Topic: Older Men-Young Women Is it wrong?
jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/01/07 11:51 AM
But you can't anymore judge an older woman because of your personal
experiences with them anymore than you can judge a younger woman for the
same reason. I mean, each person is different. You think that maybe a
younger woman might not have a dog with a cold nose? Though I think that
to have a dog as an audience (or especially as a participant) in the
bedroom during intimate moments is rather, shall we say, "gross,"
basically the point is that that woman doesn't really care about what
you think; she loves her dogs, not you. She doesn't feel the need to
impress you or to behave in such a manner that you find appealing,
whereas, in a lot of cases, a younger woman will because she's afraid of
losing you -- for whatever reason. An older woman doesn't give a damn,
basically. She knows she doesn't need a man in order to feel complete as
a human being. This is a generalization, of course, and does not apply
to everyone. Basically, what I'm saying is that younger women are not
"better" simply by "virtue" of the fact that they're younger.

horseracer's photo
Thu 03/01/07 12:51 PM
verry good point and so true jeanc

MikeMontana's photo
Thu 03/01/07 09:15 PM
What is considered a "normal" age difference?

When my daughter is 16, I'm going to have a difficult time accepting her
'dating' anyone over 18. When she's 20, I can be comfortable with her
choice upto say 24. When she's 25, I can be comfortable with her choices
upto 35, and if its exceptional circumstances, and if I trust her
judgement, then perhaps more.

That said, here I am 39, and looking to date someone. Eye candy says
"hmmmm late 20s", but that feels weird thinking about it. But, in a more
weird twist of reality, the only 'available' women that I know happen to
be in that age group. I havnt actually asked anyone out of that age
bracket, mostly out of self-conscious 'weirdness', and partly the
'...what are you kidding? dude, you're like old' response.

I'd like to meet up with a woman in her 30s who has some sense of what
life's about, what she wants out of it, and someone who has known what
relationships are about - for better and worse.

So what would you say - whats an appropriate age difference?

juju2680's photo
Thu 03/01/07 09:31 PM
age is just a number. yes sometimes the bigger differences can make it
difficult to see "eye 2 eye" on some things especially lifestyles,
opinions, interests....etc.
But, however, this applies to every relationship.

u only live once, so follow ur heart
and generally u will make the right choices.


FedMan's photo
Thu 03/01/07 09:32 PM
I have had several from 23 up to 29, and I must say I loved every minute
of it

no photo
Thu 03/01/07 09:53 PM
Mike -- I don't think there can ever be an "appropriate" number attached
to the concept of age differences. It's whatever you think it is. If
you think it's inappropriate to get involved with someone whose age
differs from yours by 10 years, then you're going to have reservations
and negative thoughts about it, should such an opportunity arise,
thereby sabotaging the potential relationship.

In a way, it becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy....

Everybody needs to decide for themselves what's appropriate or not.
There's no right and wrong because it all comes down to individual
tastes and preferences.

tammy2166's photo
Fri 03/02/07 06:39 PM
I am 41 went out with a guy the other night he is 51. We had alot of the
same stuff in common. I really like him too.

LBIGAL's photo
Fri 03/02/07 08:08 PM
hey poorbiker...this is a from a 51 year old females point of
view...first i have no little dogs, second i have not any ulterior
motives, no do i dwell on the's just that.....past....i think
you just are making excuses for your choices...i have kids in their 30's
and wouldn't think that any of their piers would have the commonalities
with me to really relate to my childhood.....and lets face it, a common
foundation is integral in having a successful relationship!

just my input...

sandylou2456's photo
Fri 03/02/07 08:34 PM

After we turn into adults...age is only a number. As far as the older
dieing and leaving the other behind...Age makes no difference there
either...I was married twice...the first 8 years older...He died and
left me...2nd..Married a man 10 years age didn't make a
Maybe i should try 20 years younger. j/k

just my 2 cents worth

Americanangel101's photo
Fri 03/02/07 08:35 PM
I don't want to make anyone mad or step on any toes but .....
My bf is 37 and I am 22 there is alot to be said about common interests.
Frankly I would not want to spend an afternoon with the men in my area
closer to my age because of IQ problems, they don't have much of one. If
anyone knows better please let me know.

mistyblue2012's photo
Fri 03/02/07 08:40 PM
Well the last thing he said is commitment is not a if a
younger girl in their late 20's (which is better than 20 I guess)
chooses to go out with an older man then that is her choice....he is
obviously more than ok with providing them with the respect and so
called social accolades these younger women are in search me
52 and even like 25 is a huge difference. I have younger guys ask me out
all of the time. Although that is very flattering since I turn 42 this
year, in the back of mind, I know we are in completely different places.
They are single without kids and I'm single with kids and the enormous
committments and time that comes with being a good parent! I'm just
going to say it BUT most of the younger guys that go after me are
wanting something fun and sexual. Not going to say all but with most of
them it boils down to that. If a young guy is in search of more sex then
certainly a younger woman might want to have finer things in life. He
can give it and she wants it ............not what I consider an ideal
relationship though! He knows what he is doing!!!!!! I mean that in a
nice way poorbiker....

no photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:10 PM

Americanangel101's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:12 PM
so how would you define the younger girls that are interested in older
guys because I can tell you the last factor I consider is sex

mistyblue2012's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:17 PM
If you generalized you could say money...but that would be a
generalization....there are ALWAYS exceptions to any number games and
what is considered appropriate in a relationship...
But I have been on both sides...the young girl and the, well I'll say
older girl. The older men simply offered more goodies to get what they
wanted. In now way do I mean all but definitely the majority!

Americanangel101's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:24 PM
well I can't answer for all women but my decision definately wasn't
money we are both full time students. not too much money to be had

mistyblue2012's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:27 PM
that's what makes this topic so tough..there is always the exception
that practically disqualifies a really great people
should treat others with kindness and not strictly for personal
gain......heck I don't know:smile:

mistyblue2012's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:28 PM
and 4fun06...glad to see there are guys out there that appreciate the
older crowd too..

kojack's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:31 PM
wonders where he falls in this topic glasses

Hoss34's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:33 PM
18 to 80 blind crippled or crazy i aint picky shoot as long as she has a
pulse im good...noway laugh laugh noway

buttons's photo
Fri 03/02/07 09:35 PM
humm 80? u sure about that hoss?laugh laugh laugh