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Topic: whats on the agenda
robert1652's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:53 PM

Me lying on your floor getting stepped on by everyone that walks in cause they don't know how to walk around me!:tongue: :tongue:
At least is better than being stuck outside the JSH like I was. Homeless for the night I was.

and missed the roll call the whole thing can be seen in the help section I had ruby application error 500 desease

FaithfulOne78's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:55 PM
Awww poor (((robert))) hopefully you wont miss it tonight:heart: flowerforyou

robert1652's photo
Wed 06/11/08 05:55 PM
Edited by robert1652 on Wed 06/11/08 05:57 PM

Awww poor (((robert))) hopefully you wont miss it tonight:heart: flowerforyou
I have only missed it three times since a memberflowerforyou blushing
Take me to the other end of the world I'll come crawling back to roll callflowerforyou

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