I would never live with someone; it never works out; I can't find anyone that his lived with someone over 10 years without being married and if they had, its very rare.

I erased them; they obviously didn't care; they denied it, and went on their way. I moved on. I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of messing with my head.

no photo
Sat 06/28/08 04:16 PM

I don't want to sound crazy or abusive...... But hell would break loose if that happened to me.

I warn everyone of this and ask that if that were to happen, just call and break up with me before the $#!T hits the fan. It isn't asking much. I can handle break ups.

Please tell me you would NEVER hit a woman!

laugh I do not believe in it, and though I have wanted to when I thought my ex was cheating on me... I didn't. But I am not going to lie.... I wanted to baaaaaaaaaaaad! Because she kept taunting me and talking $#!T like I am not capable of doing something. Now don't get me wrong, being capable and doing are two different things.

And I am sorry, if she cheats on me and gives me a disease that I have to live with everyday of my life.... I dunno what I would do..... I just pray that never happens...

Kymothy's photo
Sat 06/28/08 06:28 PM
I stayed for the entire lease and made his life miserable. LOL I know it's immature but I sure felt better.