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Topic: why is the war on iraq necessary
star_tin_gover's photo
Sat 06/14/08 01:19 AM
Edited by star_tin_gover on Sat 06/14/08 01:20 AM

the scary part for me is that there are a LOT of people who think like this.

Yes rambill it is scary that we still have so many John Wayne wannabes. All three of my kids served in Iraq and my youngest just finished his tour. They have a completely different take on the attitudes of civilians there. For the most part they were very friendly to our service people, inviting them to dinner, thanking them, and being quite social. They do want us out of there but the majority of Iraqis do not hate us. So just for the heck of it why don't we........ BRING OUR KIDS HOME? I thank God that my kids made it home safely and I want the same for every parent. I am all for defense but we are not defending ourselves there, we are fanning the flames of hatred. We have sucessfully made the leap from liberator to bully.Bring our babies home. They are heroes and deserve a heroes return.flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Sat 06/14/08 03:21 PM

I just wanna play "Risk" and blow up things !!explode noway laugh

Want to play battleship???bigsmile

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 04:33 PM
smooched sad sad sad

the scary part for me is that there are a LOT of people who think like this.

Yes rambill it is scary that we still have so many John Wayne wannabes. All three of my kids served in Iraq and my youngest just finished his tour. They have a completely different take on the attitudes of civilians there. For the most part they were very friendly to our service people, inviting them to dinner, thanking them, and being quite social. They do want us out of there but the majority of Iraqis do not hate us. So just for the heck of it why don't we........ BRING OUR KIDS HOME? I thank God that my kids made it home safely and I want the same for every parent. I am all for defense but we are not defending ourselves there, we are fanning the flames of hatred. We have sucessfully made the leap from liberator to bully.Bring our babies home. They are heroes and deserve a heroes return.flowerforyou

Heroes ?.
Heroes for what ?.
Killing innocent men , innocent women , and innocent children who can not defend themselves from bullies with deadly force .
Are you kidding yourself or others or both ???!!!.
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad .

Lindyy's photo
Sat 06/14/08 04:36 PM
You are running duplicate thread. noway noway

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 06/14/08 04:41 PM

Its y'alls fault we dont agree much, cause Im always right.
If y'all'd just go ahead and agree in the first place,
there'd be a whole lot more agee'n goin on round here.laugh

Even when Im left Im right..:wink:

I can vouce for that...Fanta is always right...even when he leans left...or up and even down...the man is incredible!!!drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:26 PM

Educators at the tree-lined, garden-sprinkled campus on the banks of the Tigris River are upbeat that 2007-2008 will restore the university's reputation for excellence that it has enjoyed since it was established 50 years ago.

"We could say the situation is about as normal as is possible, given the circumstances," said a 24-year-old lecturer in soil science, who despite his bubbling optimism would give his name only as Salah and declined to be photographed.

"Last year was the worst ever -- sometimes no one would turn up for lectures for an entire week. On average we had eight to 10 students out of around 20 arriving for laboratory. This year it is around 15. Sometimes we even get a full class of 20," said Salah, sporting a striped orange shirt and slicked-back hair.

Suaidi however had no enrolment figures for the new academic year and instead offered a prospectus which showed that there were 57,500 students and 5,300 lecturers at Baghdad University in 2005 -- before the violence spun out of control, taking students, lecturers and staff members with it over the abyss.

The lack of professors -- either killed or fled overseas -- is affecting education at the campus, he believes.

"In the past there were seven professors in our faculty. Three of them have since been killed. Now there are only four -- two of whom are not of sufficient experience to be able to lecture masters students. Which leaves just two."

You see Iraq has had a University, which for 50 yrs. was world class, but since the war it has taken a beating. (Actually Iraq had 4 Univ before the war.)

Sure it maybe getting back to Normal now. (Normal being?????? maybe before the war???)

To say that we have created a better environment for learning by invading Iraq is just wrong.
What we did was disturb Education by our invading that will take yrs to just get back to normal.

Mind helping me out, as far as I've found it was world class (2nd in the Arab nation) but I can't find any other information after 1960 other then of recently (2005). Which leaves a rather large gap of absolutely no information for me.

scarlets's photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:28 PM
the fact is the war in iraq is not really necessary.

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:29 PM
so simple...if it wasn't for the war in Iraq the government would have to come up with a different way of lining their pockets with your money.....:wink:

scarlets's photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:30 PM
it is all about the oil and nothing else!

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 08:33 PM
yea..i mean if it wasn't for the war in Iraq gas would be as much as 4 dollars a gallon...hhhmmmmmm..wait a minute...laugh

Fanta46's photo
Sat 06/14/08 09:18 PM
Would someone please define fact?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 06/14/08 09:30 PM
Y'all are missing the point. There was a quasi-valid reason for the liberation (pronounced invasion) of Iraq. Iraq DID have WMD's. That's a proven fact as a previous Republican president (Ronald Reagan) GAVE them to Iraq. Between the US and Britain, they sent the apparatus, materials, and the engineers and scientists to show 'em how to put it all together. For those that don't remember, it was called the Iran/Contra Affair.

