Topic: sharing kids and keeping them
nyquil73's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:14 PM
Just found out my Ex was planning on having me tag along during her time for the 4th its my weekend but her holiday. I really don't want to do much of anything with her, but she's lost her driver licence so can't wake the kids anywhere to see any fireworks. Adding to this she doesn't have her own place or job to buy her own fireworks to set off with the kids.
My question is: do I just drop off the kids and basically ruin the 4th for them or drive them around and ruin my 4th.
To add to my story this is a normal thing, she let her life go and now expects others to come to her rescue. She hasn't had the kids for longer than a few hours at a time since the divorce and she tries to use them to spend time with me and I've really been trying to distance myself from her but not letting the kids get in the middle of it.

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:15 PM
it ain't about you and her anymoredrinker

nyquil73's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:17 PM
I know... she doesn't lol trying to keep the kids happy they know this is her holiday and they really don't want to go.

Etrain's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:19 PM

I know... she doesn't lol trying to keep the kids happy they know this is her holiday and they really don't want to go.

buy the fireworks for them to set off over come first...

no photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:24 PM

I know... she doesn't lol trying to keep the kids happy they know this is her holiday and they really don't want to go.

buy the fireworks for them to set off over come first...

drinker drinker drinker drinker

nyquil73's photo
Sun 06/22/08 10:24 PM
good idea that should work thanks

Nursenell76's photo
Mon 06/23/08 12:48 AM
Just don't take the kids over there. LOL Trade another holiday with her.

nyquil73's photo
Mon 06/23/08 04:08 AM
Talked about that with the kids but they don't want to trade any others, she really did a number on their trust with her and they really don't want to spend much time with her at all. This is going to be their first forced holiday with her. I'm just trying to make it as easy on them as possible.

kayliz88's photo
Mon 06/23/08 01:56 PM

I know... she doesn't lol trying to keep the kids happy they know this is her holiday and they really don't want to go.

buy the fireworks for them to set off over come first...

This is a good idea but are the kids old enough to set off fireworks by themselves? And if not, is your ex going to watch them to make sure they dont hurt themselves? Some questions you might want to ask yourself...

awolf1010's photo
Mon 06/23/08 11:23 PM

it ain't about you and her anymoredrinker
I agree!!!
its hard being a single parent. but the kids didnt choose this.
ask yourself this....when the kids are older do you want them coming back to you and sayin they hate you , cause you took them away from their mom?? I dont!!! JMO

lilith401's photo
Tue 06/24/08 08:33 AM
Um, how does the visitation thing handle the transportation? If she is entitled to the kids on the fourth she can make arrangements for transportation that don't involve you.

You follow the law, and let her have her day. Support your kids and listen, but it is not your responsibility to take your ex all over the town.