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no photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:11 PM
I have been on many sites recently and I have read many things..MR
right,Prince Charming, a Nice Guy, soulmate, the perfect girl for me..It
is this narrarators humble opinion that these are all myths like the
unicorns, dragons, elves, gray aliens, mermaids and so forth... Don't
get me wrong I believe in magic just not the classical kind.. I belive
in magic you create for yourself the down to earth kind.. It gets kind
of tiring reaching for the stars when you drive a kia optima that isn't
even paid for.. I have met some wonderful people on here, you know who
you are, and i hope the best for each of you, even scotty the
lawman...But I can't help but inform you that the one for you most
likely won't make you hear angels sing at first or make the butterflies
go mad. to the contrary they will just click.. like they ahd been there
before and will be there always...Just like waitng for jesus to come..
You come to him he is probably busy.. At least that is what it says on
his answering machine all the time when I call.. My point is that you
are the soul mate you are the magic we are the myths.. The mermaids swim
in us the dragns fly just beneath our hair and the angels sing when we
laugh, and love will find us..Not the other way round...YOUR HUMBLE

HOTMOMMA's photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:19 PM

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:23 PM
Will, do you believe that there are more then one for each of us? I
honestly believed in soul mates, and I thought I found him but he lived
9000 miles away. The distance thing was just not going to work out and
we both knew it, he wasn't willing to give up his paradise and I wasn't
willing to give up my children to be with him.
I came home from New Zealand with an engagement ring and promises that
he would wait for me no matter how long it took for us to be together.
That was 6 years ago, still have the ring and the pictures, and of
course the memories! But, I truly believe that he was the one for
me....but I also believe that we can't be together and there has to be
someone else out there for me.
So surely God would not be that cruel and put the only one for me 9000
miles away. So I know, that there is more then 1 person for each of us!
Do you believe that?

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:33 PM
Yes I do< I have to believe that...But let me ask you unsure...Why would
you have to give up your children?? Explain this please.. Couldn't they
be happy in new zealand...They filmed lord of the ring there for gods
sake...Tell me more detail please.. WILL

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:49 PM
Well Will, my ex husband would not allow me to take them out of the
country. He went and filed kidnapping charges on me, so the minute I
stepped on the plane with the boys, I would have went to jail and he
would have got the kids. I would never give up my boys especially for a
man. Yes New Zealand is a beautiful place and they would have been very
happy there, plus they really liked Stephen. I can understand their
father not wanting to let them leave the country, but it just put a big
damper on my happiness.
I also went and applied for the nursing jobs while I was there, and they
were going to send us home 2 times per year if I signed a year contract
with them. They had great benefits for nurses that would come there due
to a shortage. There was a 10,000.00 sign on bonus, all bills were to be
paid by them except for food, and no taxes were to be taken out of my
pay checks. It was a great job offer, but then again, I was faced with
the ex husband.
The good thing about taking the job, is I didn't relocate for a man.
Even though I would have relocated for this one!! :)

luney0's photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:50 PM
will iliked what you said and agree with most of it but how can love
find you if you dont look for it

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:51 PM
Your husband is a real cockbag ...Selfish fuck...He will get his
karma..Probably already has or is...WILL

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 04:52 PM
lol Will..thats why he is an EX!! But you know, I can't blame him for
not wanting his children 9000 miles away. But then again, it seems like
every time that I get with someone, he does something to mess things
up....hmmm are all EX's like that or am I just the lucky one??

tretia's photo
Wed 09/13/06 05:54 PM
i'm new here..i think, Will, that what you wrote was very profound,
especially this part; "But I can't help but inform you that the one for
you most
likely won't make you hear angels sing at first or make the butterflies
go mad. to the contrary they will just click.. like they ahd been there
before and will be there always...

very beautiful..

unsure, i am sorry that the man you met and fell in love with lives so
far away..i have to disagree, Will, about her ex being selfish..children
need their father..her children are very lucky to have one that cares if
they move thousands of miles away.

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 06:03 PM
Tretia, I agree that my boys are lucky that their father cared enough
not to let them move away. If the situation was turned around and they
lived with him, I would never let them move to another country either.
Thanks for the kind words...but I know that if its meant to be, it still
might happen...or better yet, the one I am suppose to be with, is yet to

MynDLash's photo
Wed 09/13/06 06:23 PM
hi tretia, welcome, will, to simply put, beautiful man, unsure, i don't
know how old ur boys were then and i aggree i wouldn't ever leave mine
either, if it were me id let live and let go, u know the old saying "if
u love someone let them go and if they come back then it's meant to
last." I too hope that there is more than one soul mate just for the
purpose; that we might had missed them by chance or because like in ur
situation is no chance. U see i met and fell inlove with this guy in
n.c. about ten years ago somethings happened and i enjoyed every min. of
it. I knew in my heart that he was the one for me, but, i find it hard
to let go of him still to this day. But, i have to or i won't ever be
happy with the thought that no man could ever add up to him. So, be
happy with what u got and find that new love again. much love.

SalvationJane's photo
Wed 09/13/06 06:47 PM

Soul mates exsit...but it doesn't necessarily mean we were meant to
spend our lives with them. It is what word emplies...A mate of the
soul. No doubt you had an unbelievable connection with this man...I'm
sure at times you thought you might actually "feel" him and what he was

Without doubt, probably one of the most profound and moving exeriences
of your life - one that you will never forget and that has changed you
deeply forever.

Continuity is the essense of our being - we are all connected one way or
another in this life and the next. Just that we may be connected more
strongly to some. These are lessons for the soul. Karma to be worked
out for you both.

In short, my belief is that soul mates are very real, but most times not
in the sense that we think they should be.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 06:50 PM
Well said Jane.. WILL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 09/14/06 08:06 AM
throughout life we run across many ppl who are soul mates(if we're
lucky), it's quite possible to have more than 1 soul mate, HOWEVER, we
all have 1 TRUE soul mate, it's just a matter of finding them..our true
soul mate is the one we've been with in our past lives and the one we
continue to look for in the present(if ya haven't found them yet) and
the one we will look for in the next life's always the same
soul..just different packaging...Have you ever met or been friends with
a couple that seemed perfect together and really were? That's because
they were together in a past life and found each other again. A TRUE
soul mate is someone who's soul is tied to yours throughout all time.

sage's photo
Thu 09/14/06 08:41 AM
This statement rings out to me also Will:

"But I can't help but inform you that the one for you most
likely won't make you hear angels sing at first or make the butterflies
go mad. to the contrary they will just click.. like they ahd been there
before and will be there always".

What is more real? The person that sends shivers thru your body with
every touch & every thought or the one who clicks and feels natural.
I'm so confused about that. Who am I suppose to be with? Don't you
think it would make more sense to be with the one that rocks your world?
Or is it the one who is comfortable and always there for you?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 09/14/06 01:43 PM
substance will always outlast flash , sage

no photo
Thu 09/14/06 01:58 PM
I think public animal summed it up nicely.. Also I would like to thank
all of you for the kind things you said about my writing.. It is nice to
be affirmed.. I haven't written in a whille so I had some things backed

Thanks go out to hotmomma tretia sage and all who heard my words ring
true WILL

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Fri 09/15/06 10:40 AM

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Sat 09/16/06 04:02 AM

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Wed 09/20/06 02:55 AM

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