Topic: meeting gyus from the internet
Johncenawlife316's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:30 PM

First off, you need to stop dating "gyus" and start dating "guys". There's a big difference between them, you know?

Second off, there's a lot of crap to wade past in order to get to the decent stuff. And that takes time.

Third off, you need to stop taking the whole "dating" thing too seriously, as being that way will only result in feelings being hurt.

And we have a winnner. drinker

jonny63's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:31 PM
OMG Buttmonkeys noway noway noway laugh

EtherealEmbers's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:31 PM
lol you guys are funny. except for that really sick comment from that one chick. gross.

Anyway, it might take you many, many years like some of us... giving up too soon just makes you a Bitter Betty, and no one wants to date one of those... and when they do, they turn into Bitter Bennies and then the decent women are stuck with a bunch of jerks just because some woman gave up too soon so stick it out, for all our sakes!! sheesh.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:31 PM
i blame the internet from the crabs i.....well nevermind bout them Cowboys?smokin

PhearM3's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:32 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.

hmm.. you've just joined on the 13th of June and have already had six dates? wow Perhaps be more selective? idk

not from this site. from OkCupid.

I guess I'm just discouraged. Blahh....

And don't pick apart my spelling when I'm using this keyboard, the keys stick, lol.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:33 PM

Sweetie you are much too young to give up. Guys your age are still very immature, sorry to say. Just try to make some friends and see where that takes you. Random dates arent going to get you what you are looking for.
couldn't of said it better myself
hang in there the right one will come along, good luck, bigsmile

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:33 PM
ah,dont throw the towel in that easily...we are not all ass whipers!noway

msmyka's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:34 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.

hmm.. you've just joined on the 13th of June and have already had six dates? wow Perhaps be more selective? idk

not from this site. from OkCupid.

I guess I'm just discouraged. Blahh....

And don't pick apart my spelling when I'm using this keyboard, the keys stick, lol.

Dont listen to moof he's just being a smarta$$.

Jules0565's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:34 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.

hmm.. you've just joined on the 13th of June and have already had six dates? wow Perhaps be more selective? idk

not from this site. from OkCupid.

I guess I'm just discouraged. Blahh....

And don't pick apart my spelling when I'm using this keyboard, the keys stick, lol.

Who picked apart your spelling? laugh my "idk" meant "I dont know"

Jules0565's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:36 PM
nevermind.. I see laugh

hikerchick's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:42 PM

"You can't microwave love"

I feel a poem coming on

Do it!!!drinker
done smokin

No1sLove's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:42 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.
How long did you chat or talk on the phone before meeting?

The reason I ask is that I've heard a lot of people sooner than later so you know right away if there is real chemistry...which makes sense, BUT...having coming here just for friends, I have a different take on it.

I have spent two months getting to know someone which slowly turned into more than a friendship, and there is no doubt in my mind, after so much open communication, that he is very much the person I am interested in and know very well his own interest and intentions.

I'm sure it's not a fool proof theory, of course, but seems to me that someone looking for a score is not likely to invest so much time and effort toward a speedy end. They would tire of any game playing long before you could meet. JMO. happy

PhearM3's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:57 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.
How long did you chat or talk on the phone before meeting?

The reason I ask is that I've heard a lot of people sooner than later so you know right away if there is real chemistry...which makes sense, BUT...having coming here just for friends, I have a different take on it.

I have spent two months getting to know someone which slowly turned into more than a friendship, and there is no doubt in my mind, after so much open communication, that he is very much the person I am interested in and know very well his own interest and intentions.

I'm sure it's not a fool proof theory, of course, but seems to me that someone looking for a score is not likely to invest so much time and effort toward a speedy end. They would tire of any game playing long before you could meet. JMO. happy

I'm sure your right. We usually talk for a week or two first, but It's that long, huh?

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:59 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.

You're 18. You'll have plenty of time to meet plenty of a$$holes. Just don't let them waste much of your time or get in the way of finding the right one. Then again, you might be an a$$hole magnet, in which case self-evaluation might suggest some behavior that you're exhibiting that attracts them.

I naturally attract certain kinds of people, and as I change and grow well, I'll attract less of them, or alternatively, will attract more but only as an aid to them by being a real friend to them as they trudge that road of happy destiny. laugh laugh laugh

TheShadow's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:01 PM

Well,I have met up with 6 guys from the internet so far, and each and every one of them has been a total a$$hole. Why is that I attract a$$holes? I am sooo frustrated. I live where there is literally no one and so this is my last option for the moment. They come on like they want a relationship and then we meet up and they treat it like a booty call. and the couple that haven't been like that, I ahve gotten along great with and then they decide it appropriate to then fall off the face of the planet. Urrg. This is soo discouraging. I had one guy from here give me his number, just to talk, and all he did was be an A$$ the whole time. Being judgmental and stuff towards things that not only I believed in and stuff that I had done. I'm seriously about to give up.

I know some will disagree with this, but alot of it has to deal with the age. Yes i know alot of men are like this, but more so in the younger age groop. I'm qurious how long after talking to some of them, do you meet them?

steelersgirltina's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:03 PM

If you're giving up after 6 dates, you're never gonna find a decent one. You can't microwave love.

that was really good!! we are so a hurry up society

steelersgirltina's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:03 PM

i blame the internet from the crabs i.....well nevermind bout them Cowboys?smokin

they still SUCK

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:03 PM

I'm sure your right. We usually talk for a week or two first, but It's that long, huh?

A week or 2? I'm calling that a clue. A real man will be willing to wait as long as you are, and wont pressure you to go faster than you want to go. If your foot is on the gas pedal, ease up a bit. You don't need to be in the fast lane. Really.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:09 PM

If you're giving up after 6 dates, you're never gonna find a decent one. You can't microwave love.

"You Can't Microwave Love" wow that is deffinately going to be my saying for 2morrow

can't microwave douches either...they explode...poof!!!explode

That's the most uncool thing I've ever heard...noway noway noway

Actually, it would be kind of hot if you microwave it until it explodes.

dicimus01's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:14 PM

I know I can't. It's just frustrating. I'm not really giving up. just discouraged by all the buttmonkeys out in Buffalo NY.
Buttmonkeys of new york that sounds like a thread