The reason none were found was the fault of the UN. The UN kept holding back and holding back until Bush said "F*ck it, we're goin' in." Unfortunately, this would be akin to the DEA calling a major drug dealer a week in advance to tell him he was gonna be raided.

This has now placed the US in a precarious situation where the"liberation"/ occupation of Iraq has made things even worse, thereby compelling them to remain unless they really wanna look bad on the world stage.

It's simply about oil. However, the other point that is being missed is that the war can really only be responsible for the price of oil reaching $60-65/bbl. It's current price of approx $115/bbl is the result of a lot of short selling at the NYSE.
It's these greedy bastards that are driving the price of oil up so they can make more money. Greedy bastards like oil families, WHICH btw, the Bush's are!. Not to mention that Bush himself owns stock in MANY of the companies that produce the machines of war.
The war is one thing, the way it's being handled and conducted from the very top is another thing. Bush is out for ONE guy...Dubya himself, and if the American consumer has to tighten their belts so he can get richer, and if, in the process ppl die, well so be it.

As for the individual who keeps whining about the innocent civilians, let me ask you something. have you ever been in a combat zone? Let alone IN combat???.
When ppl are shooting at you and lobbing things that blow up at you, it's kinda hard to make quick decisions about who's friendly and who ain't.

Picture this, some soldier is in a fire fight. His unit is behind a low wall while the enemy is fortified in a house. People are shooting at him to kill him, his breath is racing, his senses are reeling from the smoke, noise and confusion, his buddy beside him just got hit. Suddenly, a civilian comes around the corner of the fence trying to find cover and BANG, our soldier kills him.
As cold as this may sound..it happens. That soldier is NOT a muderer, or killer. As far as I'm concerned, the ONLY people that have the right to judge a COMBAT soldier, are other combat soldiers.
Without having a clue what it's like, you have NO right to judge what a soldier does while under fire, or, quite frankly, immediately AFTER a particularily ugly fight when prisoners somehow get shot before making it back for interrogation.

No matter how you slice it, the soldier of a democratic army has a tough job. In combat he or she has to balance self preservation with the preservation of the civilian population.
He or she also has to balance fear, training, and knowledge in a huge variety of extremely difficult situations.

I don't care what you may think about how Bush is handling the war, but I'm not gonna sit back and let someone bad-mouth soldiers that are stuck in an impossible situation for them.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:06 PM
Sorry fear,
I didnt see your question til now!

This is the University offical web site,


This is a good PDF! Its an assesment on Iraqs ed needs now and the standard they had before the war!


This is just fun,


Baghdad is the most important centre of learning in Iraq with the University of Baghdad (established in 1957), al-Mustansiriyya University (established in 1963) and the University of Technology (established in 1974).
There are more than 1,000 primary schools in the Baghdad governorate, hundreds of intermediate and secondary schools, several vocational schools, technical institutes, and in addition to the 3 universities, al-Bakr Military Academy. Education in Iraq is free on all levels.


Baghdad was, prior to the wars of the 1980's and 90's, one of the leading cultural centres of the Arab world. Some of the most famous sculptors, poets and writers have come from Baghdad, or worked in the city. In literature, Baghdad has earned fame for its free-verse poets.
Painting is a popular art in Baghdad, and there were until the 2003 war numerous exhibitions well attended by the population.
The National Theatre was earlier one of the best equipped in the Arab world, but continued its work even under the embargo. It was however looted during the 2003 war.
Since the 2003 war, most of the institutions of Baghdad has suffered hard, especially in terms of finances, but the city has kept its communities of artists, and the major institutions are the process of being rebuilt and reestablished or already operative.

It also tells traffic, city structure, etc,,


Fanta46's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:07 PM
Its a shame what they are now!:cry: :cry:

Lindyy's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:05 PM

it is all about the oil and nothing else!


madisonman's photo
Mon 06/16/08 01:22 PM
If it wasnt for the Iraq war bush would still be trying to explain how he stole the election

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 06/16/08 03:22 PM

If it wasnt for the Iraq war bush would still be trying to explain how he stole the election

You know I thought about that at one time, it is all a distraction...but I haven't found a situation that was that dramatic enough for the need for such a destructive distraction, I would hate to think our own president is sending troops over-sea's because of an election.

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:17 PM

If it wasnt for the Iraq war bush would still be trying to explain how he stole the election

You know I thought about that at one time, it is all a distraction...but I haven't found a situation that was that dramatic enough for the need for such a destructive distraction, I would hate to think our own president is sending troops over-sea's because of an election.

He sent them there for three factors :
1 : the oil .
2 : the permanent military bases .
3 : For Israel to dominate the whole Middle East .

no photo
Mon 06/16/08 04:17 PM

If it wasnt for the Iraq war bush would still be trying to explain how he stole the election

You know I thought about that at one time, it is all a distraction...but I haven't found a situation that was that dramatic enough for the need for such a destructive distraction, I would hate to think our own president is sending troops over-sea's because of an election.

He sent them there for three factors :
1 : the oil .
2 : the permanent military bases .
3 : For Israel to dominate the whole Middle East .

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