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Topic: Anyone here NOT drink soda pop?
Kleisto's photo
Mon 06/16/08 06:59 PM
I gave up the stuff a good year or so ago, and never have went back. One of the best decisions I ever made in that, just empty calories and sugar. In fact I dropped a good 10 to 15 pounds after giving it up.

cplichristmd's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:00 PM
but it is sooooooo good.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:00 PM
DR PEPPER RULES!!!!!!!!!drinker drinker drinker drinker

Mon 06/16/08 07:00 PM
i dont drink much soda... but i am rather fond of diet pepsi vanilla

willy_cents's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:00 PM
I have not drank soda popfor probably 15 years. No reason except that I don't like the stuffsmokin

radiance's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:01 PM
can't give up yummy stuff.

Jules0565's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:01 PM
I looooooooooooove my diet pepsi.. but in the summer, I drink a LOT of iced tea. :tongue:

DestinysDream's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:02 PM
I don't drink it anymore either. It's funny bottled water costs just as much.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:02 PM
Soda isn't my first choice very often, but occasionally, I like a Pepsi or Coke. It doesn't really matter which one, I like them both.

BlndwBdge's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:03 PM
I have to be in the mood for it :wink: :tongue: ....i'm a water drinker mostly bigsmile

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:04 PM
Have been a Dr.pepper addict for years.

But in the last few months have slowed way down now I drink maybe one a day.

From drinking them from the time I got up till I went to bed.laugh laugh laugh

MsCarmen's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:07 PM
I'm not supposed to drink carbonated drinks because of my stomach ulcer and hiatal hernia, but every once in a while I'll get an urge to drink one, but then I suffer the consequences.

I guess that's why I'm still hurting from those 8 jaguer bombs I had Saturday night.sick sick sad sad

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:07 PM
im diabetic and cant have any but i cheat sometimes

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:10 PM

hikerchick's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:10 PM

im diabetic and cant have any but i cheat sometimes
I am diabetic too and I love Diet Coke with Lime.

Mostly I drink water, though.

TheShadow's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:12 PM

Have been a Dr.pepper addict for years.

But in the last few months have slowed way down now I drink maybe one a day.

From drinking them from the time I got up till I went to bed.laugh laugh laugh

Sice i met you almost two years ago. I still can't get the song out of my head laugh

lilangel2's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:16 PM
We don't drink POP...we put him to bed...We drink soda, soda water...or coke (call everything carbonated, coke)drinker

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:19 PM
I usually don't, that stuff is bad for you.
But every now and ice cold diet coke...mmmmm.drinker

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:49 PM

Have been a Dr.pepper addict for years.

But in the last few months have slowed way down now I drink maybe one a day.

From drinking them from the time I got up till I went to bed.laugh laugh laugh

Sice i met you almost two years ago. I still can't get the song out of my head laugh

Heheh ohh I'm a Pepper your a Pepper lmao laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/16/08 07:51 PM
Mountain Dew *drool*...don't you take my liquid crack away!!drinker

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